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Created January 18, 2020 17:40
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// Once the page load, check if we have a connected web3 wallet and if we
// allow ETH deposits and if so fetch the ETH deposit address
// and create a transaction with web3.
useEffect(() => {
if (
!(exchangeRates && exchangeRates.isDone) ||
!Web3.givenProvider ||
!window.ethereum ||
invoice.acceptedCurrencies.indexOf('ETH') === -1
) return
(async () => {
const web3WalletAddress = iframeApiClient.GetInvoiceDepositAddress(
const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider)
let accounts, errAccounts
// Proper web3 wallets (like MetaMask) should provide a global ethereum
// object with an enable() method. It should trigger a web3 prompt that asks
// the user to allow the webpage to read web3 wallet addresses. The method
// returns a Promise that’s either resolved with user accounts after
// user approval, or rejected with an Error after user rejection.
if (window.ethereum.enable) {
[accounts, errAccounts] = await maybe(window.ethereum.enable())
// If some wallet is not fully complying with the enable() method it will
// most probably return nothing. In that case we should fallback to
// web3's get accounts.
if (!accounts && !errAccounts) {
[accounts, errAccounts] = await maybe(web3.eth.getAccounts())
if (errAccounts) {
console.log('Could not get web3 accounts: ', errAccounts)
const gasEth = web3.utils.fromWei(await web3.eth.getGasPrice(), 'ether')
const invoiceInEth = exchangeRates!.convert(invoice, 'ETH')
const invoiceWithGas = invoiceInEth.add(new MoneyAmount({
amount: gasEth,
currency: 'ETH',
const invoiceInWei = web3.utils.toWei(toWeiCompatibleString(invoiceInEth.amount), 'ether')
// find an account with enough ETH balance and send a web3 tx from it
for (const account of accounts) {
const [balanceWei, errBalance] = await maybe(web3.eth.getBalance(account))
if (errBalance) {
console.log('Could not get balance of ' + account + ': ', errBalance)
const balanceEth = web3.utils.fromWei(balanceWei, 'ether')
console.log(`Balance of ${account}: ${balanceEth}`)
const isWeb3WalletBalanceEnough = new MoneyAmount({
amount: balanceEth,
currency: 'ETH',
if (isWeb3WalletBalanceEnough) {
web3WalletAddress.then(res => {
// The web3Wallet in the store will start a polling for the eth
// address and will show instructions for the user.
address: res.address,
wallet: web3.currentProvider.isMetaMask ? 'MetaMask' : 'Web3',
from: account,
to: res.address,
value: invoiceInWei,
.on('error', (error) => {
}).catch(e => {})
// break from the for loop so we don't accidentaly send another tx
})().catch(e => {})
}, [exchangeRates!.isDone])
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