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Last active October 8, 2018 01:56
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Rails QS Submission PR

Instructions: In your final PR before the project is due, tag your instructor and include this template (completed) in the PR.


Amy - @ameseee

Self Assessment

Please assess yourself for the following categories (above, meets, or below expectations). Provide rationale for your score for each category.

Syntax & Style

Code is logically divided into files. Developer can show examples of good coding practices and demonstrate OOP concepts, like DRY and separation of concerns. Developer pays attention to indentation and naming conventions.

Self-assessment score: Above/Meets/Below Expectations


Git Workflow

The developer uses master for production, uses feature branches for small groups of cards, and has a pull request for each feature with good context and conversation, following the template. Commit messages are in the present tense, and start with a capital letter.

Self-assessment score: Above/Meets/Below Expectations


Project Management

The developer is using Pivotal Tracker to keep their project organized and to track progress. Developer is documenting conclusions and timelines on relevant cards.

Self-assessment score: Above/Meets/Below Expectations



Screenshot of coverage:

Screenshot of passing tests:


  • How did you workflow and use of Pivotal Tracker impact your efficiency and effectiveness? Was this improved from past projects? Explain.
  • Looking back on all your Rails projects, what is one aspect of Rails that was at one time a challenge, but you nailed it on this project? How did you make that growth - was there an 'ah ha' moment?
  • What was one challenge or error you came up against during this project? How did you work through that?
  • What is one area you want specific feedback on from your instructor? Feel free to list a certain file or method, etc.
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