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Last active April 13, 2021 19:27
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From Coq.Unicode Require Import Utf8.
From Coq.Program Require Import Tactics.
Record Tomega := {
yes : nat → Prop;
no : nat → Prop;
disjoint : ∀ n, ¬ (yes n ∧ no n)
Definition leq (x y : Tomega) :=
(∀ n, yes x n → yes y n) ∧
(∀ n, no x n → no y n).
Infix "≤" := leq.
Definition maximal (x : Tomega) :=
∀ y, x ≤ y → y ≤ x.
Definition complement_closed (x : Tomega) :=
(∀ n, ¬ yes x n → no x n) ∧
(∀ n, ¬ no x n → yes x n).
Lemma yes_not_no x n : yes x n → ¬ no x n.
Proof. pose proof (disjoint x n); firstorder. Qed.
Lemma no_not_yes x n : no x n → ¬ yes x n.
Proof. pose proof (disjoint x n); firstorder. Qed.
Program Definition complete_yes (x : Tomega) : Tomega :=
{| yes n := ¬ no x n;
no n := no x n;
Next Obligation.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma leq_complete_yes x : x ≤ complete_yes x.
Proof. split; intros ?; simpl; auto using yes_not_no. Qed.
Program Definition complete_no (x : Tomega) : Tomega :=
{| yes n := yes x n;
no n := ¬ yes x n;
Next Obligation.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma leq_complete_no x : x ≤ complete_no x.
Proof. split; intros ?; simpl; auto using no_not_yes. Qed.
Lemma complement_closed_maximal x :
maximal x ↔ complement_closed x.
- intros Hmx; split; intros n Hn.
+ pose proof (leq_complete_no x) as [? ?]%Hmx; firstorder.
+ pose proof (leq_complete_yes x) as [? ?]%Hmx; firstorder.
- intros Hcc y Hy; split; intros n Hn.
+ apply Hcc; intros Hn'.
apply Hy in Hn'.
apply (disjoint y n); tauto.
+ apply Hcc; intros Hn'.
apply Hy in Hn'.
apply (disjoint y n); tauto.
Definition total (x : Tomega) := ∀ n, yes x n ∨ no x n.
Definition both_dec (x : Tomega) :=
(∀ n, yes x n ∨ ¬ yes x n) ∧
(∀ n, no x n ∨ ¬ no x n).
Lemma maximal_total_both_dec x :
maximal x → (total x ↔ both_dec x).
intros Hx%complement_closed_maximal.
- intros Ht; split; intros n.
+ destruct (Ht n); auto using no_not_yes.
+ destruct (Ht n); auto using yes_not_no.
- intros [Hby Hbn] n.
destruct (Hby n) as [|?%Hx]; auto.
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