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Last active July 20, 2018 15:53
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pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
// ECE 398 SC - Smart Contracts and Blockchain Security
contract SolidityChallenges {
// 1. Simple syntax
function arithmeticA(uint x) public pure returns(uint) {
// The following fragment of code is a for-loop that assigns a value
// to the variable j, depending on the value of the argument x.
uint j = 5;
for (uint i = 0; i < x; i++) {
j += 2;
j += 3/uint(2);
return j;
// Your task is to figure out a simpler way to write the function
// exprssion that sets the variable y to the same value
function arithmeticB(uint x) public pure returns(uint) {
/* TODO replace this line with a simple expression that */
// return 0;
/* makes the assert pass */
function testYouMustPass1() public pure returns(string) {
require(arithmeticA(1) == arithmeticB(1));
require(arithmeticA(2) == arithmeticB(2));
require(arithmeticA(6) == arithmeticB(6));
return "OK";
// 2. Arithmetic and types
// This function should return the absolute value of a 16-bit integer.
// Note that the range of int16 values is from -32768 to 32767.
// safeAbs_i16(-32768) should raise an exception.
function safeAbs_i16(int16 x) public pure returns(int16) {
// TOOD: your code goes here
return x;
function testYouMustPass2() public pure returns(string) {
require( safeAbs_i16(1) == 1 );
require( safeAbs_i16(-100) == 100 );
require( safeAbs_i16(int16(uint16(int16(-10)))) == int16(65546));
// require( safeDouble_i16(-32768)) should raise an exception!
// 3. Arrays
/*The following is pseudocode for reversing an array:
reverse(array arr):
let output be a new array of the same size, |output| = |arr|
for each index i in range 0 to arr.length-1 inclusive:
output[arr.length - i - 1] = arr[i]
return output
Note that:
should return [3,2,1] */
function reverse(address[] memory arr) public pure returns(address[] memory) {
address[] memory output;
// TODO: your code goes here
return output;
function testReverse() public pure {
// You're on your own. Write your own test cases here if it helps you.
address[] memory arr = new address[](3);
arr[0] = 1; arr[1] = 3; arr[2] = 3;
address[] memory o1 = reverse(arr);
// TODO: check that o1 should be [3,2,1]
// The following portions of the challenge involve building a simple voting contract
// Collects votes from anyone, but only one vote per address.
// Each vote requires a deposit of 0.1 ether (which is returned if successful).
// The owner can stop the vote
contract VotingChallenge {
bool public voteActive = true;
// 4. Declaring member variables
// TODO: declare public member variables votesYes and votesNo
// (both are uint16)
// 5. mapping datatypes
// TODO: declare a public member variable "voted" mapping voter addresses
// to booleans (indicating whether they have already voted or not)
// 6. Events for debugging
// TODO: Define two events, VoteYes and VoteNo (with no parameters)
// 7. Stateful functions
// TODO: make this function return true if yes is winning
function isYesWinning() public view returns(bool) {
// TODO: Each of the voteYes and voteNo functions should do the following:
// - Throw an exception unless a security deposit of 0.01 ether is
// included in msg.value
// - Throw an exception if the vote is over
// - if the vote is still active and msg.sender already voted,
// then keep their security deposit!
// - otherwise increment the corresponding member variable, votesYes or votesNo
// - give the voter back their security deposit
// - emit a log event VoteYes or VoteNo
// - return the new number of total votes
// - anything else? (hint: think about overflows, and make
// a sensible design decision)
function voteYes() public payable returns(uint) {
// TODO: your code goes here
function voteNo() public payable returns(uint) {
// TODO: your code goes here
// 8. Access control
// Only the original creator of the contract can end the vote
address public owner;
// TODO: Define a constructor for this contract.
// Whoever created the contract is assigned the owner.
function closeVote() public {
// TODO: only the owner should be able to call this function
// If is yes, then the owner can keep the security deposits
//if (votesYes >= 10 && votesYes > votesNo)
// owner.transfer(address(this).balance);
// 9. External interfaces
// The following is an abstact contract interface for a voting contract.
// Your goal is to attack it by voting many times in a row.
contract VulnerableVote {
function voteYes() returns(int);
function voteNo() returns(int);
contract VoterAttack {
VulnerableVote victim;
function voteYesTwoHundredTimes() {
// Vote 200 times in this contract (an instance of VulnerableVote):
// TODO: your code goes here
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