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Created May 5, 2015 01:33
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FROM debian
MAINTAINER Alessandro Madruga Correia ""
RUN echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy ""; ' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server sudo
RUN mkdir -p /var/run/sshd
RUN chmod 0755 /var/run/sshd
# Create and configure vagrant user
RUN useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash vagrant
WORKDIR /home/vagrant
# Configure SSH access
RUN mkdir -p /home/vagrant/.ssh
RUN echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA6NF8iallvQVp22WDkTkyrtvp9eWW6A8YVr+kz4TjGYe7gHzIw+niNltGEFHzD8+v1I2YJ6oXevct1YeS0o9HZyN1Q9qgCgzUFtdOKLv6IedplqoPkcmF0aYet2PkEDo3MlTBckFXPITAMzF8dJSIFo9D8HfdOV0IAdx4O7PtixWKn5y2hMNG0zQPyUecp4pzC6kivAIhyfHilFR61RGL+GPXQ2MWZWFYbAGjyiYJnAmCP3NOTd0jMZEnDkbUvxhMmBYSdETk1rRgm+R4LOzFUGaHqHDLKLX+FIPKcF96hrucXzcWyLbIbEgE98OHlnVYCzRdK8jlqm8tehUc9c9WhQ== vagrant insecure public key" > /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys
RUN chown -R vagrant: /home/vagrant/.ssh
RUN echo -n 'vagrant:vagrant' | chpasswd
# Enable passwordless sudo for the "vagrant" user
RUN echo 'vagrant ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
CMD /usr/sbin/sshd -D -o UseDNS=no -o UsePAM=no
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