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Created January 14, 2011 23:12
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package edu.berkeley.cs
package scads
package piql
package gradit
import storage.ScadsCluster
import avro.marker._
import org.apache.avro.util._
case class Word(var wordid: Int) extends AvroPair {
//assign PK int to do randomness, but need to provide int when loading in words
var word: String = _
var definition: String = _
case class WordListWord(var wordlist: String, var word: Int) extends AvroPair {
var v = 1
case class WordList(var name: String) extends AvroPair {
var v = 1
case class Book(var title: String) extends AvroPair {
var v = 1
//call WORDcontext
case class WordContext(var word: Int, var book: String, var linenum: Int) extends AvroPair {
// PKEY: var book: String = _ (book name)
// PKEY: var linenum: Integer = _
// PKEY: var word: Int = _ (word ID)
var wordLine: String = _
case class Context(var contextId: Int) extends AvroPair {
var word: Word = _
var book: Book = _
var wordLine: String = _
var before: String = _
var after: String = _
class GraditClient(val cluster: ScadsCluster, executor: QueryExecutor) {
implicit val exec = executor
val maxResultsPerPage = 10
// namespaces are declared to be lazy so as to allow for manual
// createNamespace calls to happen first (and after instantiating this
// class)
lazy val words = cluster.getNamespace[Word]("words").asInstanceOf[Namespace]
lazy val books = cluster.getNamespace[Book]("books").asInstanceOf[Namespace]
lazy val wordcontexts = cluster.getNamespace[WordContext]("wordcontexts").asInstanceOf[Namespace]
lazy val wordlists = cluster.getNamespace[WordList]("wordlists").asInstanceOf[Namespace]
lazy val wordlistwords = cluster.getNamespace[WordListWord]("wordlistwords").asInstanceOf[Namespace]
// findWord
// Primary key lookup for word
val findWord = words.where("words.wordid".a === (0.?)).toPiql
// Finds all contexts for a particular word given
val contextsForWord = (
.where("wordcontexts.word".a === (0.?))
val wordsFromWordList = (
.where("wordlistwords.wordlist".a === (0.?))
.where("words.wordids".a === "wordlistwords.word".a)
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