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I died! …well, I got better…

Alice Zoë Bevan–McGregor amcgregor

I died! …well, I got better…
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amcgregor / basic.html
Created January 6, 2025 06:49
Minimum required HTML content.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Some title and other header content…</title>
<p>Body content begins</p>
amcgregor / nft-ethereum.eml
Created October 22, 2024 03:53
How not to approach someone who hates NFTs & Blockchain when hiring someone for NFTs & Blockchain.
You have me curious, thus the response. I’ll dissect the bits of this in sequence, skipping for now that there was no subject for your e-mail.
If this e-mail address was hijacked for spam, apologies for whomever this response may have been misdirected towards. Feel free to ignore.
> On Oct 22, 2024, at 07:36, Nycolas S...e <> wrote:
A supposedly professional communication from a Gmail account despite advertising a domain in the footer; not a good start, and it continues downhill from there. Every paragraph prefixed with an emoji… I am not a fresh graduate who might find allure in such.
amcgregor / 1-Initial
Last active April 29, 2024 16:21
My e-mailed response to QuillBot’s spam. Seems legit.


Are you tired of spending hours trying to find the right words to convey your thoughts effectively? Look no further! QuillBot's AI-powered paraphrasing tool is set to transform your writing experience. Link:

With QuillBot's Paraphraser, your words will truly matter. Our tool is designed to help you use the right vocabulary, tone, and style for any occasion. Whether you need to rephrase a sentence, paragraph, essay, or article, our complimentary and easy-to-use tool will deliver exceptional results with just a simple tap.

Why do countless students, writers, and professionals worldwide choose QuillBot?

  1. Limitless Custom Modes: With 8 predefined modes and the option to create an infinite number of Custom modes, Paraphraser provides boundless possibilities for rephrasing text to suit your unique requirements.
amcgregor /
Last active April 5, 2024 04:25 — forked from jacktolmie/gist:7af6fb196c361ef562cf45416066711f
Answers to informational interview questions provided by “FuzzyBottom” in the #webdev Libera IRC channel.
  1. Name (made up if you want)

Alice Bevan-McGregor (yay, Welsh + Scottish!)

  1. Please describe the tasks that are performed during a normal work week.

A wide variety from project management ("ScrumBan"), devops, IT infrastructure management/maintenance, to light QA validation and web design; beyond the typical sit-down and code software development aspects. Sitting down to code is driven by the project managment; "work item" / "product backlog item" / "feature" categorization and prioritization left to a qualification specialist from QA and the "product owner", respectively. Effort estimation guiding the prioritization handled by myself and my development team.

  1. What education, training, and related experience does an applicant require to work in this field?
amcgregor /
Last active November 13, 2023 15:38 — forked from spinningcat/
Reference "the punchline" and "making it importable" sections for what `html.tag` is.
from html import tag as H
def app(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [])
page = H.html [
H.title("Transvoice App"), # I use double quotes for human text, single for machine."…"),
H.article(data_layout='twin') [
H.header [ H.h3 [ "Main Language" ] ],
amcgregor /
Last active October 13, 2023 20:06
My review of vaping products, notably the VooPoo Argus GT 2 200W starter kit, and specifically the TPP-X "Pod" Tank, as well as the Alien 220W "mod". WTH is with the fascination with "pods"—I demand reusable. Which the TPP-X tank is… but really. C'mon.

Is it coffee? Tobacco? Chocolate? All of the above! This brings back fond memories of first switching to vaping where I used naturally brewed juices made from Virginia flue-cured tobacco. Delicious.

amcgregor /
Created September 23, 2023 15:50
Interesting extortion spam (that obviously was easily caught by my spam filter) with some interesting tell-tale signs. I just really can't help but ridicule it publicly.

Original e-mail contained the following, where the full sentence is a link:


I have important information for you (and about you).

Good luck!

The link was of a large block of text encoded into:…

amcgregor /
Last active September 23, 2023 14:28
Zight (formerly CloudApp) just doesn't want to see me go. Even though I haven't paid in years, and they've been in the process of deleting my content slowly over the course of those years.

The amount of effort y'all go to for retention is absurd. I've already requested this once, and was ignored, now DELETE MY ACCOUNT.

Six questions to cancel my plan, which apparently is worth $69.69/month—funE JOKE—and it fails. I've already manually gone through more than a hundred pages of largely lost data (since y'all have been deleting it from the storage back-end for a while). When requested several years ago, you were unable to provide an archive of my data.

This behaviour, were I an EU citizen, would be actually illegal. (Data portability, right to be forgotten.)

Video of my attempt to unsubscribe, and the insane retention attempts:


amcgregor /
Last active September 6, 2023 20:53
The review I left on the App Store for the GTD task management app, Things. Which I like and can recommend, but can not recommend using for inspiration.


Excellent GTD task management, with quibbles.

A few of the keyboard shortcuts are a touch non-obvious, and in the early days I had some difficulty with task database corruption—I have a TON of items, projects, and areas. Those are the general quibbles.

The personal one: it amuses me to no end that while the latest update as of 2023-09-06 now includes vector graphics and dynamic scale, in 2009 they threatened to sue me when I demonstrated what might be possible using them by showing a tiny bit of HTML and CSS. It took 14 years to implement the functionality. 14 years.

"…or even talk about the fact that you copied the design, it has the potential to hurt us and cause damage to us."

amcgregor /
Last active July 10, 2023 13:04
An example of a WIP WebCore resource dispatch implementation for "generic" database-backed collections and resources.
from webob.exc import HTTPConflict
from web.dispatch.resource.action import Action
from web.dispatch.resource.generic import GenericCollection as Collection
from web.secuity import when
from web.gilt.helper import _, L_
if __debug__: from import Static