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Created November 17, 2021 13:42
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Dump tables, relationships and queries from Access database file
# 実行には ACE14.0 以降が必要
# Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
Param (
[String] $DirPath = ".",
[String] $FileName = "*",
[ValidateSet("Table", "Query", "SQL", "Relation")][String] $Type = "Table",
[Int] $MaxRecords = -1
function Write-Line($line, $file) {
$line | Out-File -FilePath $file -Encoding UTF8 -Append
function Export-Table($accfile, $outfile) {
$dbe = New-Object -ComObject DAO.DBEngine.120
$db = $dbe.OpenDatabase($accfile)
$tables = $db.TableDefs
foreach ($table in $tables) {
$name = $table.Name
if (!$name.startsWith("MSys")) {
$rs = $db.OpenRecordset($name)
$nf = $rs.Fields.Count
# 最大出力件数
if ($MaxRecords -lt 0) {
$max = $rs.RecordCount
else {
$max = $MaxRecords
# テーブル名
Write-Line ("[" + $name + "]") $outfile
# フィールド名
$line = @()
$rs.Fields | foreach-object {
$line += $_.Name
Write-Line ($line -join "`t") $outfile
# レコード
$i = 0
while ($rs.EOF -eq $false -and $i -lt $max) {
$line = @()
$rs.Fields | foreach-object {
$line += $_.Value
Write-Line ($line -join "`t") $outfile
Write-Line "" $outfile
function Export-Relation($accfile, $outfile) {
$dbe = New-Object -ComObject DAO.DBEngine.120
$db = $dbe.OpenDatabase($accfile)
$relations = $db.Relations
foreach ($relation in $relations) {
$name = $relation.Name
if (!$name.startsWith("MSys")) {
# リレーションシップ名
Write-Line ("[" + $name + "]") $outfile
# テーブルの対応関係
$line = $relation.Table + "`t" + $relation.ForeignTable
Write-Line $line $outfile
# フィールドの対応関係
$relation.Fields | foreach-object {
$line = $_.Name + "`t" + $_.ForeignName
Write-Line $line $outfile
Write-Line "" $outfile
function Export-SQL($accfile, $outfile) {
$dbe = New-Object -ComObject DAO.DBEngine.120
$db = $dbe.OpenDatabase($accfile)
$queries = $db.QueryDefs
foreach ($query in $queries) {
$name = $query.Name
if (!$name.StartsWith("~")) {
# クエリ名
Write-Line ("[" + $name + "]") $outfile
Write-Line $query.SQL $outfile
Write-Line "" $outfile
# Get-ChildItem で Include を使う場合
# Path の最後にアスタリスクをつける必要がある
$path = Join-Path $DirPath "*"
$name = $FileName + ".accdb"
# パターンにマッチする Access ファイルを順番に処理
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -File -Include $name
foreach ($file in $files) {
$accfile = $file.FullName
$outfile = $file.DirectoryName + "\" + $file.BaseName + "_" + $Type + ".txt"
Write-Host $accfile
if (Test-Path $outfile) {
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $outfile
switch ($Type) {
"Table" { Export-Table $accfile $outfile }
"Query" { Export-SQL $accfile $outfile }
"SQL" { Export-SQL $accfile $outfile }
"Relation" { Export-Relation $accfile $outfile }
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