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Created April 9, 2015 06:46
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package com.chatwork.quiz.collection
import com.chatwork.quiz.{MySome, MyNone, MyOption}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed trait MyList[+A] {
// Easy
def length: Int = {
def go(list: MyList[A], acc: Int): Int = list match {
case MyNil => acc + 0
case MyCons(a, as) => go(as, acc + 1)
go(this, 0)
// Normal
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
def go(l: MyList[A], acc: B): B = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go(as, f(acc, a))
go(this, z)
// 難易度選択制
// Normal: 条件 - 特にありません、気の向くままに実装してください。
// Hard: 条件 - foldLeftを使って実装してください。
def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
this.foldLeft((b: B) => b)((g, a) => b => g(f(a, b)))(z)
// Normal
// scalastyle:off
def ::[B >: A](b: B): MyList[B] = MyCons(b, this)
// scalastyle:on
// Normal
def reverse: MyList[A] = {
def go(acc: MyList[A], l: MyList[A]): MyList[A] = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go(MyCons(a, acc), as)
go(MyNil, this)
// Normal
// scalastyle:off
def ++[B >: A](b: MyList[B]): MyList[B] = {
def go(acc: MyList[B], l: MyList[A]): MyList[B] = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go(MyCons(a, acc), as)
go(b, this.reverse)
// scalastyle:on
// Normal
def map[B](f: A => B): MyList[B] = {
def go(acc: MyList[B], l: MyList[A]): MyList[B] = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go(MyCons(f(a), acc), as)
go(MyNil, this)
// Normal
def flatMap[B](f: A => MyList[B]): MyList[B] = {
def go2(acc: MyList[B], l: MyList[A]): MyList[B] = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go2(acc ++ f(a), as)
go2(MyNil, this)
def go(acc: MyList[MyList[B]], l: MyList[A]): MyList[MyList[B]] = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go(MyCons(f(a), acc), as)
val nested = go(MyNil, this)
def flatten(acc: MyList[B], l: MyList[MyList[B]]): MyList[B] = l.reverse match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(bs, bss) =>
flatten(bs ++ acc, bss)
flatten(MyNil, nested)
// Normal
def filter(f: A => Boolean): MyList[A] = {
def go(acc: MyList[A], l: MyList[A]): MyList[A] = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go(if (f(a)) MyCons(a, acc) else acc, as)
go(MyNil, this)
// Normal: 条件 - filterと同様の実装でも構いません。
// Hard: 条件 - 中間リストを生成しないように実装してください。
def withFilter(f: A => Boolean): MyList[A] = this.filter(f)
// Normal
def find(f: A => Boolean): MyOption[A] = {
def go(l: MyList[A]): MyOption[A] = l match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
if (f(a))
// Normal
def startsWith[B >: A](prefix: MyList[B]): Boolean = {
def go(la: MyList[A], lb: MyList[B]): Boolean = lb match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(b, bs) =>
la match {
case MyNil =>
case MyCons(a, as) =>
go(as, bs)
go(this, prefix)
case object MyNil extends MyList[Nothing]
case class MyCons[+A](head: A, tail: MyList[A]) extends MyList[A]
object MyList {
// Easy
def empty[A]: MyList[A] = MyNil
// Normal
def apply[A](as: A*): MyList[A] = {
def go(acc: MyList[A], aa: A*): MyList[A] = {
if (aa.length < 1)
go(MyCons(aa.last, acc), aa.init: _*)
go(MyNil, as: _*)
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