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Created July 27, 2017 23:23
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Example of why we need closures to replace the last instances of #selectors in Cocoa Touch
import UIKit
class TabBarViewController: UITabBarController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// MARK: Keyboard Commands
override internal var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
guard let controllers = viewControllers else {
return nil
var commands = [UIKeyCommand]()
for controller in controllers {
if let index = tabBar.items?.index(of: controller.tabBarItem) {
var pressedAction: Selector?
switch index {
case 0:
pressedAction = #selector(TabBarViewController.pressed1)
case 1:
pressedAction = #selector(TabBarViewController.pressed2)
case 2:
pressedAction = #selector(TabBarViewController.pressed3)
if let action = pressedAction {
let command = UIKeyCommand(input: String(describing: index + 1), modifierFlags: .command, action: action, discoverabilityTitle: controller.tabBarItem.title!)
return commands
@objc func pressed1() {
selectedIndex = 0
@objc func pressed2() {
selectedIndex = 1
@objc func pressed3() {
selectedIndex = 2
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I'd almost always advocate functional programming style and closures all the way, was expecting Apple to have block support for everything callback related when it was introduced in Objective-C way back.... even though that would require quite some code additions from their side...

However, with swift and bridging, they could've, possibly, added auto support / generation for closures-to-selectors, requiring no change on the massive amounts of API's from their side... (well, it is open-source, not sure they like auto-gen though...).

Nevertheless, the functionality you're asking for is still absolutely possible.

import UIKit

class TabBarViewController: UITabBarController {
  // MARK: Setup
  override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() }
  // MARK: Keyboard Commands
  var keyCommandsMap:[String:Int] = [:]
  override internal var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
    guard let controllers = viewControllers else { return nil }
    var commands = [UIKeyCommand]()
    for controller in controllers {
      guard let index = tabBar.items?.index(of: controller.tabBarItem) else { continue }
      // ie. cmd-1 to go to tab nr 1
      let input = "\(index + 1)"
      let command = UIKeyCommand(
        input: input,
        modifierFlags: .command,
        action: #selector(TabBarViewController.pressed),
        discoverabilityTitle: controller.tabBarItem.title!
      keyCommandsMap[input] = index
    return commands
  @objc func pressed(sender: UIKeyCommand) {
    guard let index = keyCommandsMap[sender.input] else { return }
    selectedIndex = index

Ps. guards is a great feature! This code is almost 50% less indented ;)

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Explored some additional choises; (I find syntax to be quite intriguing... pondering about writing my own...:) )

Swift; more functional

import UIKit

class TabBarViewController: UITabBarController {
  // MARK: Keyboard Commands
  var keyCommandsMap:[String:Int] = [:]
  override internal var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
    let getInput = { (i: Int) -> String in
      let key = "\(i + 1)"
      return keyCommandsMap[key] = i

    return viewControllers?.map {$0.tabBarItem}.map {(
        index: tabBar.items?.index(of: $0),
        item: $0
      )}.filter {$0.index != nil}.map {UIKeyCommand(
        input: getInput($0.index!),
        modifierFlags: .command,
        action: #selector(TabBarViewController.pressed),
        discoverabilityTitle: $0.item.title!

  @objc func pressed(sender: UIKeyCommand) {
    guard let index = keyCommandsMap[sender.input] else { return }
    selectedIndex = index

Swift; if closures were supported instead of selectors

import UIKit

class TabBarViewController: UITabBarController {
  // MARK: Keyboard Commands
  override internal var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
    return viewControllers?.map {$0.tabBarItem}.map {(
        index: tabBar.items?.index(of: $0),
        item: $0
      )}.filter {$0.index != nil}.map {UIKeyCommand(
        input: "\($0.index! + 1)",
        modifierFlags: .command,
        discoverabilityTitle: $0.item.title!
      ) { [weak self] in self.selectedIndex = $0.index! }}

LiteScript; Superset of ES7 JavaScript

import { UITabBarController, UIKeyCommand } from 'UIKit'

class TabBarViewController extends UITabBarController
  keyCommands() -get>
    this.viewControllers?.map(v-> v.tabBarItem)
      .map(item-> ({item, index: tabBar.items?.indexOf(item)}))
      .filter(({index})-> index)
      .map(({index, item})-> new UIKeyCommand({
        input: index+1+''
        modifierFlags: 'command'
        discoverabilityTitle: item.title
        action: ()=> this.selectedIndex = index

Custom syntax; direct translation

import from UIKit: UITabBarController, UIKeyCommand

TabBarViewController inherits UITabBarController
  keyCommands: viewControllers?
    | map: .tabBarItem
    | map as item: {item, index: tabBar.items?.indexOf item}
    | filter: .index?
    | map: UIKeyCommand
      input: .index+1
      modifiers: :command
      title: .item.title
      on action: selectedIndex= .index

Custom syntax; how I think I would like to write it

import from UIKit: UITabBarController, UIKeyCommand

TabBarViewController inherits UITabBarController
  keyCommands: if viewControllers: iterate them:
    item: its tabBarItem
    index: tabBar.items?.indexOf item
    skip if !index
    yield UIKeyCommand
      input: index+1
      modifiers: :command
      title: item.title
      on action: selectedIndex= index

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