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Created May 31, 2011 16:12
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<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
nytint.history = {
// The interval at which the window location is polled.
// We need to use an iFrame to save history if we're in an old version of IE.
USE_IFRAME : jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 8,
// The ordered list of history handlers matchers and callbacks.
handlers : [],
defaultCallback: null,
// The current recorded window.location.hash.
hash : window.location.hash,
// Initialize history with an empty set of handlers.
// Bind to the HTML5 'onhashchange' callback, if it exists. Otherwise,
// start polling the window location.
initialize : function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'checkURL');
if (this.USE_IFRAME) this.iframe = jQuery('<iframe src="javascript:0"/>').hide().appendTo('body')[0].contentWindow;
if ('onhashchange' in window) {
window.onhashchange = this.checkURL;
} else {
setInterval(this.checkURL, this.URL_CHECK_INTERVAL);
// Register a history handler. Pass a regular expression that can be used to
// match your URLs, and the callback to be invoked with the remainder of the
// hash, when matched.
register : function(matcher, callback) {
this.handlers.push({matcher : matcher, callback : callback});
// Save a moment into browser history. Make sure you've registered a handler
// for it. You're responsible for pre-escaping the URL fragment.
save : function(hash) {
window.location.hash = this.hash = (hash ? '#' + hash : "");
if (this.USE_IFRAME && (this.hash != this.iframe.location.hash)) {;
this.iframe.location.hash = this.hash;
// Check the current URL hash against the recorded one, firing callbacks.
checkURL : function() {
var current = (this.USE_IFRAME ? this.iframe : window).location.hash;
if (!current ||
current == this.hash ||
'#' + current == this.hash ||
current == decodeURIComponent(this.hash)) return false;
if (this.USE_IFRAME) window.location.hash = current;
// Load the history callback associated with the current page fragment. On
// pages that support history, this method should be called at page load,
// after all the history callbacks have been registered.
// executeCallbacks must be passed as true, otherwise true/false will returned based on positive route matches.
loadURL : function(executeCallbacks) {
var hash = this.hash = window.location.hash;
// go through matches in reverse order so that oldest rules are executed last
for(var i = this.handlers.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
var match = hash.match(this.handlers[i].matcher);
if (match) {
if(executeCallbacks === true){
return true;
if(this.defaultCallback != null && executeCallbacks === true){
return false;
var didIload = (nytint.history.loadURL(true)) ? true : false ;
if(didIload === false){
//load the default city if there was no hash history
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