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Last active June 19, 2018 12:11
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import os, json, subprocess
file = open('pycon_*.json', 'r')
video = json.loads(
for i, v in video.items():
print("Installing {} ... ".format(v))
url = "youtube-dl -ciw --no-mtime -f 18 \"" + str(i)+ "\""
"" : "Raymond Hettinger Modern Python Dictionaries A confluence of a dozen great ideas PyCon 2017",
"" : "Miguel Grinberg Asynchronous Python for the Complete Beginner PyCon 2017",
"" : "Miguel Grinberg - Microservices with Python and Flask - PyCon 2017",
"" : "Jake VanderPlas The Python Visualization Landscape PyCon 2017",
"" : "Sofia Heisler No More Sad Pandas Optimizing Pandas Code for Speed and Efficiency PyCon 2017",
"" : "Aileen Nielsen - Time Series Analysis - PyCon 2017",
"" : "Larry Hastings The Gilectomy How's It Going PyCon 2017",
"" : "Al Sweigart Yes, It's Time to Learn Regular Expressions PyCon 2017",
"" : "Andrew T Baker 5 ways to deploy your Python web app in 2017 PyCon 2017",
"" : "Victor Stinner Optimizations which made Python 3 6 faster than Python 3 5 PyCon 2017",
"" : "IPython and Jupyter in Depth: High productivity, interactive Python - PyCon 2017",
"" : "Amjith Ramanujam Awesome Command Line Tools PyCon 2017",
"" : "Brandon Rhodes The Dictionary Even Mightier PyCon 2017",
"" : "David DB Baumgold Looping Like a Pro in Python PyCon 2017",
"" : "Yury Selivanov asyncawait and asyncio in Python 3 6 and beyond PyCon 2017",
"" : "Matthew Rocklin Dask A Pythonic Distributed Data Science Framework PyCon 2017",
"" : "Chloe Mawer, Jonathan Whitmore - Exploratory data analysis in python - PyCon 2017",
"" : "Michelle Fullwood A gentle introduction to deep learning with TensorFlow PyCon 2017",
"" : "Jukka Lehtosalo, David Fisher Static Types for Python PyCon 2017",
"" : "Benny Bauer Python in The Serverless Era PyCon 2017",
"" : "Luciano Ramalho - Decorators and descriptors decoded - PyCon 2017",
"" : "Paul Everitt, Guido van Rossum Panel Discussion PyCon 2017",
"" : "Katie Silverio Decorators, unwrapped How do they work PyCon 2017",
"" : "Chalmer Lowe - bokeh: Data Visualization in Python - PyCon 2017",
"" : "Calen Pennington Immutable Programming Writing Functional Python PyCon 2017",
"" : "Flávio Juvenal How to make a good library API PyCon 2017",
"" : "Elizaveta Shashkova Debugging in Python 3 6 Better, Faster, Stronger PyCon 2017",
"" : "Susan Tan Rants and Ruminations From A Job Applicant After 100 CS Job Interviews in Silicon Valley",
"" : "Trey Hunner Readability Counts PyCon 2017",
"" : "Cory Benfield Requests Under The Hood PyCon 2017",
"" : "A Jesse Jiryu Davis Grok the GIL Write Fast And Thread Safe Python PyCon 2017",
"" : "Amandine Lee Passing Exceptions 101 Paradigms in Error Handling PyCon 2017",
"" : "Trey Hunner - Readable Regular Expressions - PyCon 2017",
"" : "Jessica Forde An Introduction to Reinforcement Learning PyCon 2017",
"" : "Jiaqi Liu Fuzzy Search Algorithms How and When to Use Them PyCon 2017",
"" : "David Wolever: When the abyss gazes back staring down Python's surprising internals PyCon 2017",
"" : "Aaron Knight Build a data pipeline with Luigi PyCon 2017",
"" : "Reuben Cummings - Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis",
"" : "Thomas Ballinger Know thy self Methods and method binding PyCon 2017",
"" : "Lightning talks May 19th, 2017 Evening session",
"" : "Ashwini Oruganti, Mark Williams Designing secure APIs with state machines PyCon 2017",
"" : "Lightning talks May 20th, 2017 Evening session session",
"" : "Michele Pratusevich Instagram Filters in 15 Lines of Python PyCon 2017",
"" : "Lynn Root Tracing, Fast and Slow Digging into and improving your web service’s performance",
"" : "Lightning talks May 21th, 2017 Morning session",
"" : "Sep Dehpour Magic Method, on the wall, who, now, is the ` fairest ` one of all PyCon 2017",
"" : "Lightning talks May 20th 2017 Morning session"
"" : "Raymond Hettinger - Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators",
"" : "Jason Huggins - Keynote",
"" : "Jake VanderPlas - Performance Python: Seven Strategies for Optimizing Your Numerical Code",
"" : "Tania Sanchez Monroy - Down the rabbit hole. A 101 on reproducible workflows with Python",
"" : "Lightning Talks - Thursday - PyCon 2018",
"" : "Trey Hunner - Using List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions For Data Processing",
"" : "Michael Herman - Going Serverless with OpenFaaS, Kubernetes, and Python",
"" : "Skipper Seabold - Introduction to Python for Data Science",
"" : "Scott Sanderson - Foundations of Numerical Computing in Python",
"" : "David Beazley - Reinventing the Parser Generator",
"" : "Kenneth Reitz - Pipenv: The Future of Python Dependency Management",
"" : "Dustin Ingram - Inside the Cheeseshop: How Python Packaging Works",
"" : "Mike Müller - Faster Python Programs - Measure, don't Guess",
"" : "Hillel Wayne - Beyond Unit Tests: Taking Your Testing to the Next Level ",
"" : "Philip James - API-Driven Django",
"" : "Saturday Morning Lightning Talks + Keynotes",
"" : "John Reese - Thinking Outside the GIL with AsyncIO and Multiprocessing",
"" : "Amirali Sanatinia - Getting Started with Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies in Python",
"" : "Harry Percival - Introduction to TDD with Django",
"" : "Wanjun Zhang - Coding as Enrichment: How to Empower Students with Creative Coding Experiences",
"" : "Barry Warsaw - Get your resources faster, with importlib.resources",
"" : "Nina Zakharenko - Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems",
"" : "Mario Corchero - Effortless Logging: A deep dive into the logging module",
"" : "Andrew Godwin - Taking Django Async",
"" : "The importance of exploratory data analysis and data visualization in machine learning",
"" : "Brian Okken, Paul Everitt - Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest",
"" : "Esther Nam - One weird trick to becoming a better software developer",
"" : "Sunday Morning Lightning Talks + Keynote",
"" : "Andrew Knight - Behavior-Driven Python",
"" : "Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel - The AST and Me",
"" : "Jack Diederich - HOWTO Write a Function",
"" : "Lightning Talks - Friday",
"" : "Trey Hunner - Python 2 to 3: How to Upgrade and What Features to Start Using",
"" : "Stephanie Kim - Exploring Deep Learning Framework PyTorch",
"" : "Douglas Blank - Jupyter Tools for Teaching and Learning ",
"" : "Matt Davis - Python Performance Investigation by Example",
"" : "Using GitHub, Travis CI, and Python to Introduce Collaborative Software Development",
"" : "Stacy Morse - Code Reviews Using Art Critique Principles",
"" : "Julie Qiu - Build a Search Engine with Python + Elasticsearch",
"" : "Miguel Grinberg - Oops! I Committed My Password To GitHub!",
"" : "Alvaro Leiva Geisse - Systemd: why you should care as a Python developer",
"" : "Rae Knowler - Python, Locales and Writing Systems ",
"" : "Scott Triglia - Surviving (and thriving!) when you are overloaded ",
"" : "Claudio Freire - Efficient shared memory data structures",
"" : "Philip James, Asheesh Laroia - All in the timing: How side channel attacks work ",
"" : "Steven Sklar - The Hare Wins the Race: Getting the most out of RabbitMQ in distributed applications"
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