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Created May 28, 2014 04:52
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fluid.defaults("souq.codeMirror", {
gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent", "autoInit"],
codeMirrorOpts: ["lineNumbers", "mode", "gutters"],
// we relay all raw CodeMirror events with additional argument "that" in 0th place, rest shifted to the right
codeMirrorEvents: ["onChange", "onCursorActivity", "onViewportChange", "onGutterClick", "onScroll", "onUpdate"],
events: {
onCreateCodeMirror: null,
onChange: null,
onCursorActivity: null,
onViewportChange: null,
onGutterClick: null,
onScroll: null,
onUpdate: null
listeners: {
onCreate: "souq.codeMirror.create"
invokers: {
getContent: "souq.codeMirror.getContent({that}.editor)",
setContent: "souq.codeMirror.setContent({that}.editor, {arguments}.0)",
isEmpty: "souq.codeMirror.isEmpty!({that}.editor)"
fluid.defaults("souq.lintingCodeMirror", {
gradeNames: ["souq.codeMirror", "autoInit"],
events: {
onUpdateLinting: null,
// an event derived from "onUpdateLinting" which fires (that, true/false, etc.) depending on whether the editor
// contents were linted as valid or not (currently detected by having any lint markers)
onValidatedContentChange: null
listeners: {
onCreateCodeMirror: "souq.codeMirror.onCreateLinting",
"onUpdateLinting.onValidatedContentChange": "souq.codeMirror.onUpdateLinting"
invokers: {
showLintMarkers: "souq.codeMirror.showLintMarkers!({that}, {arguments}.0, {arguments}.1)",
// options to be passed raw to the codeMirror linting helper - can accept funcs such as getAnnotation, formatAnnotation etc.
lint: {
tooltips: true,
async: false
souq.codeMirror.makeEventListener = function (that, event) {
return function () {
var args = fluid.makeArray(arguments);
return, args);
souq.codeMirror.create = function (that) {
var opts = fluid.filterKeys($.extend({}, that.options), that.options.codeMirrorOpts);
var events = that.options.codeMirrorEvents;
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; ++ i) {
var event = events[i];
opts[event] = souq.codeMirror.makeEventListener(that,[event]);
}, opts);
that.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(that.container[0], opts);
that.wrapper = that.editor.getWrapperElement();
souq.codeMirror.onCreateLinting = function (that, opts) {
var lint = fluid.copy(that.options.lint);
lint.onUpdateLinting = souq.codeMirror.makeEventListener(that,;
opts.lint = lint;
souq.codeMirror.getContent = function (editor) {
return editor.getDoc().getValue();
souq.codeMirror.setContent = function (editor, content) {
var doc = editor.getDoc();
souq.codeMirror.isEmpty = function (editor) {
// TODO: If the editor is created with some content, we should get at this directly (via the textarea, etc.)
if (!editor) {
return true;
var doc = editor.getDoc();
if (doc.lineCount() > 1) {
return false;
var first = doc.getLine(0);
return $.trim(first).length === 0;
souq.codeMirror.showLintMarkers = function (that, visibility, selfDispatch) {
if (!that.editor) {
// Since CodeMirror does not participate in the GINGER WORLD we can't deal with this kind of race in a civilized
// manner - the linting may apply during the construction process of the editor during which we can't find its
// parent element
if (!selfDispatch) {
setTimeout(function() {
that.showLintMarkers(visibility, true);
}, 1);
} else {
var wrapper = that.editor.getWrapperElement();
var markers = $(".CodeMirror-lint-marker-error", wrapper);
souq.codeMirror.onUpdateLinting = function (that, annotationsNotSorted, annotations) {, annotationsNotSorted.length === 0, annotationsNotSorted, annotations);
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