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Last active October 31, 2017 13:05
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Make CSCDOC HV summary table
import os
import sys
import commands
import datetime
import time
1. Visit this exact URL in Google Chrome
2. After authenticating you should see a plot. Press cmd+alt+i on Mac to open developer tools and go to Network tab
3. Refresh the page. You should see an entry starting with "ConditionBrowser?DISPLAY" at the top of the stuff that shows up. Right click on this entry > Copy > Copy as cURL
4. Paste the curl command into the variable below
Create a text file `channels.txt` with content copied from the "Show as plain text" output in
HV Channel Management of DCS. Example lines:
ME-1/3/01 ch. 18 | 3550V
ME-1/3/03 ch. 11 | 3400V
ME-1/3/16 ch. 10 | 3500V
ME-1/3/16 ch. 16 | 3400V
Executing this script will download images of current vs time for the past 2 days for the
specified channels and a reference channel, as well as a .csv with the same information, into
the `outdir` folder. The csv will be analyzed and if the channel is ok to have the voltage raised,
the new voltage is calculated. A summary table will be printed out at the end. Remember that you,
of course, need to actually raise the voltages in the DCS HV Channel Management panel.
template_curl_cmd = "curl '' -H 'Pragma: no-cache' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=47B7C8F3129488ACE9174CC71AD9096C; __utma=203412483.2092000603.1481656321.1482954929.1483208678.11; AI_SESSION=28BFF16A104A5B797EE26A6222D8A3541A6464ED5DC3E0624FE7734780023331686955199896CC01B060E3DEF06B3AB58D7A769167DD64465E7CC3236B461627C2935A9F775EEF56573F6757F47796B3CA4F5FE64777A64CAA906C01DE86DC83569B2303;;; _shibsession_636d7377626d5f6d6f6e69746f7268747470733a2f2f636d7377626d2e6365726e2e63682f53686962626f6c6574682e73736f2f41444653=_7772b99fc67a25e1b75b47dc391bcb39; _saml_idp=aHR0cHM6Ly9jZXJuLmNoL2xvZ2lu' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed --insecure"
outdir = "outputs/"
# print commands.getstatusoutput(curl_cmd)
def modify_curl_url(curl_cmd, new_url):
new_curl_cmd = curl_cmd[:]
new_curl_cmd = curl_cmd[:].split()
new_curl_cmd[1] = "'{}'".format(new_url)
new_curl_cmd = " ".join(new_curl_cmd)
return new_curl_cmd
def add_curl_output(curl_cmd, output_fname):
return curl_cmd + " -o {}".format(output_fname)
def is_channel_bad(fname):
Given a csv file name, return (True, max_current, max_current_ref) if the
channel is still being noisy/spiking, along with the max current for
selected channel and reference channel
data = []
max_current = -1
max_current_ref = -1
with open(fname,"r") as fhin:
found_first = False
is_reference = False
for line in fhin:
# We want to break before reading the reference. We don't care at the moment
if "cms_omds_lb" in line:
if not found_first: found_first = True
else: is_reference = True
if "WEIGHT" in line: continue
if ",,," in line: continue
_, _, t1, current = line.strip().split(",")
t1 = int(t1)
current = float(current)
if is_reference:
if current > max_current_ref: max_current_ref = current
if current > max_current: max_current = current
is_bad = (max_current > 350.) or ((max_current >= 2.0 * max_current_ref) and (max_current_ref > 0))
return is_bad, max_current, max_current_ref
def get_raised_voltage(station,ring,voltage):
If a channel is deemed good by the other function, what do we raise the
voltage to? Implemented logic following slide 12 of
if station == 1 and ring == 1:
if voltage <= 2800.: return voltage+20
elif 2800. < voltage < 2850.: return voltage+10
elif voltage >= 2850.: return 2900
if voltage <= 3500.: return voltage+50
elif 3500. < voltage < 3550.: return voltage+10
elif voltage >= 3550.: return 3600
dry_run = False
template_url = """{beginstr}&END={endstr}&PRESCALER=1&{chamberstr1}&{chamberstr2}&"""
datestr_begin = ("%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S")
datestr_end = ("%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S")
commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p {}".format(outdir))
infos = []
with open("channels.txt","r") as fhin:
for line in fhin:
if "ME" not in line: continue
parts = line.split()
chamberstr = parts[0]
channel = int(parts[2])
voltage = int(parts[-1].replace("V",""))
station, ring, chamber = chamberstr.replace("ME","").split("/")
chamber = int(chamber)
ring = int(ring)
station = int(station)
endcap = 2 if station < 0 else 1
station = abs(station)
infos.append( [endcap, station, ring, chamber, channel, voltage] )
# for endcap, station, ring, chamber, channel, voltage in [(2,1,3,3,10,3400)]:
to_print = []
for endcap, station, ring, chamber, channel, voltage in infos:
# Reference channel is an adjacent channel with this directionality so that I don't have
# to deal with edge cases
channel_ref = channel+1 if channel < 10 else channel-1
chamber_channel_tag = "ME{endcap}{station}/{ring}/{chamber} ch. {channel}".format(endcap="-" if endcap == 2 else "+", station=station, ring=ring, chamber=str(chamber).zfill(2), channel=channel)
print ">>> Working on {tag} ({voltage}V) with reference channel {channelref}".format(tag=chamber_channel_tag, channelref=channel_ref, voltage=voltage)
chamber_str1 = "cms_omds_lb.CMS_CSC_PVSS_COND.CSC_HV.CURRENT..{endcap}{station}{ring}_C{chamber}..{channel}=1".format(endcap="M" if endcap == 2 else "P", station=station, ring=ring, chamber=str(chamber).zfill(2), channel=channel) # first is red
chamber_str2 = "cms_omds_lb.CMS_CSC_PVSS_COND.CSC_HV.CURRENT..{endcap}{station}{ring}_C{chamber}..{channel}=1".format(endcap="M" if endcap == 2 else "P", station=station, ring=ring, chamber=str(chamber).zfill(2), channel=channel_ref) # second is blue
url = template_url.format( beginstr=datestr_begin, endstr=datestr_end, chamberstr1=chamber_str1, chamberstr2=chamber_str2 )
curl_cmd = modify_curl_url(template_curl_cmd, url)
output_fname_base = "ME{endcap}{station}_{ring}_{chamber}_chan{channel}_ref{channelref}".format(endcap="m" if endcap == 2 else "p", station=station, ring=ring, chamber=str(chamber).zfill(2), channel=channel, channelref=channel_ref)
csv_fname = "{}/{}.csv".format(outdir,output_fname_base)
img_fname = "{}/{}.png".format(outdir,output_fname_base)
do_fetch = not dry_run
# If file already exists, don't fetch it again.
# This means you need to update the output directory or delete old
# files if you want to fetch a fresh set of data
if os.path.exists(csv_fname):
do_fetch = False
if do_fetch:
out = commands.getoutput(curl_cmd)
out = open("out.html","r").read()
csv_link, img_link = None, None
for line in out.splitlines():
if "../../cmsdb/data/ConditionBrowser" not in line: continue
parts = line.split("|")
for part in parts:
if "csv" in part:
csv_link = ""+part.split("HREF=")[-1].split(">")[0]
if "png" in part:
img_link = ""+part.split("SRC=")[-1].split(">")[0]
if not csv_link or not img_link:
print "ERROR with this channel!"
csv_curl_cmd = add_curl_output(modify_curl_url(curl_cmd, csv_link), csv_fname)
img_curl_cmd = add_curl_output(modify_curl_url(curl_cmd, img_link), img_fname)
if do_fetch:
is_bad, current, current_ref = is_channel_bad(csv_fname)
vchange = "no change"
notes = "-"
if not is_bad:
new_voltage = get_raised_voltage(station, ring, voltage)
vchange = "+{}V".format(new_voltage - voltage)
notes = "normal, raising"
to_print.append( "| {:16s} | {:4d} | {:9} | {:19} |".format( chamber_channel_tag, voltage, vchange, notes ) )
print "|-------------------------------------------------------------|"
print "| CHANNEL | HV (V) | Change | Notes |"
print "|-------------------------------------------------------------|"
print "\n".join(to_print)
print "|-------------------------------------------------------------|"
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