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Created September 1, 2020 13:52
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Intro to GCP
- 4 main services:
- compute
- storage
- big data
- ML
- Cloud Computing
- On-demand self service
- Broad Network access
- Resource pooling
- Rapid Elasticity
- Measured Service
- Colocation
- shared facilities
- Virtualization
- virtual devices sepeartely managable from the real hardware.
- Severless
- google switched to container based architecture.
- Every Company is a data company
- GCP computing architectures
- Compute Engine: IaaS
- Kubernetes Engine: Hybrid
- App Engine: PaaS
- Cloud Function: Serverless Logic
- Managed Services: Automatic Elastic Storage
- SaaS: software as a service, google search, gsuite etc.
- The Google Network
- Responds from the closest POP inorder to provide lowest latency.
- GCP regions and zones
- zone is deployment area for google cloud platform resources.
- Zone is not a single physical building.
- Zones are grouped in a region.
- fast round latency amoung regions in a same zone.
- deploy application in multiple regions to avoid single point of failure.
- Google cloud storage store data redundantly in differnt locations with atleast 160Km apart.
- Environmental responsibility
- 100% carbon neutral from 2007.
- Google helps customer in avoiding feeling like vendor lock.
- Google stack driver for cloud monitoring.
- GCP service are compatible with the open source projects.
- Kubernetes lets user mix and match serveral microservices running on differnet clouds.
- Why choose GCP
- Compute : Compute Engien, Kubernetes Engine, app engine, cloud functions
- Storage: Bigtable, cloud storage, cloud sql, cloud spanner, cloud datastore
- Design for security:
- Custom Designed by Google.
- Google Front End
- For services that are available to internet.
- GFE provides protection form ddos.
- Red team excercises.
- Budgets and Billing
- Define budget limit on a billing account.
- Billing export let you store billing expense.
- Reports is a visual tool to monitor usage.
- Quotas:
- To avoid Over Consumption of resources.
- rate quotas and allocation quotas:
- Rate Quotas are reset after a specific time.
- Allocation quota: 5 networks per project.
- These can be increased by Google cloud support.
- Google Cloud Identity and Access Management
- Implement least priviledge.
- Org Notes (define polices here)
- Folders
- Projects
- Resources
- All gcp services are associated with a project
- Project ID: Globally unique, chosen by you, immutable
- Porject name: Not unique, chosen by you, Mutable
- Project Number: Globally unique, Assigned by GCP, Immutable
- Project IDs are human reable strings.
- Organize projects into folders.
- Resource in a folder inherit IAM policies from the folder.
- Org note is needed for Folders. (Top of the heirarchy)
- If you have Gsuite domain, GCP automatically makes a gcp note.
- Identity and Access Management
- who can take actions on different polices.
- who: User who can do something(Google account, Google group etc)
- can do what: IAM role (permissions grouped together in a role)
- 3 types of role: Primitive, Predifined, Custom.
- Premitive: apply them to gcp project, owner, viewer and editor role.
- Custom roles can't be used on project and folder level.
- What if you want to give permissions to a Compute Engine virtual machine, rather than to a person?
- Service account for vm who want access to a cloud storage.
- Interact with GCP:
- 4 ways:
- Cloud Platform Console.
- Cloud Shell and SDK
- Cloud Conolse and Mobile app
- REST-Based API
- GCP Console:
- Web portal
- Gives access to cloud shell.
- Google Cloud SDK
- gcloud:
- gsutil: Google cloud storage
- bq: Big query.
- Restful APIs
- Use JSON.
- GCP lets you on and off APIs.
- API Explorer:
- see what api are available and what version.
- Cloud Client Librarires. (Community owned, may not available for all languages)
- Google API client Libraries. (Use this older version when GC libraries are not available).
- Console cloud app on Andoird and iOS.
- Cloud Marketplace (Formerly Google Cloud Launcher)
- Some free some dont.
- GCP doesn't update software after deployed.
- For example: we can deploy LAMP stack directly.
- VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
- subnets in any gcp region worldwide.
- subnets can span accross zones.
- Compute Engine
- Lets user run VM.
- Create VMs with GCP console or gcloud.
- Custom VM possilbe.
- GPUs are available as well.
- Presistent standard disk or SSD(Data wont last on ssd after vm terminates).
- Pick a boot image
- Define startup scripts if you like.
- Disk snapshots as backup or helpful when migrating VM to differnet region.
- Preemptible VM: Terminate when its resources are needed elsewhere.
- Auto Scaling
- VPC has routing table (no need to manage by default)
- Firewall rules using metadata(Tags).
- VPC Peering
- Peering between two vpc of different projects.
- Shared VPC: to manage which part of project access vpc in another project.
- Cloud Load Balancing
- They dont run in vm. no need to scale manage.
- single anycast IP frontends all backend instances.
- cross region load balacning
- pre-warning is not required.
- Internal Load Balancer
- Load balancer for internal services without the need for a public load balancing IP.
- Free Google DNS
- Cloud DNS
- programmable
- millions of dns zones and records.
- Cloud CDN
- low latency
- CDN interconnect partner program.
- Interconnect other network with VPC
- VPN connection with cloud router
- Cloud Router let your cloud vpc and other network to share data over the vpn using the border gateway protocol.
- Direct Peering
- Putting a router in the same public data centre as a Google Point of presence.
- Highest uptimes user should use Dedicated interconnect (Covered By SLAs).
- Cloud Storage
- Not File storage.
- Not block storage where OS manage data as a chunks of data.
- Keep data that will be accessible using the unique keys.
- Unique keys are often URL.
- Fully Managed scalable service.
- Cloud storage is not a File system.
- Comprises of bucket.
- Buckets store storage objects.
- Storage objects are immutable.
- Always encrypts data on server side.
- Data in transit is encrypted by https.
- Bucket have globally unique name.
- choose location and region for the bucket.
- Cloud IAM to manage access to bucket.
- Access Control List (ACL) for finer permissions.
- Enable object versioning if you want.
- Lifecycle Management policy.
- Classes of Cloud Storage:
- Multi Regional (99.5)
- Regional (99.90)
- Nearline (99.00) (Month)
- Coldline (99.00) (Year)
- Transfer data to Cloud storage:
- Online Transfer
- Storage Transfer Service
- Trasnfer Appliance
- Cloud Bigtable
- NoSQL big data database service
- highly scalable.
- Persistent Hash Table
- High Throughput
- Same Open source api as HBase.
- Apache HBase Installation vs Big Table
- Scaling is better with Big Table.
- Easy to upgrade and restart.
- Access control with IAM.
- Powers many google core services.
- Access ways:
- API (HBase client)
- Streaming (Hadoop Map reduce or spark)
- Batch Processing
- Cloud SQL
- Offers MySQL and PostgresSQLBeta
- Cloud SQL vs vm deployment:
- Replicate services b/w multiple zones.
- On demand and on demand backup.
- Encrypted and firewall access.
- Accessible by other GCP services and other outer services.
- Cloud Spanner
- for horizontal scaleability but it is costly than cloud SQL.
- Cloud DataStore
- NoSQL, highly scalable
- Store Structured data from App Engine apps.
- Can be used as an integration point between App Engine and Compute Engine.
- Auto sharding and replication
- Also offers transactions unlike cloud bigtable.
- Best for semi-structured data.
- Free daily quota.
- Google Kubernetes Engine
- can be considered somewhere between IaaS(Compute Engine) and PaaS(App Engine).
- Containers:
- Independent scalability of work load like in a PaaS environment.
- Abstraction Layer of hardware and os like in a IaaS environment.
- Kubernetes:
- orchestrates many containers on many hosts.
- Use docker to make containers.
- Lets you deploy containers on a set of nodes called a cluster.
- Cluster is set of master components that control the system as a whole and a set of nodes that run container.
- A node is a computing instance.
- node is vm in gcloud.
- Kubernetes as a managed service.
- Create cluster with gke using the gcp console or cloud sdk.
- pod, smallest deployable unit in kubernetes.
- each pod has a unique IP and set of ports.
- containers inside pod interact using localhost network interface.
- Deployment is a group of replicas of the same pod.
- A service is the fundamental way of Kubernestes to represent Load Balacning.
- Service groups a set of pods together.
- autoscale command to scale based on serveral configs like cpu usage.
- config files can also be used to configure kubernetes
- manage config file with any VCS to keep track of changes to infrastructure.
- Rolling updates:
- kubernetes create pods of new version and destroyes the previous ones only when the new one are up and running fine.
- Hybrid Cloud
- Some services on-premises and some on cloud.
- Anthos:
- Hybrid and multi cloud management system.
- Anthos framework rest on Kubernetes and GKE On-prem.
- Anthos provides a rich set of tools for monitoring services on on-premises and in the cloud.
- In software architecture, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service-to-service communications between microservices, often using a sidecar proxy.
- Cloud Interconnect extends your on-premises network to Google's network through a highly available, low latency connection.
- Anthos service mesh connects with Istio Open Source service mesh via cloud interconnect.
- Stackdriver for monitorning, alerting etc for hybrid network.
- Anthos configuration Management provides a single source of truth for your cluster configurations.
- That source of truth is in a policy repo which is indeed a git repo.
- App Engine (PaaS)
- Scale automatically.
- Offers two environments:
- Standard
- Flexible
- Standard is simpler
- Free daily usage quota
- Low util apps might be able to run at no charge.
- SDK in different languages.
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