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Created May 15, 2012 08:49
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Setup a Scalding job (for the first time) to be run on CDH3u2, using Maven
1. go to your scalding source directory
2. edit build.sbt (
3. sbt -29 update
4. sbt -29 assembly
5. mvn install:install-file ..... ( to install the created scalding-assembly.0.x.y.jar locally
6. download Cloudera's hadoop-0.20.2-cdh3u2.tar.gz (or just download hadoop-core-cdh3u2.jar)
6a. same as 5, install locally your cdh3u2 hadoop-core jar (of course, get it first, or embed Cloudera's parent pom)
7. in your IDE, create a new project using this pom:
8. create the file src/assembly/job.xml and edit:
9. create your Scala class implementing Scalding's Job, i.e. "class SomethingCool(args: Args) extends Job(args)"
10. mvn package
11. the created jar would be placed under your project's target folder, named like: YOURPROJECT-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-job.jar
12. setup your hadoop conf files (most importantly, your core-site.xml file) and edit
13. cd to your hadoop-0.20-cdh3u2 folder
14. bin/hadoop jar YOURPROJECT-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-job.jar com.twitter.scalding.Tool your.package.your.class --hdfs --input hdfs:// --output hdfs:// -libjars YOURPROJECT-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-job.jar
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