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Hi! I'm Amanda.

I'm a product-minded engineering leader looking for my next role as an engineering manager or team lead.

I love building collaborative teams and shipping impactful software.

I've been working professionally as a software engineer for over seven years, and have been managing people for over two years.

I've most recently worked in react and ruby on rails, and I also have experience building software in production with node, express, vue, kotlin, and more. I'm skilled at picking up new tech stacks and quickly making meaninful contributions in new codebases.

TDD: Where did it all go wrong?

problems encountered w/ tdd:

  • test suites become difficult and expensive to own + maintain
  • more test code (3x more) than implementation code
  • breaking tests when refactoring code
    • particularly heavily mocked tests would break
    • tests became an obstacle for changing code
  • people started advocated for ditching TDD - "too slow", other args
  • difficult to understand intent (failures and not clear why)
amandamunoz /
Last active February 21, 2017 00:47
A guide for those getting started with coding and web development.

Getting Started with Coding and Web Development

Disclaimer: There are endless ways to get started with coding and the world of web development. This is by no means a definitive list, or even a comprehensive guide, but merely a compilation of tips, resources, and opinions by me. I primarily work in and am familiar with Ruby on Rails, so there will be a bias towards Ruby and Rails. My background is a degree in Computer Science and Math, and learning web development via Ruby on Rails at my first job out of college. I personally learn better with interactive tutorials, but I understand people have different learning preferences so I try to include a variety of sources for each topic.


0. So you want to learn to code

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am amandamunoz on github.
  • I am amunoz ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F9D0 72E0 F2CF 94A1 3413 311B 0412 5E65 4C61 CDFE

To claim this, I am signing this object: