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Created February 5, 2021 21:36
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This program creates a single neuron neural network tuned to guess
if a point is above or below a randomly generated line.
The neuron is called Perceptron and has 3 inputs and weights to calculate its output
input 1 is the X coordinate of the point
Input 2 is the y coordinate of the point
Input 3 is the bias and it is always 1
Input 3 or the bias is required for lines that do not cross the origin (0,0)
The Perceptron starts with random float weights from -1 to 1 for each input and learns
using 1,000 random points per each iteration.
The output of the perceptron is calculated based on the following
if x * weight_x + y weight_y + weight_bias is positive then 1 else -1
The error for each point is calculated as the expected outcome of the perceptron minus the real outcome
therefore there are only 3 possible error values:
Expected Calculated Error
1 -1 2
1 1 0
-1 -1 0
-1 1 -2
With every point that is learned if the error is not 0 the weights are adjusted according to:
New_weight = Old_weight + error * input * learning_rate
for example: New_weight_x = Old_weight_x + error * x * learning rate
The learning_rate decreases with every iteration as follows:
learning_rate = 0.01 / (iteration + 1)
this is important to ensure that once the weights are nearing the optimal values
the adjustment in each iteration is subsequently more subtle
import random as rnd
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# number of points to learn per each animation frame or iteration
points_per_frame = 1000
# counter arrays to plot the errors and line parameters adjustments
error_A_data, error_B_data = [], []
sqr_error_data = []
weights_x_data, weights_y_data, weights_z_data = [], [], []
# initialize the counter for total learned points
total_learned_points = 0
# create the random original line
A = rnd.uniform(-1, 1)
B = rnd.uniform(-1, 1)
print("Randomly generated line:\n",
"y = " + str(round(A, 5)) +
"x + " + str(round(B, 5))
# function to calculate f(x) based on the original line
def f(x):
return A * x + B
# function to calculate f(x) based on the calculated line by the perceptron
def f1(x):
return (-P.weights[0] / P.weights[1]) * x - (P.weights[2] / P.weights[1])
# define the Perceptron object
class Perceptron:
def __init__(self):
# initialize the 3 weights with random values between -1,1
self.weights = [rnd.uniform(-1, 1), rnd.uniform(-1, 1), rnd.uniform(-1, 1)]
# calculate the estimated result based on inputs
def guess(self, x_, y_):
value = self.weights[0] * x_ + self.weights[1] * y_ + self.weights[2]
if value >= 0:
return 1
return -1
# adjust weights based on inputs and target value (label)
def learn(self, inputs: [], label_, learning_rate=0.0001):
error_ = label_ - self.guess(inputs[0], inputs[1])
if error_:
# only log the weights and A, B errors when the point presents error
error_A_data.append(A - (-P.weights[0] / P.weights[1]))
error_B_data.append(B - (-P.weights[2] / P.weights[1]))
# update the weights based on the error
for i_ in range(len(self.weights)):
self.weights[i_] += (inputs[i_] * error_ * learning_rate)
# create the Perceptron
P = Perceptron()
# initialize the four graphs to show during the learning iterations
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)
fig.canvas.set_window_title('Learning ' + str(points_per_frame) + ' points per iteration')
fig.set_size_inches(9, 6)
fig.suptitle('Approximating a line of form '+
str(round(A, 3)) +
' x + ' +
str(round(B, 3)),
# main function to be called at each animation frame
def animate(i_):
# initialize the error counting variables per frame
errores = 0
error_total = 0
# initialize an array to collect all the points to be plotted
coords = []
# clear the charts from the previous frame
axs[0, 0].clear()
axs[0, 1].clear()
axs[1, 0].clear()
axs[1, 1].clear()
# initialize the header text variables for each chart
line_error_text = axs[0, 0].text(0.01, 1.02, '', transform=axs[0, 0].transAxes)
error_count_text = axs[0, 1].text(0.01, 1.02, '', transform=axs[0, 1].transAxes)
error_A_text = axs[1, 0].text(0.01, 1.02, '', transform=axs[1, 0].transAxes)
error_B_text = axs[1, 1].text(0.01, 1.02, '', transform=axs[1, 1].transAxes)
# main loop to generate the points to be checked and learned
for j in range(points_per_frame):
# create a random point between x=-1, x=1 and y=-3, y=3
x_ = rnd.uniform(-1, 1)
y_ = rnd.uniform(-3, 3)
# assign the target value or label for the point
if y_ >= f(x_):
label_ = 1
label_ = -1
# get the perceptron computation
guess_ = P.guess(x_, y_)
# calculate the error
error_ = label_ - guess_
# if there is an error, count it and add a red point to the plot
if error_:
coords.append([x_, y_, 'r'])
errores += 1
error_total += error_ ** 2
# if there is not an error add a green point to the plot
coords.append([x_, y_, 'g'])
# call the function to correct the weights in the Perceptron based on the error
P.learn([x_, y_, 1], label_, 0.01 / (i_ + 1))
# keep the count of total points being learned
global total_learned_points
total_learned_points += (i_ + 1) * points_per_frame
# Set the text for the chart headers
"Line error A:" +
str(round(A - (-P.weights[0] / P.weights[1]), 5)) +
" B:" +
str(round(B - (-P.weights[2] / P.weights[1]), 5)) +
", Lrn_rate: " +
str(round(0.01 / (i_ + 1), 5))
"#err: " +
str(errores) +
", sum(err^2): " +
str(error_total) +
", Points:" +
"Approximation error A"
"Approximation error B"
# plot dots (green for correct guess, red for incorrect guess)
coords = np.transpose(coords)
axs[0, 0].scatter(np.float64(coords[:][0]), np.float64(coords[:][1]), s=4, c=coords[:][2])
# plot the original line with a width of 5 (should appear blue in the plot)
axs[0, 0].plot([-1, 1], [f(-1), f(1)], lw=5)
# plot the current learned line (should appear orange)
axs[0, 0].plot([-1, 1], [f1(-1), f1(1)])
# plot the squared error
axs[0, 1].plot(sqr_error_data)
# plot the approximation error for A
axs[1, 0].plot(error_A_data)
# plot the approximation error for B
axs[1, 1].plot(error_B_data)
# start the animation; use the interval parameter to pause between iterations
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=1)
plt.ion = 0
# once the animation window is closed output to console the final line and error
total_points_txt = "{points:,}"
print("\nFinal Perceptron approximated line after " +
total_points_txt.format(points=total_learned_points) +
" points learned:\n",
"y = " + str(round(-P.weights[0] / P.weights[1], 5)) +
"x + " + str(round(-P.weights[2] / P.weights[1], 5))
print("\nFinal line error:\n" +
"A: " +
str(round(A - (-P.weights[0] / P.weights[1]), 5)) +
" B: " +
str(round(B - (-P.weights[2] / P.weights[1]), 5))
# create a new 3d chart with the movement of the 3 weights
fig2 = plt.figure()
fig2.suptitle('Adjustment of weights through time', fontsize=12)
fig2.canvas.set_window_title('Learned using '
+ total_points_txt.format(points=total_learned_points)
+ ' points')
fig2.set_size_inches(9, 6)
ax = fig2.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot(weights_x_data, weights_y_data, weights_z_data)
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amaynez commented Feb 5, 2021

Single Neuron Neural Network - Perceptron

This program creates a single neuron neural network tuned to guess if a point is above or below a randomly generated line and generates a visualization based on graphs to see how the neural network is learning through time.

The neuron is called Perceptron and has 3 inputs and weights to calculate its output:

input 1 is the X coordinate of the point,
Input 2 is the y coordinate of the point,
Input 3 is the bias and it is always 1

Input 3 or the bias is required for lines that do not cross the origin (0,0)

The Perceptron starts with random float weights from -1 to 1 for each input and learns using 1,000 random points per each iteration.

The output of the perceptron is calculated based on stochastic gradient descent as follows:
if x * weight_x + y weight_y + weight_bias is positive then 1 else -1

The error for each point is calculated as the expected outcome of the perceptron minus the real outcome therefore there are only 3 possible error values:

Expected    Calculated  Error
1           -1          2
1           1           0
-1          -1          0
-1          1           -2

With every point that is learned if the error is not 0 the weights are adjusted according to:
New_weight = Old_weight + error * input * learning_rate
for example: New_weight_x = Old_weight_x + error * x * learning rate

The learning_rate decreases with every iteration as follows:

learning_rate = 0.01 / (iteration + 1)

this is important to ensure that once the weights are nearing the optimal values the adjustment in each iteration is subsequently more subtle.

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