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Created September 23, 2018 00:41
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installing xgboost with gpu support on uaf-1
# main instructions from
# first install cmake somewhere
curl -O -L
tar xf cmake*.tar.gz
cd cmake*/
export CMAKE_ROOT=`pwd`
# get 10X environment for slc7
cd /cvmfs/ ; cmsenv ; cd -
git clone --recursive
cd xgboost
mkdir build
cd build
# either put cmake on the path or just use absolute path for the executable
cmake .. -DUSE_CUDA=ON -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda-9.2/
make -j15
cd ..
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/python-package/:$PYTHONPATH
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.2/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/python-package/:$PYTHONPATH
# need to remove the cuda libraries that CMSSW already has in /external/cuda so that our cuda-9.2 gets used
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | sed 's#/[^:]*/external/cuda/[^:]*##')
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.2/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
python tests/benchmark/ --params "{'gpu_id':1}" --iterations 100 --tree_method "gpu_hist"
# compare with `--tree_method "hist"` and without (by default, tree_method is gpu_hist)
# some example numbers with 4 methods (hist is default, gpu_hist should be the fastest IF the GPU architecture >= pascal)
# for reference, the GeForce Titan X's on uaf1 are maxwell, which is older than pascal :(
# hist (cpu): 4.7sec
# exact (cpu): 6.8sec
# gpu_hist (gpu): 46sec
# gpu_exact (gpu): 4.5sec
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