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Created May 11, 2018 03:50
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$'settings', () => {
if(!{ return $.as.route('hi') }
$.as('#settings', S.user);
;(() => {
$('#pet').on('keyup', function(){ $('.pet').text(this.value.length + ' letters.') });
$('#kiss').on('keyup', function(){ $('.kiss').text(this.value.length + ' letters.') });
S.user.get('settings').get('pet').on(function(l){ $('#pet').val(Gun.text.random(l, '*')) });
S.user.get('settings').get('kiss').on(function(l){ $('#kiss').val(Gun.text.random(l, '*')) });
$('#recovery').on('submit', async (e) => {
var pet = $('#pet').val();
var kiss = $('#kiss').val();
var reminder = $('#pw-reminder').val(); // NOTE: THIS IS TEMPORARY!
if(!pet){ return S.tell("Please fill out the pet question!") }
if(!kiss){ return S.tell("Please fill out the first kiss question!") }
if(!reminder){ return S.tell("You need a password reminder.") } // NOTE: THIS IS TEMPORARY!
if(1+pet.indexOf('*') || 1+kiss.indexOf('*')){ return S.tell("Your answer should not have '*' in it.") }
$('#recovery .act').addClass('pulse');
var recover = await Gun.SEA.encrypt(reminder, await, kiss));
// NOTE: We are currently doing this manually, in the future we want to
// just automatically log the user back in based off the security questions
// rather than only giving them a "reminder" of what theirold password is.
recover: recover,
pet: pet.length,
kiss: kiss.length
}, (ack) => {
$('#recovery .act').removeClass('pulse');
S.tell(ack.err || "Saved!");
$('#pw-reminder').val(''); // NOTE: THIS IS TEMPORARY!
;(() => {
$('#reset').on('submit', (e) => {
var old = $('#oldpass').val();
var pass = $('#newpass').val() || '';
if(9 > pass.length){ return S.tell("Your passphrase needs to be longer than 9 letters.") }
if(!{ return S.tell("You need to be logged in to do that.") }
S.user.auth(, old, (ack) => {
S.tell(ack.err || "Saved!");
$('#oldpass, #newpass').val('');
}, {change: pass});
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