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Created December 19, 2019 23:39
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Remote Collaboration Guide



listen carefully not just to make arguments after it but to understand and make the person to feel understood(repeating the essence of what you heard in my own words)

7 C’s

  • clear: message should be clear and easily understood whomever the
    person who is listening
  • concise: few words, brief but comprehensive
  • concrete: give a bit more of details
  • correct: no errors whatsoever(proofreading)
  • coherent: all ideas should make sense and connected to main talk
  • courteous: be diplomatic and no blaming(solution oriented not people oriented)
  • complete: all the infos must be included and understandable

Right Tool

know which way to communicate based on type of message and purpose.


for long content and simple and needed to be tracked, grammatical erroors should be avoided


for quick response


  • voice : should be not that high nor that low also same thing for pace
    shouldn’t be fast or slow as well as for the tone make sure your
    emotions shows up on the message(gestures, smiling…)
  • language : what matters is expressing yourself and structuring ideas not the accent and the way to that is by practicing(movies, books…)
  • de-jargoning : know your audience so you can take into consideration the fact that not necessary have same background as you do
  • calls : notify before make the call(reason why calling, who will be in the call, how long it takes, time of the call with respecting different timezones, the link to call with how they can join the call) also be prepare(questions, requests…), join the call before specified time also link is working and available for everyone and do greet people, avoid awkward silence by creating links between ideas, discuss only about topics were planned to be talked about

Structuring Ideas

answering first the question then proceed to arguments to support your answer(the why and how)

Tech Communication

  • don’t make suggestions until you really understand what you are into(never assume you know enough).
  • pitching ideas at first by simplifying and describe it as whole then provide more explanations(mention what challenges will be faced and how to pass them)

Keep People Posted

keep the team updated of what is going on daily(what you are working on, what are you struggling with, ask for help if its needed)

Acknowledge Receipt

in case u have been requested a piece of information you don’t know or u are not sure about it, always acknowledge the person that you have seen their email and give information on what will happen

Ask Questions

always ask questions, if answer provided is not satisfying don’t hesitate to ask again

Be self-reliant

at first rely on yourself, do your own work by yourself, people will help you but do not expect from them to do all the work for you

Establish priorities

prioritize tasks with final goal in mind.

Urgent Not Urgent
Important DO IT NOW schedule a time to do it
Not Important delegate eliminate it

Work smart

Show Ownership

care and be passionate about projects you work on, if the project succeed that mean you did succeed too, care enough even if issues out of your scope try to find solutions

Show Empathy

be genuine in relationships with your teammates, help others, in case of conflicts stay positive and be solution-oriented

Ask for feedback

  • ask at right time meaning that you should not interrupt their day you should let them know before and set ahead of time
  • limit the discussions to specific areas
  • ask feedback on your strengths and weaknesses

Receive feedback

there’s no such thing as perfection that’s why always be open for criticism and feedback will give you opportunity to improve your work, do not take it personally, think about it for a while and not jump to defend you work right away, don’t forget to thank them for their feedback and time they take and put to provide you with it

To Read:

Don’t make assumptions


don’t make tasks based on what you think is true, ideas need to be validation through testing and iterating


only assume positive intent, have an excuse for the other person cause you are not full-aware of his current situation


at last communication is a must skill to whatever your domain is, will help you and guide you throughout your journey and improving your skills

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