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Last active June 15, 2017 19:54
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Holt Career Development Pre-Work


18 Say "I Don't Know"

When I started exploring coding and the idea of going to school for it, I was definitely intimidated with how much information was out there and the fact that I knew about none of it. But everything I read and everyone I talk to tells me that "knowing" this or that little fact at any given moment isn't what matters. What matters is that I am a resourceful problem solver and I'm willing to ask for help.

15 Don't count the number of hours

I've learned a lot about myself and my working style over the years, and much of what I've learned likely applies to most people. I know when I work best, and when I tap out. I have learned to spend the 'work best' time for the real thinking rather than waste that time on the 'shallow work' referenced in this article. I've also done my fair share of mentally and physically exhausting myself and know that it simply isn't productive.

17 Pair program with people with more experience

I was excited to learn how collaborative Turing and most programming jobs are. I enjoy working on projects with colleagues and working with people who know a lot more than I do. Some of the most important things I've learned as a teacher were from veteran teachers, not classes or textbooks or professional development sessions.


This was a great listen/read to remind us that whether you are a beginner or the most experienced of the field, when doing complex work one can't rely on memory and instinct. There is no reason to attempt to rely on that when we have the resources of things as simple as checklists to ensure our accuracy and quality of work. I love organizational systems and have refined mine over the years for both personal and professional use. I am eager to figure out the best system for me as a student then as a full-time developer so I can maximize my time and quality of work.

Strengths-Based Development

I was really excited to see that this was in the pre-work! I have worked on a team where our leadership had a strengths-based vision and it was a great place to work. We felt empowered and successful because we knew each other and our strengths and maximized them rather than doign things the 'same old way'.

Based on feedback, the strengths that have come up from managers and peers are that I am adaptable, disciplined, and a good listener. Being adaptable is necessary to be a teacher in my mind, so I've embraced that and just do the best I can with what I've got. I've always been quite focused and in roles with a range of tasks and a lot of hard deadlines. I am a perfectionist and can't handle not meeting expectations, so I've taught myself to be disciplined, use my time well and prioritize so I can do that.

I have always needed to work on my confidence - ability to step out of my comfort zone to speak my mind in some situations, and it will be even more true as I enter this industry. I also need to be more patient with others.

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