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Last active April 21, 2018 08:46
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  • Save amark/7dceae874a20878fdb9e2a8eed109bb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<form id="sign">
<input id="alias" placeholder="username">
<input id="pass" type="password" placeholder="passphrase">
<input id="in" type="submit" value="sign in">
<input id="up" type="button" value="sign up">
<ul id="chats"></ul>
<form id="talk" style="display: none;">
To: <input id="to" placeholder="public key"> <b id="who"></b><br/>
<input id="what" placeholder="private message">
<input id="send" type="submit" value="send">
<p>Your public key:<br/><i id="pub"></i></p>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
This is an early preview of a simple private messaging app.
Every possible UI/UX feature is left out, meaning you have
to manually copy&paste the public keys to send messages.
Note: This example app does not hide who you are talking to.
It does not hide when or the frequency of who you talk to.
Only the messages themselves are private between people.
This app does not order the messages, a real app would.
// npm i gun && cd node_modules/gun && npm start // run a localhost gateway peer
var gun = Gun('http://localhost:8080/gun'); // Gun([url, url, ...]) // multiple gateway peers
var user = gun.user();
$('#up').on('click', function(){
user.create($('#alias').val(), $('#pass').val(), login);
$('#sign').on('submit', login);
function login(){
user.auth($('#alias').val(), $('#pass').val());
return false;
gun.on('auth', async function(){
var pub = user.pair().pub;
$('#to').on('blur', async function(){
if(!{ return } // need to log in!
var pub = ($('#to').val()||'').trim();
if(!pub){ return }
var to = gun.user(pub);
var who = await to.then() || {};
$('#who').text(who.alias || "User not found.");
if(!who.alias){ return }
UI.dec = await Gun.SEA.secret(who.epub, user.pair()); // Diffie-Hellman
$('#talk').on('submit', async function(e){
if(!{ return } // need to log in!
var what = $('#what').val();
if(!what){ return }
var pub = ($('#to').val()||'').trim();
var who = await gun.user(pub).then();
var sec = await Gun.SEA.secret(who.epub, user.pair()); // Diffie-Hellman
var enc = await Gun.SEA.encrypt(what, sec);
async function UI(say, id){
say = await Gun.SEA.decrypt(say, UI.dec);
var li = $('#' + id).get(0) || $('<li>').attr('id', id).appendTo('ul');
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