Installing rbx-2.0.0-dev with Ruby 1.9 support using rbenv can be a tad tricky. This is what I did to get up and running, you'll need another version of ruby already installed as well as rake.
The basic outline:
- Clone Rubinius HEAD from github
- Configure installation for rbenv and 1.9 support
- Install Rubinius
- Configure your $PATH to use Rubinius gems
- Start using Rubinius
[OPTIONAL] You may need to install libyaml, otherwise you get a psych warning
$ brew install libyaml
Get the latest HEAD for rbx-2.0.0-dev
$ git clone
Configure Rubinius for compatibility with 1.9 and install it
$ cd rubinius
$ ./configure --prefix=~/.rbenv/versions/rbx-2.0.0-dev --enable-version=1.8,1.9 --default-version=1.9
$ rake install
Rubinius keeps its gem binaries in a different location than other rubies, so you'll need to add the proper bin directory to your path for any gem commands to work. I added the following to my ZSH setup
export RBX_ROOT=$HOME/.rbenv/versions/rbx-2.0.0-dev
And then in my PATH, I included
Now start using Rubinius
$ rbenv global rbx-2.0.0-dev
You, sir, rock. Thanks for making my day. I will say that I did have to run this little ditty on OS X 10.7.3 with XCode 4.3 installed (you know, the one that ends up in
).Doing so prevented a lot of errors/warnings from showing up during
rake install