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Created June 22, 2022 19:54
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#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Misc/AssertionMacros.h"
#include "Containers/Array.h"
#include "Math/UnrealMathUtility.h"
* Template class TRingBuffer
* An expanding ring buffer with client specifiable maximum capacity.
* Coding style and local vernaculars from Epic's own Containers/TCircularBuffer (Copyright Epic Games,
* Inc. All Rights Reserved.). Extended substantially to provide what could be described as a
* "concertina-style" ring buffer.
* In this implementation, the buffer starts with a size of 0 making the presence of an instance
* in memory essentially "free to pay" i.e. taking no memory at the moment of insantiation or until
* actually in use.
* Allocations begin when data is actually pushed, the buffer grows per demand in powers of two to
* accommodate upto a specified maximum number of elements and when the maximum capacity is reached,
* the buffer becomes a ring in that each push (new entry) is then accompanied by a corresponding pop.
* For this reason pushes can continue indefinitely while the memory footprint remains constant.
* The power of two condition on the size of the buffer is to allow index wrapping by a simple bit mask
* instead of modulo division.
* This fact also allows indexes Begin and End to be incremented only during normal operation
* (without being wrapped back into the index space). They are only masked/wrapped when used as an index.
* For this trick to work we require also (from the operating environment) that an unsigned integer
* overflow wrap to zero i.e. that 0xffffffffu + 1 == 0. This is mostly the case and easily verfied.
* A small price, 1 bit of indexable space, is also paid to allow begin == end to signal "ring empty"
* as distinct from "buffer full".
template<typename ElementType> class TRingBuffer
* Instantiates a TRingBuffer with given maximum capacity.
* @param Capacity The number of elements that the buffer can expand to (will be rounded up to the next power of 2).
explicit TRingBuffer(uint32 Capacity)
* Default ctor for TRingBuffer
* Remaining setup of internals is triggered via a call to Reset()
FORCEINLINE TRingBuffer() : MaxCapacity(0) {}
* Reset does a hard reset of the instance with full tear-down.
* Performs a full deallocation
* Sets the given Capacity for a new ring buffer
* Zeroes the ring markers - i.e. restarts the ring.
@param Capacity The number of elements that the buffer can expand to (will be rounded up to the next power of 2).
FORCEINLINE void Reset(uint32 Capacity)
// dealloc
// check that Capacity is within indexible space to allow for largest possible index mask of 2^31 - 1
checkSlow(0 < Capacity && Capacity <= (1U << 31));
// power of two large enough to meet specified value
MaxCapacity = FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(Capacity);
// restart ring markers from 0
Begin = End = 0;
* Restart provides a very fast "soft reset" through which the ring can be collapsed
* to zero length.
* This is achieved by moving Begin to End. A new ring is restarted where the last one
* ended, effectively all existing ring elements are "popped" in one shot.
FORCEINLINE void Restart()
Begin = End;
* Returns a reference to the ring buffer element at the specified index.
* @param i The index of the element to return.
FORCEINLINE ElementType& operator[](uint32 i)
return Elements[(Begin + i) & IndexMask];
* Returns a const reference to the ring buffer element at the specified index.
* @param i The index of the element to return.
FORCEINLINE const ElementType& operator[](uint32 i) const
return Elements[(Begin + i ) & IndexMask];
* Calculates the index that follows the given index.
* @param i the index.
* @return The next index.
FORCEINLINE uint32 IndexAfter(uint32 i) const
return ((i + 1) & IndexMask);
* Calculates the index previous to the given index.
* @param i The current index.
* @return The previous index.
FORCEINLINE uint32 IndexBefore(uint32 i) const
return ((i - 1) & IndexMask);
* Returns the number of elements that the buffer can currently hold.
* @return Buffer capacity.
FORCEINLINE uint32 Capacity() const
return Elements.Num();
* Returns the number of elements that the buffer can be expanded to hold.
* @return Buffer capacity.
FORCEINLINE uint32 GetMaxCapacity() const
return MaxCapacity;
* Returns the number of elements in the ring
* @return Difference of Begin and End indexes.
FORCEINLINE uint32 Size() const
return End - Begin;
* Returns true if the ring is empty, false otherwise.
* @return true if number of elements in the ring is zero
FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() const
return Size() == 0;
* Returns true if the ring is populated to capacity.
* @return true if the ring is the same size as its containing buffer
FORCEINLINE bool IsFull() const
return Size() == Capacity();
* Returns true if MaximumCapacity of the buffer has not yet been requested
* @return true if MaximumCapacity is gerater than current.
FORCEINLINE bool Expandable() const
return MaxCapacity > Capacity();
* Expands buffer capacity to the next power of two beyond it's current size and
* updates the IndexMask member.
FORCEINLINE void Expand()
typedef TArray<ElementType>::SizeType SizeType;
const SizeType OldNum = Elements.Num();
const SizeType NewNum = FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(Capacity() + 1);
verifySlow(Elements.AddZeroed(NewNum - OldNum) == OldNum); // failed allocation
IndexMask = Elements.Num() - 1;
* Shifts the start of the ring by one, effectively discarding the first elemnent.
* A reference to the elemeent is also returned.
FORCEINLINE ElementType& Pop()
checkfSlow(!IsEmpty(), TEXT("Access violation attempt to read and shift the start of an empty ring."));
return Elements[IndexMask & Begin++];
* Pushes a new value onto the end of the ring.
* To make space, the ring expands with each push to capacity or "rotates" indefinitely.
FORCEINLINE void Push(const ElementType& val)
if (IsFull())
if (Expandable())
Elements[IndexMask & End++] = val;
/** User specified maximum capacity of the ring buffer.*/
uint32 MaxCapacity;
/** Buffer index to the first element of the ring.*/
uint32 Begin;
/** Buffer index to one past the last element of the ring.*/
uint32 End;
/* Holds the mask for indexing buffer elements. /
uint32 IndexMask;
/* Holds the buffer's elements. /
TArray<ElementType> Elements;
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