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ambuc/lnpi.hs Secret

Last active July 7, 2017 14:48
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import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.List (findIndices, tails)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Ratio (Ratio, (%), numerator, denominator)
type Val = Ratio Integer
data Fn = Id | Fact deriving (Bounded, Enum)
data Op = Plus | Sub | Mult | Div | Exp deriving (Bounded, Enum)
data Expr = V Val | E1 Fn Expr | E2 Op (Expr,Expr)
instance Show Op where
show Plus = "+"
show Sub = "-"
show Mult = "*"
show Div = "/"
show Exp = "^"
instance Show Expr where
show (V a) = show $ round a
show (E1 Id e) = show e
show (E1 Fact e) = show e ++ "!"
show (E2 o (e1,e2)) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ show o ++ show e2 ++ ")"
functions = [minBound..maxBound] :: [Fn]
operations = [minBound..maxBound] :: [Op]
facts :: [Val]
facts = map (\n -> product [1..n]) [1..100]
isInt :: (Num a, Eq a) => Ratio a -> Bool
isInt x = 1 == denominator x
mkPartitions :: [a] -> [([a],[a])]
mkPartitions xs = map (\n -> (take n &&& drop n) xs) [1..(length xs-1)]
eval :: Expr -> Maybe Val
eval (V a) = Just a
eval (E1 f e) = calc1 f =<< eval e
eval (E2 o (e1, e2)) = calc2 o =<< (,) <$> eval e1 <*> eval e2
calc1 :: Fn -> Val -> Maybe Val
calc1 Id a = Just a
calc1 Fact a = guard (isInt a && a<100 && a>0) >> Just f
where f = facts !! (pred . fromIntegral . numerator) a
calc2 :: Op -> (Val, Val) -> Maybe Val
calc2 Plus (a,b) = Just $ a + b
calc2 Sub (a,b) = Just $ a - b
calc2 Mult (a,b) = Just $ a * b
calc2 Div (a,b) = guard (b/=0) >> Just (a/b)
calc2 Exp (a,b) = makeExp
where makeExp
| a == 0 = Just 0
| a == 1 = Just 1
| not (isInt b) = Nothing
| abs b > 1023 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ a ^^ numerator b
valuesFrom :: [Val] -> S.Set Val
valuesFrom range = M.findWithDefault S.empty range
$ mkMap (length range)
mkMap :: Int -> M.Map [Val] (S.Set Val)
mkMap 0 = M.empty
mkMap n = M.union prevMap thisMap
prevMap = mkMap $ pred n
thisMap = foldr (\sq -> M.insert sq $ mkSet sq) M.empty $ subsequences n
mkSet = S.fromList . mapMaybe eval . exprsFrom prevMap
exprsFrom :: M.Map [Val] (S.Set Val) -> [Val] -> [Expr]
exprsFrom prevMap [x] = [ E1 f (V x) | f <- functions ]
exprsFrom prevMap xs = [ E1 f $ E2 o (V va, V vb)
| f <- functions
, o <- operations
, (as, bs) <- mkPartitions xs
, va <- valsFrom as
, vb <- valsFrom bs
where valsFrom xs = S.toList $ M.findWithDefault S.empty xs prevMap
subsequences n = filter ((== n) . length) $ map (take n) $ tails range
lnpi :: [Val] -> Integer
lnpi = numerator . firstGap . S.toList . S.filter (>0) . S.filter isInt
. valuesFrom
where firstGap :: (Num a, Eq a) => [a] -> a
firstGap ls = 1 + ls !! (head . findIndices (/=1) . gaps) ls
gaps :: Num t => [t] -> [t]
gaps [x] = []
gaps (x:xs) = (head xs - x) : gaps xs
main = print $ lnpi [1..5]
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