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Last active October 19, 2021 10:44
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Calculate interest earned and maturity amount for Fixed Deposit (FD) in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
principal = 200000
# Annual rate of interest
# e.g. 9.25%
r = 9.25
# number of compounding periods per year
# monthly = 12
# quarterly = 4
# daily = 365
# half_yearly = 2
# yearly = 1
n = 4
# number of years
t = 3
# if r=9, then r_computed is 9/100
r_computed = r/100.0
maturity_amount = principal * ((1 + (r_computed/n))**(n*t))
print("Final maturity amount:", maturity_amount)
print("Interest earned:", maturity_amount-(principal))
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