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Created August 1, 2011 03:05
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Flickr Feed Parsing
<% if flickr_enabled == true then
require 'open-uri'
require 'json/ext'
flickr_url = "{ENV['flickr_key']}&user_id=#{ENV['flickr_id']}&per_page=12"
response = open(flickr_url, 'User-agent' => '').read
photos = JSON.parse(response)["photos"]["photo"]
for p in photos[0...12] do
square = "http://farm#{p["farm"]}{p["server"]}/#{p["id"]}_#{p["secret"]}_t.jpg"
medium = "http://farm#{p["farm"]}{p["server"]}/#{p["id"]}_#{p["secret"]}.jpg"
url = "{p["owner"]}/#{p["id"]}"
<a class="preview" href="<%= url %>" rel="<%= medium %>">
<img class="flickr-img" src="<%= square %>" alt="" />
<% end
end %>
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