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Last active February 10, 2021 01:43
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module Regex =
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type REx = REx of string with
member r.txt = let (REx t) = r in t
static member (+)(REx a, REx b) = REx(a + b)
let rex (REx v) = v
let (|Regex|_|) (REx pattern) input =
if input = null then None else
let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern)
if m.Success then Some(List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ])
else None
with e -> None
let (|Regexs|) (REx pattern) input =
if input = null then [| |] else
let ms = Regex.Matches(input, pattern)
[| for m in ms do yield (List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ]) |]
with e -> [| |]
/// Patterns for constructing your regex
module p =
let lit(v:string) =
|> Seq.collect (
| '_' -> [ '_' ]
| c when System.Char.IsSymbol c -> [ '\\' ; c ]
| c when System.Char.IsPunctuation c -> [ '\\' ; c ]
| c -> [ c ]
|> Seq.toArray
|> fun ar -> new System.String(ar)
|> REx
let cr = @"\r" |> REx
let nl = @"\n" |> REx
let anychar = "." |> REx
let tab = @"\t" |> REx
let blank = @"\s" |> REx
let noblank = @"\S" |> REx
let capt = rex >> sprintf "(%s)" >> REx
let nocapt = rex >> sprintf "(?:%s)" >> REx
let opt = nocapt >> rex >> sprintf "%s?" >> REx
module g =
let inline anything mny : REx = mny anychar
let inline blanks mny : REx = mny blank
let inline noblanks mny : REx = mny noblank
let inline spaceaft mny x : REx = x + blanks mny
let inline listof1 mny0 x sep : REx = x + mny0(sep + x)
module e =
let inline many0 a = nocapt a + REx "*"
let inline many1 a = nocapt a + REx "+"
module e1 =
let many = e.many1
let anything = g.anything many
let blanks = g.blanks many
let noblanks = g.noblanks many
let spaceaft = g.spaceaft many
let inline listof x sep = g.listof1 e.many0 x sep
module e0 =
let many = e.many0
let anything = g.anything many
let blanks = g.blanks many
let noblanks = g.noblanks many
let spaceaft = g.spaceaft many
let inline listof x sep = e1.listof x sep |> opt
module l =
let many0 a = e.many0 a + REx "?"
let many1 a = e.many1 a + REx "?"
module l1 =
let many = l.many1
let anything = g.anything many
let blanks = g.blanks many
let noblanks = g.noblanks many
let spaceaft = g.spaceaft many
let inline listof x sep = g.listof1 l.many0 x sep
module l0 =
let many = l.many0
let anything = g.anything many
let blanks = g.blanks many
let noblanks = g.noblanks many
let spaceaft = g.spaceaft many
let inline listof x sep = l1.listof x sep |> opt
let repl n (REx r) = Seq.replicate n r |> String.concat "" |> REx
let either patterns = patterns |> rex |> String.concat "|" |> REx |> nocapt
let word (REx r) = sprintf "\\b%s\\b" r |> REx
let oneof (REx r) = sprintf "[%s]" r |> REx
let noneof (REx r) = sprintf "[^%s]" r |> REx
let caseins (REx r) = sprintf "(?i)%s(?-i)" r |> REx
let multiline = either [ cr ; nl ; anychar ] |> l.many0
let letter = REx "_a-zA-Z" |> oneof
let digit = REx "0-9" |> oneof
let letters = e.many1 letter
let digits = e.many1 digit
let ident = letter + (either [letter ; digit] |> l.many0) |> word
let dottedid = e1.listof ident (e0.spaceaft (REx "\."))
let typename = dottedid + opt (REx @"<" + e1.listof dottedid (e0.spaceaft (REx ",")) + REx "\>")
/// match whole string
let full (REx r) = sprintf "^%s$" r |> REx
let regmatch regex = function Regex regex ms -> Some ms |_-> None
/// helpers for replacements
module r =
open p
let remove patterns = p.either patterns, ""
let tabs = , " "
let comments = REx @"\/\/" + e1.anything, "\n"
let regexReplaceFunc f (regex:string) (input:string) =
.Replace(input, MatchEvaluator(fun m -> f m.Value))
let regexReplaceGroups f (regex:string) (input:string) =
.Replace(input, MatchEvaluator(fun m -> [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ] |> f))
let regexReplace (regex:string) (repl:string) (input:string) =
.Replace(input, repl)
let replaceToF (regex, repl) = regexReplace regex repl
let replacesToFs rs = rs |> replaceToF
/// a replace function for multiple replacements applied in sequence
let replace0 repls inp = repls |> Seq.fold (fun txt (regex, repl) -> regexReplace txt regex repl) inp
/// same as replace0: a function for multiple replacements
let replace1 v = replacesToFs v |> Seq.reduce (>>)
/// find a section (like: module XXX = ..) and capture its name, make replacements using that sections name
let byLine init st f (inp:string) =
inp.Split '\n'
|> Array.mapFold (fun md ln ->
match st ln with
| Some nm -> ln , nm
|_ -> f md ln, md
) init
|> fst
|> String.concat "\n"
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