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Last active April 30, 2017 18:47
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A Painting Puzzle
digraph G {
size = "4,4";
"[1,1,1,1]" -> "[1,1,2]" [label="1"];
"[1,1,2]" -> "[1,1,2]" [label="1/2"];
"[1,1,2]" -> "[1,3]" [label="1/3"];
"[1,1,2]" -> "[2,2]" [label="1/6"];
"[1,3]" -> "[1,3]" [label="1/2"];
"[1,3]" -> "[2,2]" [label="1/4"];
"[1,3]" -> "[4]" [label="1/4"];
"[2,2]" -> "[1,3]" [label="2/3"];
"[2,2]" -> "[2,2]" [label="1/3"];
"[4]" -> "[4]" [label="1"];
import Control.Arrow (second, (&&&))
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.List (sort, group, permutations, delete)
import Data.Map.Strict as Map (Map, empty, fromList, keys, elems, insert,
import Data.Matrix as Matrix (Matrix, fromList, multStd, inverse, identity, submatrix, nrows)
import Data.Ratio (Ratio, (%))
import Data.Set as Set (Set, toList, difference, fromList)
import Prelude as P
import System.Environment (getArgs)
pDist :: [Int] -> Map [Int] (Ratio Int)
pDist = freqMap . decorate . allPairings . toUniqueRepresentation
where toUniqueRepresentation :: [Int] -> [Int]
toUniqueRepresentation node = concat $ zipWith replicate node [1..]
allPairings :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
allPairings ns = [ x : y : delete y (delete x ns)
| x <- ns, y <- delete x ns
decorate :: [Int] -> [Int]
decorate = sort . length . group . sort . paint
paint :: [Int] -> [Int]
paint (x:y:xs) = x:x:xs
freqMap :: [[Int]] -> Map [Int] (Ratio Int)
freqMap xs = Map.fromList
$ ( second (% length xs) . (head &&& length) )
$ group $ sort xs
makeArrows :: [Int] -> Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int))
makeArrows seed = until finished step $ Map.insert seed (pDist seed) Map.empty
where finished :: Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int)) -> Bool
finished = P.null . diff
step :: Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int)) -> Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int))
step arrows = Map.insert node (pDist node) arrows
where node :: [Int]
node = head $ Set.toList $ diff arrows
diff :: Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int)) -> Set [Int]
diff arrows = Set.difference (js arrows) (is arrows)
is :: Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int)) -> Set [Int]
is = Set.fromList . Map.keys
js :: Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int)) -> Set [Int]
js = Set.fromList . concatMap Map.keys . Map.elems
makeMatrix :: Map [Int] (Map [Int] (Ratio Int)) -> Matrix (Ratio Int)
makeMatrix arrows = Matrix.fromList n n list
where list :: [Ratio Int]
list = [ Map.findWithDefault (0%1) j $ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty i arrows
| i <- nodes, j <- nodes
n :: Int
n = length nodes
nodes :: [[Int]]
nodes = Map.keys arrows
expectedValue :: Matrix (Ratio Int) -> Matrix (Ratio Int)
expectedValue p = P.foldr1 multStd [tau, inv, one]
where tau = Matrix.fromList 1 n (1:[0,0..]) -- {1,0,0..}
one = Matrix.fromList n 1 [1,1..] -- {{1},{1},...}
inv = head $ rights $ (:[])
$ inverse (identity n - t) -- (I - T)^(-1)
t = submatrix 1 n 1 n p -- P, but w/o last row / last col
n = nrows p - 1
main = do
args <- getArgs
let seed = read (head args) :: [Int]
print $ expectedValue $ makeMatrix $ makeArrows seed
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