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Created January 13, 2023 18:43
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Require Import List.
Require Import Nat.
Require Import Bool.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive subseq : list nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
| hl1 : subseq [] []
| hl2 lst1 lst2 (H: subseq lst1 lst2) : forall (x : nat),
subseq lst1 (x :: lst2)
| hl3 lst1 lst2 (H: subseq lst1 lst2) : forall (x : nat),
subseq (x :: lst1) (x :: lst2).
Fixpoint subseqb (lst1 l2 : list nat) : bool :=
match lst1, l2 with
| [], [] => true
| [], y :: ys => true
| x :: xs, [] => false
| x :: xs, y :: ys => match x =? y with
| true => subseqb xs ys
| false => subseqb lst1 ys
Theorem nat_decidable : forall (n m : nat), (n = m) + (n <> m).
induction n; destruct m.
- left. auto.
- right. intro H. discriminate.
- right. intro H. discriminate.
- pose proof (IHn m).
destruct H.
+ subst. left. auto.
+ right. intro H. inversion H. auto.
Lemma list_lemma : forall (x y : nat) l1 l2, (x::l1) = (y::l2) -> x = y /\ l1 = l2.
intros x y l1 l2 H.
induction l1; inversion H; subst; split; exact eq_refl.
Ltac subst_list x y l1 l2 H :=
pose proof (proj1 (list_lemma x y l1 l2 H));
pose proof (proj2 (list_lemma x y l1 l2 H));
Lemma cons_cancel_subseq : forall {x : nat} {lst1 lst2 : list nat},
subseq (x :: lst1) (x :: lst2) -> subseq lst1 lst2.
intros x l1 l2 H.
remember (x :: l1) as l1'.
remember (x :: l2) as l2'.
destruct H.
inversion Heql1'. (* hl1 is easy *)
2: { (* so is hl3 *)
subst_list x0 x lst1 l1 Heql1'.
subst_list x x lst2 l2 Heql2'.
exact H.
(* hl2 is harder *)
subst_list x0 x lst2 l2 Heql2'.
induction l2. (* need to dig into l2 *)
1: { inversion H. }
destruct (nat_decidable x a).
1: { (* = *)
remember (a :: l1) as l1'.
remember (a :: l2) as l2'.
destruct H.
- inversion Heql1'.
- subst_list x a lst2 l2 Heql2'0.
pose proof (IHl2 H eq_refl).
exact (hl2 l1 l2 H0 a).
- subst_list x a lst1 l1 Heql1'.
subst_list a a lst2 l2 Heql2'0.
exact (hl2 l1 l2 H a).
(* != *)
remember (x :: l1) as l1'.
remember (a :: l2) as l2'.
destruct H.
- inversion Heql1'.
- subst_list x0 a lst2 l2 Heql2'0.
pose proof (IHl2 H eq_refl).
exact (hl2 l1 l2 H0 a).
- subst_list x0 x lst1 l1 Heql1'.
subst_list x a lst2 l2 Heql2'0.
contradict n.
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