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Created July 6, 2020 16:30
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AHK script for better nav in Fusion 360
; by
; rebind fusion360 navigation to be the same as blender emulate mmb
SetKeyDelay, 0
SetMouseDelay, 0
SetControlDelay, 0
SetBatchLines, 0
SendMode input
Process, Priority,, High
GroupAdd, Fusion, ahk_exe Fusion360.exe
#IfWinActive ahk_group Fusion
; zooming - ctrl alt lmb -> ctrl shift mmb
send {alt up}{ctrl down}{shift down}{MButton Down}
keywait, lbutton
send {MButton up}{ctrl up}{shift up}
; panning - alt shift lmb -> mmb
send {alt up}{MButton Down}
keywait, lbutton
send {MButton up}
; orbit - alt lmb -> shift mmb
send {alt up}{shift down}{MButton down}
keywait, lbutton
send {MButton up}{shift up}
keywait, shift
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