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Last active November 15, 2022 14:15
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Secret Santa's Helper Bot
# frozen_string_literal: true
# To obtain a google mail's password, you need to:
# 1. Go to gmail
# 2. in the top right corner click on the menu icon and select 'Account'
# 3. Click on 'Sign in & Security'
# 4. Scroll down the 'Security' and find a section called 'Signing in to Google'.
# 5. Click on "App passwords"
# 6. You should see a dropdown labelled 'Select App'. Select Mail.
# 7. For the 'on my device' dropdown select 'Other' and type in commandline or whatever you want to call the app.
# 8. Click 'Generate'. A password will be generated. Copy that password and replace the password you were using in your options hash with the generated password:
require 'mail'
SENDER = "Secret Santa's Helper Bot <>"
{ email: "", first_name: "Name", last_name: "Surname", address: "123, Address street, ZIP, City, Country" },
{ email: "", first_name: "Name", last_name: "Surname", address: "123, Address street, ZIP, City, Country" },
{ email: "", first_name: "Name", last_name: "Surname", address: "123, Address street, ZIP, City, Country" },
:address => "",
:port => 587,
:user_name => '',
:password => 'password',
:authentication => 'plain',
:enable_starttls_auto => true
Mail.defaults do
delivery_method :smtp, MAIL_OPTIONS
PARTICIPANTS.each_with_index do |participant, i|
recipient = PARTICIPANTS[i + 1] || PARTICIPANTS[0]
Mail.deliver do
to participant[:email]
subject "Ciao #{participant[:first_name]}! tu sarai il Secret Santa di..."
body "
Ciao #{participant[:first_name]}!\n
Tu sarai il Secret Santa di #{recipient[:first_name]} #{recipient[:last_name]}!\n
Il suo indirizzo e':\n
Buon Natale!\n
P.S. Questo e' un messaggio automatico, io (Jeko) non so chi sia il tuo Secret Santa, e' un segreto!\n
il codice di questo bot e' open source, puoi vederlo qui:"
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Mancano i test wink


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