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Last active October 12, 2015 14:07
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Save amatiasq/4038135 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple base class with this.base() to call parent mehtod
* Provides:
* Function extend(Function parent, Object config);
* It extends constructors with it's methods
* Also provides to every method who overwrites another one
* with a this.base() method to invoke overwrote method.
* Created constructor has methods
* .extend(Object config)
* and
* .inject(Object config)
(function(root) {
"use strict";
var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
* Oh come on! You don't need me to explain this.
function each(map, callback, scope) {
for (var i in map)
if (, i)), map[i], i, map);
* Wraps a function to garantee it has this.base() in order to cal overwrote method
function wrap(funct, base) {
return function() {
var a = this.base; this.base = base;
// If you are here and don't know what to do, debug into the next line
var result = funct.apply(this, arguments);
return (this.base = a), result;
* Prototypes a object and injects given configuration.
* Does not respect child, it can return the same object or a new one depending on browser.
var proto = ({}).__proto__ ?
function(child, parent) { return (child.__proto__ = parent), child } :
function(config, parent) {
intermediate.prototype = parent;
var child = new intermediate();
each(config, function(val, i) { child[i] = val });
return child;
* Adds every item in config to obj
* If it's a function it will wrap it in order to have this.base();
* @param obj <Object> The object where the properties will be injected.
* @param config <JSON> The object with methdos to inject.
function inject(obj, config) {
each(config, function(value, prop) {
if (typeof value === 'function' && obj[prop])
obj[prop] = wrap(value, obj[prop]);
obj[prop] = value;
/// Dummy, just for prototype
function intermediate() { }
* Creates a new function who's prototype property extend <Parent>'s prototype property.
* @param Parent <Function> The constructor of the type to extend.
* @param config <JSON> Object with methods to add to the new type.
* @returns <Function> The constructor of the new type.
function extend(Parent, config) {
config = config || {};
// We create the constructor
var ctor =, 'constructor') &&
typeof config.constructor === 'function' ?
wrap(config.constructor, Parent) :
function() { Parent.apply(this, arguments); };
// Add basic static methods
ctor.extend = function(desc) { return extend(this, desc) };
ctor.inject = function(desc) { return inject(this.prototype, desc) };
// Copy parent's statics
inject(ctor, Parent);
// Extend parent prototype
intermediate.prototype = Parent.prototype
ctor.prototype = new intermediate;
// Apply new methods
// Fix constructor
ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;
return ctor;
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports)
module.exports = extend;
else if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd)
define(function() { return extend });
root.extend = extend;
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