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Created August 19, 2013 15:42
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//jshint camelcase:false
(function() {
function noop() {}
* Returns true if {target} is a function
* @param target The object to analyze
* @returns {Boolean} true if target is a function, false otherwise
function isFunction(target) {
return typeof target === 'function';
* Returns a hashmap with a descriptor for each property on {target}
* @param target {Object} The object to analyze
* @returns {Object} a hashmap with the properties descriptors
function getDescriptors(target) {
var descriptors = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target).map(function(prop) {
descriptors[prop] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop);
return descriptors;
* Add every property on {props} into {target}
* @param target {Object} The object where the properties will be added to
* @param props {Object} The properties than will be added to {target}
* @returns {Object} The first argument
* @example
* inject(MyClass.prototype, {
* a: 1,
* get b() {
* return this.a + 1;
* }
* });
function inject(target, props) {
Object.defineProperties(target, getDescriptors(props));
return target;
* Prototypes {proto} and adds every property into {props} into the new object
* @param proto {Object} The object than will be used as prototype for the
* new object
* @param props {Object} The properties than will be added to the new object
* @returns {Object} The new object with all properties added
* @example
* SubClass.prototype = extend(MyClass.prototype, {
* a: 1,
* get b() {
* return this.a + 1;
* }
* });
function extend(proto, props) {
return Object.create(proto, getDescriptors(props));
var defaultCtor = {
extend: function(config) {
ctor(config, this);
create: function() {
var instance = Object.create(this.proto);
instance.init.apply(instance, arguments);
return instance;
dispose: function(instance) {
is: function(instance) {
return this.proto.isPrototypeOf(instance);
* Creates a constructor object
* @param Parent {Function|Ctor} The parent constructor function or object
* @param config The properties to add to the object created with this constructor
* @param statics Overwrites for default constructor methods
* @returns {Ctor} A object with methos to create new type of objects
function ctor(Parent, config, statics) {
if (isFunction(Parent))
Parent = { proto: Parent.prototype };
var proto = Parent ? extend(Parent.proto, config) : config;
if (!isFunction(proto.init))
proto.init = noop;
if (!isFunction(proto.dispose))
proto.dispose = noop;
var Ctor = proto.ctor = extend(defaultCtor, Parent || {});
if (statics)
inject(Ctor, statics);
Ctor.proto = proto;
return Ctor;
window.ctor = ctor;
(function() {
function noop() {}
function isFunction(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'function';
function extend(proto, props) {
var descriptors = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(props).map(function(prop) {
descriptors[prop] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(props, prop)
return Object.create(proto, descriptors);
function ctor(config, prototype) {
function Constructor() { }
var proto = Constructor.prototype = prototype ? extend(prototype, config) : config;
if (!isFunction(proto.init))
proto.init = noop;
if (!isFunction(proto.dispose))
proto.dispose = noop;
return proto.ctor = {
proto: proto,
extend: function(config) {
ctor(config, this.proto);
create: function() {
var instance = new Constructor();
instance.init.apply(instance, arguments);
return instance;
dispose: function(instance) {
if (!instance.__disposed__)
is: function() {
return instance instanceof Construtor;
var Base = ctor({
init: function() {
Object.defineProperty(this, {
__disposed__: {
value: false
dispose: function() {
this.__disposed__ = true;
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