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Jason L Perry ambethia

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chdenat / FA2SL.js
Last active May 25, 2024 13:15
JavaScript Class to help you to use Font Awesome Icons (6.5+) into Shoelace (2.0+)
import {findIconDefinition, icon, library} from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import {registerIconLibrary} from '@shoelace-style/shoelace'
* This class is used to insert font awesome icons (version 6.5 and higher) into Shoelace web components.
* Font Awesome :
* Shoelace :
* Usage:
usirin / tsm-battlepets.txt
Created October 10, 2018 11:02
TSM4 Battle pets with operations including BfA
JoshCheek / generating_bytecode.rb
Created July 22, 2017 01:47
Generating Bytecode from an AST
def cancel
authorize OrderIssue
order_issue = OrderIssue.find(params[:id])
render_results(:results => order_issue,
:status => :ok,
:serializer => OrderIssueSerializer)
code =[0...__LINE__-1].join
crystalrmcgowan /
Created June 6, 2017 22:14
PreClass Essay

Crystal's Essay

The aspects of the Growth and Fixed mindset that I can identify in my personal history would be surrounding my relationships. When I was younger, I figured that the man of my dreams could/would whisk me away to a fairytale land and we would ride off into the sunset. Our relationship would be perfect and easy, only arguing over who loves the other more. He would worship the ground that I walked on and be a Thomas Crowne-like mind-reader. As maturity set in, I realized that that wasn’t at all what it was about. I was transitioning from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset here. When I met my (now) husband, we set out to sharpen each other and to help the other grow. We choose to love each other where we’re at, and not where we want to be or where we want the other person to be. We are present with each other and remind ourselves that it’s about the journey, not the destination. We argue.. or (ahem) “discuss”.. whether brand is better than generic and who deserves t

wroman / calendarblock
Last active July 31, 2023 21:04
Auto Block Time on Primary Google Calendar from Events on Secondary Calendar - Instructions:
function sync() {
var id="XXXXXXXX"; // CHANGE - id of the secondary calendar to pull events from
var secondaryCal=CalendarApp.getCalendarById(id);
var today=new Date();
var enddate=new Date();
enddate.setDate(today.getDate()+30); // how many days in advance to monitor and block off time
var secondaryEvents=secondaryCal.getEvents(today,enddate);
klockey /
Last active March 22, 2017 16:25
Description of Javascript

Javascript is exciting because of its ability to manipulate and control aspects of the user experience of the web. It is a lightweight scripting language that will control the html elements and css selectors. Every website you go to probably has some javascript working in the background on the browser.

Web Development is powerful because it contains two components. A front end which houses Javascript and a backend which holds a backend language such as php, Java or Ruby. The back end languages typically manipulate important information to be stored in a database like MySql. They are more concerned with moving data backward to the database and forward to the browser. The front end manipulates data at end user level and then might pass the data back to the backend.

Java script has some very interesting things in its language. For example if you write a variable in a function without declaring it, it is considered a global variable. Unlike other languages, === means that two variables are equal

maresThere /
Last active March 21, 2017 16:06
Essay on first Javascript assignment

I have always been intrigued by programming. I always thought it was only for very smart people, and I was not one of them. I knew this because I had taken a couple of programming classes years ago and I was lost on day one. Several years later when the internet was gaining speed, I learned HTML and enjoyed the design aspect of it. It was also much less intimidating than “for loops” and “if else statements.”

As my patience in my almost 20 year career in property management was wearing thin, I was on the hunt for a change. My first attempt was Interior Design school where I learned the fundamentals of design. Interior Design also teaches the value of aesthetics and functionality. The idea of creating a space that is visually pleasing and everything in this has a practical use very much appealed to me.

This idea transfers beautifully to Web Design and Development. Websites today have to be functional and visually appealing for the user. Pretty efficiency excites me. When I go to a website I am always

I like the idea of Javascript because interactive webpages are really the only ones I use anymore. Instagram, reddit, youtube. Everything requires some degree of user input and we've moved well past the age of simply scanning for information. I now input credit card info, phone numbers, and email addresses all the time. My goal in web development is to make things I'd actually like to use. I can't count the number of times I've checked someone's website for relevant information or a good user experience and come away thinking that I'm taking my money elsewhere. I was looking for a particular type of business in St. Pete and found that 3 of them were using literally identical templates. My end goal is to help those people adopt a website that doesn't make someone's eyes bleed.

  if ( i % 15 == 0){
    }else if (i % 3 ==0){

Code to Perdition

I grew up with math. Specifically, I grew up with logic. I was on the math team in high school, spent my free time learning set theory and logic, and majored in Math with a focus on set theory in college. I still bristle when people use ‘inverse’ when they mean ‘converse’, but that’s mostly because I’m also an ass.

What excites me most about Javascript is being able to develop in a language that is logically and syntactically similar to modal logic. I am at home in conditional statements and JavaScript follows the same functional logic.

The praxis of Javascript, and the reorientation of my thinking into conditional statements, also, I believe, will help me think about programming going forward. I want to understand the reasons and logic behind programs, and gaining new insights into specific structures of programs is exciting.

The portfolio customization option enervated me: the practical application of seeing a new webpage form - actualizing a finished product - bores me. Learning

# Homework 1
#### Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives
I think we as a culture have the idea that intelligence is a static quality of an individual. We are born with traits which make
us rise above the rest or keep us beneath others. While I think there are some fixed thresholds for each individual abilities, we
may never know this unless we give lots of effort into our endeavors. **Fixed mindsets** only focus on winning or losing and
critique themselves by these two qualities. **Growth mindsets** see learning and failure as growth opportunities. Growth mindsets
don't get discouraged by failure or hyper-elated by a win. There objective is to learn and grow.
I have felt fixed before as far as debugging code is concerned. Thoughts might rush through my head when I am working on a problem