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Created July 1, 2021 19:48
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Pitch shift script with Pytorch and torch_audiomentations Audio interface
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
from import Audio
import soundfile as sf
# Change this for whatever file you wish
input_path = "test_fixtures/perfect-alley1.ogg"
output_path = "shifted.wav"
sr = 16000
n_fft = int(sr // 64) # Rule-of-thumb for FFT size wrt the samplerate for okayish quality
hop_length = n_fft // 2
warp_factor = 1.2 # Should actually be mapped to dBs in the future
win = torch.hann_window(n_fft)
audio = Audio(sample_rate=sr)
samples = audio(input_path)
num_samples = samples.shape[-1]
# Doing time interpolation instead of frequency interpolation results
# in better quality, so we first interpolate in the time domain
samples = F.interpolate(
samples.unsqueeze(0), scale_factor=1 / warp_factor, mode="linear"
# Now undo the time interpolation in the time-frequency domain (after fft),
# preserving the pitch shift.
spec = torch.stft(
samples, n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, window=win, return_complex=False
).permute([0, 3, 1, 2])
spec = F.interpolate(
spec, scale_factor=(1, warp_factor), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False,
)[:, :, : spec.shape[2]]
spec = spec.permute([0, 2, 3, 1])
# Revert back to the time domain
noisy_samples = torch.istft(
print(samples.shape, noisy_samples.shape)
# Write file
with sf.SoundFile(output_path, mode="w", samplerate=sr, channels=1) as f:
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