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Created February 24, 2020 19:40
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An absolute mess of work-in-progress prototyping to try to figure out just how the hojek the `typing` module actually works.
"""Python 3 function annotation typecasting support."""
import collections
import typing
import inspect
from enum import Enum
from collections import abc
from re import compile as regex
from io import StringIO, TextIOBase, RawIOBase, IOBase, BufferedIOBase
from inspect import BoundArguments, Parameter, isabstract, isclass, ismethod, signature
from typeguard import check_argument_types
clear; ipython --no-banner -i
from types import CodeType, FunctionType
from typing import (
from numbers import Number
from typing import Literal, TypedDict
except ImportError:
Literal = TypedDict = None
from typing import Literal, TypedDict
except ImportError:
Literal = TypedDict = None
from typing import ForwardRef
evaluate_forwardref = ForwardRef._evaluate
except ImportError:
from typing import _ForwardRef as ForwardRef # Python < 3.8
evaluate_forwardref = ForwardRef._eval_type
noop = object()
aliases = {
abc.Container: noop,
abc.Hashable: noop,
abc.Iterable: noop,
abc.Iterator: iter,
abc.Mapping: dict,
abc.MutableMapping: dict,
abc.Reversible: noop,
abc.Sequence: noop,
abc.Set: set,
abc.Sized: noop,
typing.Any: noop,
typing.AnyStr: noop,
typing.Hashable: noop,
typing.Reversible: noop,
typing.Sized: noop,
typing.IO: StringIO,
typing.SupportsAbs: float,
typing.SupportsBytes: bytes,
typing.SupportsFloat: float,
typing.SupportsInt: int,
typing.SupportsRound: float,
typing.Pattern: regex,
typing.AbstractSet: set,
typing.OrderedDict: dict,
typing.FrozenSet: frozenset,
typing.Iterable: noop,
typing.List: list,
typing.Sequence: noop,
typing.Mapping: dict,
typing.MutableMapping: dict,
typing.MutableSequence: list,
typing.MutableSet: set,
typing.Set: set,
Number: (int, float),
## Container Annotation Support
_concrete_map: typing.Mapping[type, type] = {
typing.Set: set,
typing.List: list,
typing.Dict: dict,
Number: (int, float),
# This causes the internal machinery to treat these hypothetical container types as a different type of container.
_container_map: typing.Mapping[type, type] = {
# Sets
typing.AbstractSet: typing.Set,
typing.FrozenSet: typing.Set,
typing.MutableSet: typing.Set,
abc.Set: typing.Set,
abc.MutableSet: typing.Set,
frozenset: typing.Set,
# Lists
typing.Collection: typing.List,
typing.Iterable: typing.List,
typing.Iterator: typing.List,
typing.Sequence: typing.List,
typing.MutableSequence: typing.List,
abc.Collection: typing.List,
abc.Iterable: typing.List,
abc.Iterator: typing.List,
abc.Sequence: typing.List,
abc.MutableSequence: typing.List,
# Dictionaries
typing.Mapping: typing.Dict,
typing.MutableMapping: typing.Dict,
typing.OrderedDict: typing.Dict,
abc.Mapping: typing.Dict,
abc.MutableMapping: typing.Dict,
collections.OrderedDict: typing.Dict,
_origins = {
dict: ...,
typing.Dict: ...,
list: ...,
typing.List: ...,
typing.Sequence: ...,
abc.Sequence: ...,
set: ...,
typing.Set: ...,
tuple: ...,
typing.Tuple: ...,
typing.Union: ...,
typing.Type: ...
## Generalized Base Annotation Support
def cast_typevar(annotation:TypeVar, value:Any) -> None:
assert check_argument_types()
# Now we attempt exhaustive search of candidate types.
for T in annotation.__constraints__:
assert isclass(T) # Ensure the constraints are described using classes.
T = _container_map.get(getattr(T, 'origin', T), T) # Resolve any type annotation abstract types to concrete types.
T = _concrete_map.get(T, T) # Resolve any type annotation abstract types to concrete types.
if isinstance(value, T): return value # If we already satisfy the requirement, we're done.
if isabstract(T): continue # If the ultimate type is abstract, there's not much we can do with it.
try: # Otherwise, we'll attempt to cast by instantiating the class, passing the value.
value = T(value)
return value
except (TypeError, ValueError):
pass # This particular casting attempt failed, maybe the next will succeed?
raise TypeError(f"Unable to cast {value!r} to a type satisfying: {annotation!r}")
def cast_generic_alias(annotation:_GenericAlias, value:Any) -> None:
assert check_argument_types()
# First we try the type the alias was constructed from, if it was constructed from such a template.
if not isinstance(value, annotation.__origin__):
value = annotation.__origin__(value)
return value
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# Now we attempt exhaustive search of the candidate types.
for T in annotation.__args__:
if not isclass(T): continue
if isabstract(T): continue
value = T(value)
return value
except (TypeError, ValueError):
pass # This particular casting attempt failed, maybe the next will succeed?
raise TypeError(f"Unable to cast {value!r} to a type satisfying: {annotation!r}")
## Container Type-Specific Casting
def cast_dict(annotation:TypeVar, value:abc.MutableMapping) -> dict:
assert check_argument_types()
result = {}
return result
def cast_sequence(annotation:TypeVar, value:Sequence) -> List:
assert check_argument_types()
result = []
return result
## Internal Casting Machinery
def _cast(annotation, value):
if isinstance(annotation, tuple): # We've been mapped from an abstract type to one or more concrete types.
for T in annotation: # Attempt coersion to each concrete type until one works.
return _cast(T, value)
except (TypeError, ValueError): continue
else: raise TypeError(f"Unable to cast {value} to any of: {', '.join(repr(T) for T in annotation)}")
if isinstance(annotation, _GenericAlias):
return cast_generic_alias(annotation, value)
if isinstance(annotation, TypeVar):
return cast_typevar(annotation, value)
if isclass(annotation):
return annotation(value)
raise TypeError(f"Unable to satisfy {annotation} through automated typecasting.")
## Public Interface
def cast_arguments(bound:BoundArguments):
sig = bound.signature.parameters
for k, v in bound.arguments.items():
# if k == 'tags': __import__('pudb').set_trace()
annotation = sig[k].annotation
annotation = _concrete_map.get(annotation, annotation)
bound.arguments[k] = _cast(annotation, v)
def example(name:typing.AnyStr, age:Number, *, tags:typing.Iterable[str]):
assert check_argument_types()
return (name, age, tags)
def example1(name:str, age:int, tags:typing.MutableSet):
return (name, age, tags)
def example2(name:str, age:int, tags:typing.MutableSet[str]):
return (name, age, tags)
def example3(name:str, ages:typing.FrozenSet[int]):
return (name, ages)
def example4(name:str, age:int, tags:typing.MutableSet[str]):
return (name, age, tags)
def example5(name:str, age:int, tags:typing.MutableSet[str]):
return (name, age, tags)
def example6(handle:str, age:int, tags:typing.FrozenSet[str]) -> Tuple[str, int, typing.FrozenSet[str]]:
return (handle, age, tags)
sig = signature(example)
args = ('amcgregor', )
kwargs = {'age': '27', 'tags': ['bob', 'dole', 27]}
bound = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
#print(sig, bound, bound.signature.parameters, sep="\n", end="\n\n")
for name, value in bound.arguments.items():
annotation = bound.signature.parameters[name].annotation
alias = aliases.get(annotation, annotation)
if not annotation or alias is noop:
# print(f"NOP\t{name}={value}")
if isclass(alias) and isinstance(value, alias):
# print(f"ALIAS\t{name}={value!r}")
if isinstance(alias, TypeVar):
# print(name, bool(annotation), annotation, value)
print("Signature:", sig)
print("Incoming data:", args, kwargs)
print("Bound:", bound)
def interactive():
print("Processed bound:", bound)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#_type_hints_map = WeakKeyDictionary() # type: Dict[FunctionType, Dict[str, Any]]
#T_CallableOrType = TypeVar('T_CallableOrType', Callable, Type[Any])
#def resolve_forwardref(maybe_ref, memo: _CallMemo):
# if isinstance(maybe_ref, ForwardRef):
# return evaluate_forwardref(maybe_ref, memo.func.__globals__, {})
# else:
# return maybe_ref
SPLIT = lambda v: ",".split(v) if isinstance(v, str) else list(v)
AnnotationAliases = Mapping[type, type]
Mapper = Callable[[str], Any]
AnnotationMappers = Mapping[type, Mapper]
# Helpers utilized in the aliases and mappings below.
def die(type):
"""Handle the given ABC or typing hint by exploding."""
def inner(value):
raise TypeError(f"Can not cast to {type!r}, concrete simple type references are preferred.")
return inner
def _nop(value):
"""A no-operation identity transformation if the abstract type implies or is satisfied by Unicode text.
Use of this indicates a Unicode string is a suitable member of that abstract set.
return value
# Typecasting assistance.
def to_bytes(value:str) -> bytes:
return value.encode('utf8') if isinstance(value, str) else bytes(value),
# Many type annotations are "abstract", so we map them to "concrete" types to permit casting on ingress.
aliases:AnnotationAliases = {
# Core datatypes which may require some assistance to translate from the web.
bytes: to_bytes,
# Map abstract base classes to their constructors.
abc.ByteString: bytes,
abc.Container: nop,
abc.Hashable: nop,
abc.Iterable: nop,
abc.Iterator: iter,
abc.Mapping: dict,
abc.MutableMapping: dict,
abc.Reversible: nop,
abc.Sequence: nop,
abc.Set: set,
abc.Sized: nop,
# "Shallow" pseudo-types mapped to explosions, real types, or casting callables.
typing.Any: nop,
typing.AnyStr: lambda v: str(v),
typing.AsyncContextManager: die(typing.AsyncContextManager),
typing.AsyncGenerator: die(typing.AsyncGenerator),
typing.AsyncIterable: die(typing.AsyncIterable),
typing.AsyncIterator: die(typing.AsyncIterator),
typing.Awaitable: die(typing.Awaitable),
typing.ByteString: to_bytes,
typing.Callable: die(typing.Callable),
typing.ChainMap: die(typing.ChainMap),
typing.ClassVar: die(typing.ClassVar),
typing.ContextManager: die(typing.ContextManager),
typing.Coroutine: die(typing.Coroutine),
typing.Counter: die(typing.Counter),
typing.DefaultDict: die(typing.DefaultDict),
typing.ForwardRef: die(typing.ForwardRef),
typing.Generator: die(typing.Generator),
typing.Generic: die(typing.Generic),
typing.Hashable: nop,
typing.ItemsView: die(typing.ItemsView), # TODO: dict and call .items()
typing.Iterator: die(typing.Iterator), # TODO: automatically call .iter()
typing.KeysView: die(typing.KeysView), # TODO: dict and call .keys
typing.MappingView: die(typing.MappingView), # TODO: dict and call .values()
typing.Match: die(typing.Match),
typing.NamedTuple: die(typing.NamedTuple),
typing.Reversible: nop,
typing.Sized: nop,
typing.IO: StringIO,
typing.SupportsAbs: float,
typing.SupportsBytes: bytes,
typing.SupportsFloat: float,
typing.SupportsInt: int,
typing.SupportsRound: float,
typing.Pattern: regex,
# Potentially nested / recursive / "complex" pseudo-types.
typing.AbstractSet: set,
typing.Collection: die(typing.Collection),
typing.Container: die(typing.Container),
typing.OrderedDict: dict,
typing.FrozenSet: frozenset,
typing.Iterable: nop,
typing.List: list,
typing.Sequence: nop,
typing.Mapping: dict,
typing.MutableMapping: dict,
typing.MutableSequence: list,
typing.MutableSet: set,
typing.Optional: die(typing.Optional), # TODO: SPECIAL CASE TO UNPACK
typing.Set: set,
typing.Tuple: die(typing.Tuple), # TODO: Container with possible nested types.
# typing.: die(typing.),
mapper:AnnotationMappers = { # Mechanisms to produce the desired type from basic Unicode text input.
list: lambda v: v.split(",") if isinstance(v, str) else list(v),
set: lambda v: v.split(",") if isinstance(v, str) else set(v),
# dict: ...
def collect(self, context:Context, handler:Callable, args:List, kw:Dict[str,Any]) -> None:
"""Inspect and potentially mutate the arguments to the handler.
The args list and kw dictionary may be freely modified, though invalid arguments to the handler will fail.
spec = getfullargspec(handler)
arguments = list(spec.args)
if ismethod(handler): del arguments[0] # Automatically remove `self` arguments from consideration.
def cast(key, annotation, value):
"""Attempt to typecast data incoming from the web."""
annotation = self.aliases.get(annotation, annotation)
if isinstance(annotation, type) and isinstance(value, annotation): return value # Nothing to do.
annotation = self.mapper.get(annotation, annotation)
value = annotation(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
raise HTTPBadRequest(f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} while processing endpoint argument '{arg}'")
return value
# Process positional arguments.
for i, (key, annotation, value) in enumerate((k, spec.annotations.get(k), v) for k, v in zip(arguments, args)):
if not annotation: continue # Skip right past non-annotated arguments.
args[i] = cast(key, annotation, value)
# Process keyword arguments.
for key, annotation, value in ((k, spec.annotations.get(k), v) for k, v in kw.items()):
if not annotation: continue # Skip right past non-annotated arguments.
kw[key] = cast(key, annotation, value)
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