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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Characteristic impedance & field pattern in arbitrary transmission lines
# Transmission line characteristic impedance
# Amar, 12 July 2012
# version 3
# All lengths in cm, E-fields in V/cm, time in ns
import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from scipy.weave import blitz
import cPickle, time
eta0 = 376.730313461 # Ohms
# Blitz test:
a,b = 1,0
print blitz("b = a+a")
################### Computation grid ##########################
size = 50.0 # mm
numberOfGridBits = 10
numberOfGridPoints = 2**numberOfGridBits
dx = dy = 2*size/numberOfGridPoints
x = np.arange(-size/2.,size/2.,dx)
y = np.arange(-size/2.,size/2.,dy)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
N = len(x)
################## Electrodes #################################
class CircularElectrode:
def __init__(self,x0,y0,D,V0,innie=True):
self.x0, self.y0, self.V0 = x0,y0,V0
self.D = D
if innie: self.mask = ( ((X-self.x0)**2 + (Y-self.y0)**2) <= self.D**2/4. )
else: self.mask = ( ((X-self.x0)**2 + (Y-self.y0)**2) >= self.D**2/4. )
#electrodes = [ CircularElectrode(0,0,.24425,V0,innie=True), CircularElectrode(0,0,.5625,0,innie=False) ] # GR900
class RectangularElectrode:
def __init__(self,x0,y0,w,h,V0,innie=True):
self.x0, self.y0, self.V0 = x0,y0,V0
self.w,self.h = w,h
if innie: self.mask = np.logical_and( np.abs(X-self.x0) <= self.w/2., np.abs(Y-self.y0) <= self.h/2. )
else: self.mask = np.logical_or( np.abs(X-self.x0) >= self.w/2., np.abs(Y-self.y0) >= self.h/2. )
# Note this subtleness between logical_and vs. logical_or for innies vs. outies
################# Calculation routine ########################
expr = "V[step:-step, step:-step] = ((V[0:-2*step, step:-step] + V[2*step:, step:-step]) + (V[step:-step,0:-2*step] + V[step:-step, 2*step:]))/4.0"
expr2 = "V = V_mask_inv*V + V_mask*V_electrode"
def calculateVoltage(electrodes, V0=1.0):
"""Calculation of voltage for an electrode configuration"""
V_electrode = np.zeros(X.shape)
for electrode in electrodes: V_electrode[electrode.mask] = electrode.V0
V_mask = sum([electrode.mask for electrode in electrodes])
V_mask_inv = np.logical_not(V_mask)
V = V_mask_inv*np.average(V_electrode) # initialized
print "Preconditioning ...",
for i in xrange(4,numberOfGridBits):
step = 2**numberOfGridBits/2**i
for j in xrange(int(5e1)):
blitz(expr, check_size=0)
print "done"
step = 1.0
for i in xrange(int(4e3)):
blitz(expr, check_size=0)
V_unref = V.copy()
for i in xrange(int(1e3)):
blitz(expr, check_size=0)
V_ref = V.copy()
fractionalChange = np.sqrt( np.sum((V_ref - V_unref)**2)/np.sum(V_unref**2) )
# Electric field
ESquared = np.zeros(X.shape)
ESquared[1:-1, 1:-1] = ((V[2:, 1:-1] - V[0:-2, 1:-1])/(2*dx))**2 + ((V[1:-1, 2:] - V[1:-1,0:-2])/(2*dy))**2
# Characteristic impedance
Z0 = eta0/( np.sum(ESquared)*dx*dy ) * V0**2
return Z0, V, (fractionalChange, V_ref-V_unref) # characteristic impedance, Ohms
##################### Test problem #############################
V0 = 1.0
outerConductor = CircularElectrode(0,0,46.06,0,innie=False)
innerConductor = CircularElectrode(0,0,20.00,V0,innie=True)
electrodes = [ outerConductor, innerConductor ]
Z0,V,convergence = calculateVoltage(electrodes,V0)
print "Z0 = ", round(Z0,2),
print "converged to ", convergence[0]
V0 = 2.0
outerConductor = RectangularElectrode(0,0,49.6,49.6,0,innie=False)
innerConductor = RectangularElectrode(0,0,19.8,19.8,V0,innie=True)
electrodes = [ outerConductor, innerConductor ]
Z0,V,convergence = calculateVoltage(electrodes,V0)
print "Z0 = ", round(Z0,2),
print "converged to ", convergence[0]
######### Plots ##############################
# Electric field meshgrid
Ex,Ey = np.zeros(X.shape),np.zeros(X.shape)
Ex[1:-1, 1:-1] = (V[2:, 1:-1] - V[0:-2, 1:-1])/(2*dx)
Ey[1:-1, 1:-1] = (V[1:-1, 2:] - V[1:-1,0:-2])/(2*dy)
E = np.sqrt( Ex**2 + Ey**2 )
plt.title(r"Voltage (V)")
plt.xlabel("x (mm)")
plt.ylabel("y (mm)")
C1 = plt.contourf(X,Y,V,30)
p.title(r"Electric field, $\mathcal{E}_x$ (V/cm)")
p.xlabel("x (mm)")
p.ylabel("y (mm)")
C2 = p.contourf(X,Y,E,30)
##################### Batch problem setup ######################
outerConductor = RectangularElectrode(0,0,30,50,0,innie=False)
V0 = 1.0
w = np.arange(5,25,2)
h = np.arange(1,15,2)
W,H = np.meshgrid(w,h)
Z = np.zeros(W.shape)
for i in xrange(len(w)):
for j in xrange(len(h)):
innerConductor = RectangularElectrode(0,-15,w[i],h[j],V0,innie=True)
electrodes = [ outerConductor, innerConductor ]
Z0,V,junk = calculateVoltage(electrodes)
Z[j,i] = Z0
print w[i],h[j],round(Z0)
p.title(r"Characteristic impedance ($\Omega$)")
p.xlabel("Center conductor width, w (mm)")
p.ylabel("Center conductor height, h (mm)")
C = p.contourf(W,H,Z,30)
p.title("Characteristic impedance ($\Omega$)\n"+"Inner conductor @ "+`(innerConductor.x0,innerConductor.y0)`)
p.xlabel("Center conductor width, w (mm)")
p.ylabel("Center conductor height, h (mm)")
C = p.contour(W,H,Z,np.arange(0,100,5), linewidth=10, colors='b')
p.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=12, linewidth=5)
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