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Created September 12, 2022 10:02
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Nyoba buat formula di typescript
import { run } from "formula";
enum RumusType {
interface Rumus {
urutan: number;
exp: string;
description: string;
type: RumusType;
const rumus: Rumus[] = [
urutan: 1,
exp: "keliling",
description: "Ukuran keliling benda",
type: RumusType.VARIABLE,
urutan: 2,
exp: "*",
description: "Kali",
type: RumusType.OPERATOR,
urutan: 3,
exp: "1500000",
description: "Nilai harga per meter keliling",
type: RumusType.FIXEDVALUE,
const injectFormula = (rumus: Rumus[]) => {
let formula: string = "";
for (const rms of rumus) {
formula = formula + rms.exp;
return formula;
const result = run(injectFormula(rumus), { keliling: 2 });
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