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Last active December 3, 2018 07:11
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High-Value Hash Highway
(* Andrew Miller March 2014
Hash-value Highway - See also: *)
open Merkle (* provides authtype *)
type tx = string
type block = Genesis | Blk of block authtype * block authtype * tx * int * int
(* Boiler plate for authenticated data structure parser
Indicates data structure definitions end here *)
external merkle : 'a -> 'a = "MERKLE"
(* Returns 1 with probability 1/2, 2 with probability 1/4, etc. *)
let rec sample_value() = if Random.bool() then 1 else 1 + sample_value()
let extend (prev:block authtype) (t:tx) : block =
(* Add a new block building on top of prev, with a "back" link
pointing to prev, and an "up" link pointing to (the successor of
a node 1 greater in value than prev *)
let (pwork,pval) = match (unauth prev) with
| Genesis -> (0,0)
| Blk(_, _, _, work, value) -> (work, value)
let rec find_larger ptr =
(* Find the first ptr such that ptr->back->value >= pval *)
match (unauth ptr) with
| Genesis -> Genesis
| Blk(back, _, _, _, _) ->
match (unauth back) with
| Genesis -> Genesis
| Blk(_, up, _, _, value) ->
if value >= pval then ptr
else find_larger up
Blk(prev, (find_larger prev), tx, pwork+1, sample_value())
let traverse (blk:block authtype) (btx:block authtype) (level:int) : int =
(* Traverse from blk back to btx, passing through (and counting) every
block with value >= level *)
let (_, _, _, bwork, _) = unauth btx in
let rec _traverse blk =
let (back, up, _, _, value) = blk in
match unauth back with
| Genesis -> 0
| Blk(_back, _, _, _work, _value) ->
if _work <= bwork then 0 (* Skipped all the way to tx, base case *)
else if _value >= level then
(* Valid sample - increment one, go one step back *)
1 + _traverse back
let unup = unauth up in
let (_, _, _, __work, _) = unup in
if __work <= bwork then
(* We can't skip up again without overshooting btx. *)
_traverse back
_traverse unup
(* FIXME: I'm wary of several off-by-one edge cases here *)
_traverse (unauth blk)
(* Prove and Verify are both instances of Traverse *)
let verify (blk:block authtype) (btx:block authtype)
(level:int) (minreq:int) : bool =
let observed = traverse blk btx level in
observed >= minreq
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