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Created October 10, 2020 17:56
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Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
(* Require Import Ornamental.Ornaments. *)
(* Set DEVOID lift type. *)
Parameter A : Type.
Parameter B : Type.
Parameter f : A -> B.
Parameter g : B -> A.
Parameter section : forall (a : A), g (f a) = a.
Parameter retraction : forall (b : B), f (g b) = b.
Parameter sec_retr : forall a, retraction (f a) = f_equal f (section a).
(* Definition retraction_adjoint := Adjoint.fg_id' f g section retraction. *)
Definition ignore_A := A.
* Then we get:
Definition dep_constr_A_0 (a : ignore_A) : A := a.
Definition dep_constr_B_0 (a : ignore_A) : B := f a.
* Eta:
Definition eta_A (a : A) := a.
Definition eta_B (b : B) := b.
* This gives us dep_elim:
Program Definition dep_elim_A (P : A -> Type) (f0 : forall (a : A), P (dep_constr_A_0 a)) (a : A) : P (eta_A a).
apply f0.
Program Definition dep_elim_B (P : B -> Type) (f0 : forall (a : A), P (dep_constr_B_0 a)) (b : B) : P (eta_B b).
rewrite <- retraction. apply f0.
* iota over A is easy, but for iota over B it is a bit weirder:
Lemma iota_A_0 :
forall (P : A -> Type) (f0 : forall (a : A), P (dep_constr_A_0 a)) (a : A) (Q : P (dep_constr_A_0 a) -> Type),
Q (dep_elim_A P f0 (dep_constr_A_0 a)) ->
Q (f0 a).
intros. apply X.
* This one we can always do:
Lemma iota_B_aux:
forall a,
(fun _ : B => A)
(fun a0 : A => dep_constr_A_0 a0)
(dep_constr_B_0 a)
dep_constr_A_0 a.
intros a. unfold dep_elim_B.
unfold dep_constr_A_0. unfold dep_constr_B_0. unfold eta_B.
rewrite retraction.
apply section.
* But?
Lemma iota_B_aux_gen:
forall (P : B -> Type) (a : A) (f0 : forall (a : A), P (dep_constr_B_0 a)),
(fun a0 : A => f0 a0)
(dep_constr_B_0 a)
f0 a.
intros P a f0. unfold dep_elim_B.
unfold dep_constr_A_0. unfold dep_constr_B_0. unfold eta_B.
unfold dep_constr_B_0 in *.
unfold eq_rect.
(match (retraction (f a)) in _ = y return P y with
eq_refl =>
match eq_sym (f_equal f (section a)) in _ = z return P z with
eq_refl => f0 a
{ destruct (retraction (f a)); destruct (section a); trivial. }
rewrite sec_retr.
destruct (section a); trivial.
* Can we always do that one??? I don't know!
* But it's the remaining proof obligation (paper probably should clarify this better for
* the base case). So we can construct _some_ configuration from an equivalence
* if and only if we can prove this.
Lemma iota_B_0 :
forall (P : B -> Type) (f0 : forall (a : A), P (dep_constr_B_0 a)) (a : A) (Q : P (dep_constr_B_0 a) -> Type),
Q (dep_elim_B P f0 (dep_constr_B_0 a)) ->
Q (f0 a).
intros. unfold dep_elim_B in X. unfold eta_B in X. unfold dep_constr_B_0 in X.
rewrite <- iota_B_aux_gen. apply X.
* These should form their own equivalence:
Definition f' (a : A) : B :=
dep_elim_A (fun _ => B) (fun a => dep_constr_B_0 a) a.
Definition g' (b : B) : A :=
dep_elim_B (fun _ => A) (fun a => dep_constr_A_0 a) b.
* Ah, here is yet another surprise!
* These each follow by _both_ iota, not just by one.
* Need to think more and fix paper appropriately.
* The idea that it forms an equivalence is true, but my proof sketch of section
* and retraction doesn't follow in all cases---sometimes need both iota.
* What is the meaning of this? And when will I eat dinner?
Lemma section' (a : A) : g' (f' a) = a.
replace a with (eta_A a) by reflexivity.
apply dep_elim_A.
intros a0.
unfold f'. unfold g'.
unfold dep_constr_A_0 at 1. unfold dep_constr_A_0 at 1.
apply (iota_B_0 (fun _ => A) (fun a0 : A => dep_constr_A_0 a0) a0).
apply (iota_A_0 (fun _ => B) (fun a0 : A => dep_constr_B_0 a0) a0).
Lemma retraction' (b : B) : f' (g' b) = b.
replace b with (eta_B b) by reflexivity.
apply dep_elim_B.
intros a.
unfold f'. unfold g'.
unfold dep_constr_B_0 at 1. unfold dep_constr_B_0 at 1.
apply (iota_A_0 (fun _ => B) (fun a0 : A => dep_constr_B_0 a0) a).
apply (iota_B_0 (fun _ => A) (fun a0 : A => dep_constr_A_0 a0) a).
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