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Last active December 19, 2023 16:35
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# Connect and subscribe
def init(_args) do "Starting emqtt..."
{:ok, pid} = :emqtt.start_link(
clientid: "emqtt",
host: 'localhost',
# clean_start: false,
{:ok, _props} = :emqtt.connect(pid) "Connected"
topic = "fan_mode"
{:ok, _props, _reason} = :emqtt.subscribe(pid, %{}, [{topic, qos: 1}]) "Subscribed to #{topic}"
state = %{pid: pid}
{:ok, state}
# Publish
def handle_call({:publish, topic, message, qos}, _from, state) do
payload = Jason.encode!(message)
case :emqtt.publish(state.emqtt_pid, topic, %{}, payload, [qos: qos]) do
:ok -> {:reply, :ok, state}
{:ok, _} -> {:reply, :ok, state}
error -> raise "Publish error: #{inspect error}"
# If using HiveMQ's cloud broker:
{:ok, pid} = :emqtt.start_link(
clientid: "emqtt",
host: '<hivemq uri>',
port: 8883,
ssl: true,
ssl_opts: [
server_name_indication: '<hivemq uri>'
cacertfile: :certifi.cacertfile(),
verify: :verify_none,
# clean_start: false,
username: "",
password: ""
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