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Created June 23, 2017 16:56
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compare to arrays of objects, return only the difference
// Finding the difference between to arrays of objects
// As told through the magic of...
// _____ _ _____ _ _
// / ____| (_) / ____(_) | |
// | (___ _ __ _ ___ ___ | | __ _ _ __| |___
// \___ \| '_ \| |/ __/ _ \ | | |_ | | '__| / __|
// ____) | |_) | | (_| __/ | |__| | | | | \__ \
// |_____/| .__/|_|\___\___| \_____|_|_| |_|___/
// | |
// |_|
const beforeSpiceWorld = [
{name: 'Ginger', isMember:true},
{name: 'Baby', isMember:true},
{name: 'Posh', isMember:true},
{name: 'Scary', isMember:true},
{name: 'Sporty', isMember:true}
const AfterSpiceWorld = [
{name: 'Ginger', isMember:false},
{name: 'Baby', isMember:true},
{name: 'Posh', isMember:true},
{name: 'Scary', isMember:true},
{name: 'Sporty', isMember:true}
// 2 Become 1
const whoRuinedEverything = AfterSpiceWorld.filter(after =>
beforeSpiceWorld.filter(before => === && before.isMember === after.isMember
).length === 0
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