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Last active July 21, 2018 07:48
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  • Save aminnj/63891461e43fd42615cabc4e82429544 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aminnj/63891461e43fd42615cabc4e82429544 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CSC run registry table bookmarklet
Copy this content as a bookmarklet.
Visit and make sure you're authenticated (should say "Query ID missing?")
Execute the bookmark.
Note: will need to search for and update the following strings below (whenever conditions change): "PromptReco-v3", "Run2018", "319750"
The queries will return at most 1k rows (usually 4k runs or so) so make sure the run number threshold isn't too small!
Well, this won't be useful after 2018...
var qid = $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"", data:"SELECT * FROM runreg_csc.datasets q WHERE q.RUN_NUMBER > 319750", dataType:"text", async:false }).responseText;
console.log("1. made a request to the RR api and got the query ID");
var arr = $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:""+qid+"/data?type=application/json", data:"", dataType:"", async:false, beforeSend: function(bs) { bs.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); } });
console.log("2. made another request to get data for the query ID");
var cn = $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"", async:false, beforeSend: function(bs) { bs.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); } });
console.log("3. made another request to get SQL column names");
var colnames = $.map(cn.responseJSON.columns,function (val) { return val["name"]; });
var rdaname_to_goodruns = {};
$.each(arr, function(idx,v) {
if (v[colnames.indexOf("RDA_CMP_OCCUPANCY")]=="GOOD") {
var run = v[colnames.indexOf("RUN_NUMBER")];
var name = v[colnames.indexOf("RDA_NAME")];
if (!rdaname_to_goodruns[name]) { rdaname_to_goodruns[name]=[]; };
var getrunlinks = function(row) {
var name = row[goodcols.indexOf("RDA_NAME")];
var run = row[goodcols.indexOf("RUN_NUMBER")];
var refrun = -1;
if (name in rdaname_to_goodruns) {
refrun = Math.max.apply(null,rdaname_to_goodruns[name].filter(function(v) { return v<run; }));
var iscosmics = name.indexOf("Cosmics")>=0;
var iscollisions = name.indexOf("Collisions")>=0;
var isexpress = name.indexOf("Express")>=0;
var dsname = "/";
var series = "Run2018C";
var series2 = "Run2018";
var pd = "";
if (isexpress && iscosmics) { pd = "StreamExpressCosmics"; }
else if (isexpress && !iscosmics) { pd = "StreamExpress"; }
else if (!isexpress && iscosmics) { pd = "Cosmics"; }
else if (!isexpress && !iscosmics) { pd = "SingleMuon"; }
dsname += pd;
dsname += "/"+series+"-";
if (isexpress) { dsname += "Express-v1/DQMIO"; }
if (!isexpress) { dsname += "PromptReco-v3/DQMIO"; }
var link_offdqm = ""+run+";dataset="+dsname+";sampletype=offline_data;filter=all;workspace=CSC;size=M;root=CSC/Summary;";
var to_ret = "<a href='"+link_offdqm+"'>"+run+"</a>";
if (refrun > 0) {
var link_autodqm = ""+series2+"&data_sample="+pd+"&data_run="+run+"&ref_series="+series2+"&ref_sample="+pd+"&ref_run="+refrun;
to_ret += " (ref <a href='"+link_autodqm+"'>"+refrun+"</a> | " + (refrun-run) + ")";
return to_ret;
arr.sort(function(x,y) {return y[0]-x[0];});
$.makeTable = function(data,heading) {
var body = "<table id='table'>";
body += "<thead><tr>";
$.each(heading, function(k , v) { body += "<th>"+v.replace("RDA_","").replace("CMP_","").replace("RUN_","")+"</th>"; });
body += "</tr></thead>";
$.each(data, function() {
if (this[goodcols.indexOf("RDA_CMP_OCCUPANCY")] != "NOTSET") { return; }
if (this[goodcols.indexOf("RDA_STATE")] != "OPEN") { return; }
if (this[goodcols.indexOf("RDA_CMP_CSC")] == "EXCLUDED") { return; }
var row = "";
var style = "";
var icol = 0;
var link = getrunlinks(this);
var isprompt = link.indexOf("Prompt")>=0;
if (isprompt) {
style += "background-color: rgb(137,253,146);";
} else {
if (([goodcols.indexOf("RUN_MODIFIED")]))/(3600*24*1000) > 5) { return ; };
$.each(this, function(k , v) {
if (icol == 0) {
row += "<td>"+link+"</td>";
} else {
row += "<td>"+v+"</td>";
icol += 1;
body += "<tr style='"+style+"'>"+row+"</tr>";
body += "</table>";
return body;
var reduce = function (data) {
return $.map(data, function(val,idx) {
if (goodcols.includes(colnames[idx])) { return val; }
var reduced_arr =;
var table = $.makeTable(reduced_arr,goodcols);
$("html").prepend("<div id='container'>"+table+"</div>");
"padding": "2%",
"align": "center",
"border": "solid 1px #DDEEEE",
"border-collapse": "collapse",
"font": "normal 13px Arial, sans-serif",
$("thead th").css({
"background-color": "#DDD",
"border": "solid 1px #000",
"color": "#000",
"padding": "5px",
"text-align": "left",
$("tbody td").css({
"border": "solid 1px #000",
"color": "#333",
"padding": "5px",
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