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Created January 16, 2012 00:14
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Ruby solution to New Scientist Enigma 1656
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def divisible a,b
p = a.to_f/b
(a - p.to_i*b) == 0
def indivisible a,b
not divisible a,b
# Given a list, computes the "enigma test": is the sum divisible by the
# last array but not by any of the other entries.
def enigma_test list
s = list.inject(:+)
p = list.slice(0, list.length-1).map { |m| indivisible s, m } << divisible( s, list[-1] )
p.inject( true ) { |s,i| s and i }
# Given an array of N arrays, returns an array of 9N arrays, each of the
# original with the digits 1..9 tacked on the end.
def add_digit list { |l| { |i| [ *l, (i+1)] } }.flatten(1)
# Seed the original array...
a = (1..9) { |i| [i] }
4.times { |j|
a = add_digit a
a.delete_if { |i| not enigma_test i }
puts "For length #{j+2}"
p a
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