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Created March 14, 2024 14:15
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From stdpp Require Import list.
From iris.algebra Require Import excl numbers gmap.
From iris.base_logic Require Export invariants saved_prop.
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang proofmode notation.
(* move *)
Lemma list_sum_replicate n m : list_sum (replicate n m) = n * m.
revert m; induction n as [|n IHn]; first done; intros ?; rewrite /= IHn; lia.
Lemma list_sum_le l1 l2 : Forall2 (≤) l1 l2 → list_sum l1 ≤ list_sum l2.
revert l2; induction l1 as [|x l1 IHl1]; first by inversion 1.
intros [|y l2]; first by inversion 1.
inversion 1 as [|????? Hfa2]; simplify_eq.
specialize (IHl1 l2 Hfa2); simpl; lia.
(* end of move *)
Definition new_counter: val := λ: "n", AllocN "n" #0.
Definition incr: val := λ: "c" "i", FAA ("c" +ₗ "i") #1;; #().
Definition read_aux: val :=
rec: "read_aux" "proph" "acc" "c" "n" :=
if: "n" = #0 then "acc" else
let: "x" := Resolve !"c" "proph" #() in
"read_aux" "proph" ("acc" + "x") ("c" +ₗ #1) ("n" - #1).
Definition read: val :=
λ: "c" "n", let: "p" := NewProph in read_aux "p" #0 "c" "n".
Section proof.
Record counter_data := CData {
c_len : nat;
c_exact : gname;
c_lowers : list gname;
c_read_ops : gname
Global Instance counter_data_eq_dec : EqDecision counter_data.
Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
Global Program Instance counter_data_countable : Countable counter_data :=
inj_countable' (λ cd, (cd.(c_len), cd.(c_exact), cd.(c_lowers), cd.(c_read_ops)))
(λ p, {|c_len := p.1.1.1; c_exact := p.1.1.2; c_lowers := p.1.2; c_read_ops := p.2 |}) _.
Next Obligation.
Proof. intros []; done. Qed.
Global Instance: Inhabited counter_data := populate (CData inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant).
Record read_data := RData {
r_start : nat;
r_proph : proph_id;
r_final : nat;
r_uppers : list gname;
r_reads : gname;
r_pred : gname;
Notation read_dataO := (leibnizO read_data).
Global Instance: Inhabited read_data :=
populate (RData inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant).
Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
Context `{!inG Σ (authUR (optionUR (exclR nat)))}.
Context `{!inG Σ (authUR natO)}.
Context `{!inG Σ (authUR max_natUR)}.
Context `{!inG Σ (authUR (optionUR min_natR))}.
Context `{!inG Σ (authUR (optionUR (exclR (list nat))))}.
Context `{!savedPredG Σ nat}.
Context `{!inG Σ (authUR (gmapUR nat (agreeR read_dataO)))}.
Definition CName := nroot .@ "counter".
Definition cdata c (cd : counter_data) : iProp Σ :=
∃ (l : loc), ⌜c = #l⌝ ∗ meta l nroot cd.
Definition Counter_full (c : val) (n : nat) : iProp Σ :=
∃ cd, cdata c cd ∗ own cd.(c_exact) (● Excl' n).
Definition Counter_frag (c : val) (n : nat) : iProp Σ :=
∃ cd, cdata c cd ∗ own cd.(c_exact) (◯ Excl' n).
Definition ReadOps_full γrdops (M : gmap nat read_data) : iProp Σ :=
own γrdops (● (to_agree <$> M : gmapUR nat (agreeR read_dataO))).
Definition ReadOp_frag γrdops rid rd : iProp Σ :=
own γrdops (◯ {[ rid := to_agree rd]}).
Definition read_seq_full γ reads := own γ (● Excl' reads).
Definition read_seq_frag γ reads := own γ (◯ Excl' reads).
Definition val_to_nat (v : val) : nat :=
match v with
| LitV (LitInt z) => Z.to_nat z
| _ => 0
Definition prophecy_to_nats (vs : list (val * val)) : list nat :=
val_to_nat ∘ fst <$> vs.
Definition lists_sum_is l1 l2 s := list_sum l1 + list_sum l2 = s.
Definition read_uppers_maintained start names reads cnts : iProp Σ :=
∃ start_cnts,
⌜list_sum start_cnts = start⌝ ∗
([∗ list] γ; k ∈ names; start_cnts, own γ (● Some (MinNat k))) ∗
([∗ list] γ; k ∈ names; cnts, own γ (◯ Some (MinNat k))) ∗
([∗ list] i ↦ k ∈ reads, ∃ γ, ⌜names !! i = Some γ⌝ ∗ own γ (◯ Some (MinNat k))).
Definition linearization_point c rd cnts pred : iProp Σ :=
(⌜rd.(r_start) ≤ rd.(r_final)⌝ -∗
if bool_decide (list_sum cnts < rd.(r_final)) then
∀ k, Counter_full c k ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗
Counter_full c k ∗ (pred k)
pred rd.(r_final) ∨ ∃ reads, read_seq_frag rd.(r_reads) reads)%I.
Definition read_state_inv c rid cnts : iProp Σ :=
∃ rd cd pred (reads : list nat) pvs,
cdata c cd ∗
ReadOp_frag cd.(c_read_ops) rid rd ∗
saved_pred_own rd.(r_pred) DfracDiscarded pred ∗
read_seq_full rd.(r_reads) reads ∗
([∗ list] i ↦ k ∈ reads,
∃ γ, ⌜cd.(c_lowers) !! i = Some γ⌝ ∗ own γ (◯ MaxNat k)) ∗
read_uppers_maintained rd.(r_start) rd.(r_uppers) reads cnts ∗
proph rd.(r_proph) pvs ∗
⌜lists_sum_is reads (prophecy_to_nats (take (cd.(c_len) - length reads) pvs)) rd.(r_final)⌝ ∗
linearization_point c rd cnts pred.
Definition all_read_ops c cd M cnts : iProp Σ :=
cdata c cd ∗ ReadOps_full cd.(c_read_ops) M ∗ [∗ set] rid ∈ dom M, read_state_inv c rid cnts.
Definition read_state_local c rid p reads final pred : iProp Σ :=
∃ rd cd,
⌜rd.(r_proph) = p⌝ ∗
⌜rd.(r_final) = final⌝ ∗
cdata c cd ∗
ReadOp_frag cd.(c_read_ops) rid rd ∗
saved_pred_own rd.(r_pred) DfracDiscarded pred ∗
read_seq_frag rd.(r_reads) reads.
Definition counter_inv c cd : iProp Σ :=
∃ (l : loc) cnts M,
⌜c = #l⌝ ∗
cdata c cd ∗
Counter_full c (list_sum cnts) ∗
⌜length cnts = cd.(c_len)⌝ ∧
l ↦∗ ((λ k : nat, #k) <$> cnts) ∗
([∗ list] k; γlwr ∈ cnts; cd.(c_lowers), own γlwr (● (MaxNat k))) ∗
all_read_ops c cd M cnts.
Definition is_counter c : iProp Σ := ∃ cd, inv CName (counter_inv c cd).
(* Lemmas *)
Lemma ReadOps_init : ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, ReadOps_full γ ∅.
Proof. iApply own_alloc; rewrite fmap_empty; apply auth_auth_valid; done. Qed.
Lemma ReadOps_alloc γ M rd :
ReadOps_full γ M ==∗ ∃ rid, ⌜rid ∉ dom M⌝ ∗ ReadOps_full γ ({[rid := rd]} ∪ M) ∗ ReadOp_frag γ rid rd.
iIntros "HM".
iMod (own_update _ _ (● (to_agree <$> ({[fresh (dom M) := rd]} ∪ M) : gmapUR nat (agreeR read_dataO)) ⋅
◯ {[fresh (dom M) := to_agree rd]}) with "HM") as "[HM Hrid]".
{ apply auth_update_alloc.
rewrite map_fmap_union map_fmap_singleton -insert_union_singleton_l.
eapply @alloc_singleton_local_update; last done.
apply not_elem_of_dom_1.
rewrite dom_fmap.
apply is_fresh. }
iExists _; iFrame.
iModIntro; iPureIntro; apply is_fresh.
Lemma ReadOps_lookup γ M rid rd :
ReadOps_full γ M -∗ ReadOp_frag γ rid rd -∗ ⌜M !! rid = Some rd⌝.
iIntros "HM Hrid".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "HM Hrid") as %[Hincl _]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
apply singleton_included_l in Hincl as [rd' [Hrd'1 Hrd'2]].
rewrite lookup_fmap in Hrd'1.
destruct lookup; last by inversion Hrd'1.
rewrite -Hrd'1 /= in Hrd'2.
apply Some_included_1 in Hrd'2 as [Hrd'2|Hrd'2].
- apply to_agree_inj, leibniz_equiv in Hrd'2; simplify_eq; done.
- apply to_agree_included, leibniz_equiv in Hrd'2; simplify_eq; done.
Lemma ReadOps_agree γ rid rd rd' : ReadOp_frag γ rid rd -∗ ReadOp_frag γ rid rd' -∗ ⌜rd = rd'⌝.
iIntros "Hrid1 Hrid2".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hrid1 Hrid2") as %Hvl.
rewrite -auth_frag_op auth_frag_valid in Hvl.
specialize (Hvl rid).
rewrite lookup_op !lookup_singleton -Some_op in Hvl.
apply to_agree_op_inv_L in Hvl; done.
Lemma read_seq_init reads : ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, read_seq_full γ reads ∗ read_seq_frag γ reads.
rewrite /read_seq_full /read_seq_frag; setoid_rewrite <- own_op.
iApply own_alloc; apply auth_both_valid; done.
Lemma read_seq_agree γ reads reads' : read_seq_full γ reads -∗ read_seq_frag γ reads' -∗ ⌜reads = reads'⌝.
iIntros "Hfl Hfr".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hfl Hfr") as %[Hvl _]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
apply Excl_included, leibniz_equiv in Hvl; done.
Lemma read_seq_frag_unique γ reads reads' : read_seq_frag γ reads -∗ read_seq_frag γ reads' -∗ False.
iIntros "Hfl Hfr".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hfl Hfr") as %Hvl.
rewrite auth_frag_valid /= in Hvl; done.
Lemma read_seq_update γ reads reads' :
read_seq_full γ reads -∗ read_seq_frag γ reads ==∗ read_seq_full γ reads' ∗ read_seq_frag γ reads'.
iIntros "Hfl Hfr".
iMod (own_update_2 _ _ _ (● _ ⋅ ◯ _) with "Hfl Hfr") as "[Hfl Hfr]"; last by iFrame.
apply auth_update.
apply option_local_update.
apply exclusive_local_update; done.
Lemma cdata_agree c cd cd' : cdata c cd -∗ cdata c cd' -∗ ⌜cd = cd'⌝.
iDestruct 1 as (? ->) "H1"; iDestruct 1 as (? ?) "H2"; simplify_eq.
iApply (meta_agree with "H1 H2").
Lemma Counter_agree c n m : Counter_full c n -∗ Counter_frag c m -∗ ⌜n = m⌝.
iDestruct 1 as (?) "[#Hcd Hfl]".
iDestruct 1 as (?) "[#Hcd' Hfr]".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %?; simplify_eq.
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hfl Hfr") as %Hvl.
apply auth_both_valid_discrete in Hvl as
[?%Excl_included%leibniz_equiv _]; done.
Lemma Counter_update c n m : Counter_full c n -∗ Counter_frag c n ==∗ Counter_full c m ∗ Counter_frag c m.
iDestruct 1 as (?) "[#Hcd Hfl]".
iDestruct 1 as (?) "[#Hcd' Hfr]".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %?; simplify_eq.
iMod (own_update_2 _ _ _ (● Excl' m ⋅ ◯ Excl' m) with "Hfl Hfr") as "[Hfl Hfr]".
{ apply auth_update, option_local_update, exclusive_local_update; done. }
iModIntro; iSplitL "Hfl"; iExists _; iFrame; done.
Lemma linearization_point_incr c rd cnts1 cnt cnts2 pred :
Counter_full c (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2)) ∗
linearization_point c rd (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) pred ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗
Counter_full c (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2)) ∗
linearization_point c rd (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2) pred.
rewrite /linearization_point; iIntros "[Hc H]".
destruct (decide (rd.(r_start) ≤ rd.(r_final))); last by iModIntro; iFrame; iIntros "%".
iSpecialize ("H" with "[//]").
replace (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2)) with (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) + 1)
by by rewrite !list_sum_app /=; lia.
destruct (decide (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) < r_final rd)).
- rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; last done.
destruct (decide (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) + 1 < r_final rd)).
+ rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; last done.
iModIntro; iFrame; done.
+ assert (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) + 1 = r_final rd) as -> by lia.
iMod ("H" with "Hc") as "[Hc Hpred]".
iModIntro; iFrame.
iIntros "_".
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last lia; eauto.
- repeat (rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last lia).
iModIntro; iFrame; done.
Lemma read_uppers_maintained_incr start names reads cnts1 cnt cnts2 :
read_uppers_maintained start names reads (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) -∗
read_uppers_maintained start names reads (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2).
iDestruct 1 as (start_cnts) "(? & HFull & Hfrag & Hreads)".
iExists _; iFrame.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_r with "Hfrag") as (?? ->) "[$ Hfr2]".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_r with "Hfr2") as (?? ->) "[Hfr $]"; simpl.
assert ((MinNat cnt) = (MinNat cnt) ⋅ (MinNat (cnt + 1))) as ->
by by rewrite min_nat_op_min; f_equal; lia.
rewrite Some_op auth_frag_op own_op.
iDestruct "Hfr" as "[_ $]".
Lemma make_read_uppers_maintained cnts :
⊢ |==> ∃ names, read_uppers_maintained (list_sum cnts) names [] cnts.
rewrite /read_uppers_maintained /=.
iInduction cnts as [|cnt cnts] "IH".
{ iExists [], []; simpl; eauto. }
iMod "IH" as (names start_cnts Hsums) "(Hmins & Hcnts & _)".
iMod (own_alloc (● Some (MinNat cnt) ⋅
◯ Some (MinNat cnt))) as (γ) "[Hfl Hfr]";
first by apply auth_both_valid.
iExists (γ :: names), (cnt :: start_cnts); simpl; iFrame; auto with lia.
Lemma read_uppers_maintained_progress start names reads n cnts :
cnts !! length reads = Some n →
read_uppers_maintained start names reads cnts -∗
read_uppers_maintained start names (reads ++ [n]) cnts.
intros Hlu.
iDestruct 1 as (start_cnts) "(? & HFull & Hfrag & Hreads)".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hfrag") as %?.
pose proof Hlu as ?%lookup_lt_Some.
destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 names (length reads)) as [γ Hγ]; first lia.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_lookup_acc _ _ _ (length reads) with "Hfrag") as "[#Hγ Hrest]"; [done|done|].
iDestruct ("Hrest" with "[$]") as "Hfrag".
iExists _; iFrame.
iSplit; last done.
replace (length reads + 0) with (length reads) by lia.
iExists _; iSplit; done.
Lemma read_uppers_maintained_done start names reads cnts :
length cnts = length reads →
read_uppers_maintained start names reads cnts -∗ ⌜start ≤ list_sum reads⌝.
intros Hlen.
iDestruct 1 as (start_cnts) "(<- & HFull & Hfrag & Hreads)".
iAssert (⌜∀ i, option_Forall2 (≤) (start_cnts !! i) (reads !! i)⌝)%I as %?;
last first.
{ iPureIntro; apply list_sum_le, Forall2_lookup; done. }
iIntros (i).
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "HFull") as %?.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hfrag") as %?.
destruct (reads !! i) eqn:Hreadsi.
- iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup with "Hreads") as (γ Hγ) "Hfr"; first done.
pose proof Hγ as ?%lookup_lt_Some.
destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 start_cnts i) as [s Hs]; first lia.
rewrite Hs.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_lookup with "HFull") as "Hfl"; [done|done|].
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hfl Hfr")
as %[Hincl _]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
apply Some_included_1 in Hincl as [Hincl|Hincl].
{ apply leibniz_equiv in Hincl; simplify_eq; eauto. }
destruct Hincl as [[] Hincl%leibniz_equiv].
rewrite min_nat_op_min in Hincl.
iPureIntro; constructor; lia.
- pose proof Hreadsi as ?%lookup_ge_None_1.
rewrite (lookup_ge_None_2 start_cnts i); [done|lia].
Lemma read_state_inv_incr c rid cnts1 cnt cnts2 :
Counter_full c (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2)) -∗
read_state_inv c rid (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗
Counter_full c (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2)) ∗
read_state_inv c rid (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2).
iIntros "Hcn Hrsi".
iDestruct "Hrsi" as (rd cd pred reads pvs)
"(#Hmeta & #Hfr & #Hspred & Hrds & Hrdsmax & Huppers & Hproph & Hfin & Hlp)".
iDestruct (read_uppers_maintained_incr with "Huppers") as "Huppers".
iMod (linearization_point_incr with "[$Hcn $Hlp]") as "[$ Hlp]".
iModIntro; iExists _, _, _, _, _; iSplit; iFrame "#"; iFrame; done.
Lemma all_read_ops_incr c cd M cnts1 cnt cnts2 :
Counter_full c (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2)) -∗
all_read_ops c cd M (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗
Counter_full c (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2)) ∗
all_read_ops c cd M (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2).
rewrite /all_read_ops.
iIntros "Hcn (#Hcd & HM & Hrsis)".
iInduction (dom M) as [|rid D] "IH" using set_ind_L.
{ rewrite !big_sepS_empty; iFrame; done. }
rewrite !big_sepS_insert //; [].
iDestruct "Hrsis" as "[Hrsi Hrsis]".
iMod ("IH" with "Hcn HM Hrsis") as "(Hcn & HM & Hrsis)".
iMod (read_state_inv_incr with "Hcn Hrsi") as "[Hcn Hrsi]".
iFrame; done.
Lemma make_read_state pred p pvs c cd M cnts :
Counter_full c (list_sum cnts) -∗
(∀ k, Counter_full c k ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗ Counter_full c k ∗ (pred k)) -∗
▷ all_read_ops c cd M cnts -∗ proph p pvs ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗
∃ rid rd, ⌜rid ∉ dom M⌝ ∗ Counter_full c (list_sum cnts) ∗
▷ all_read_ops c cd ({[rid := rd]} ∪ M) cnts ∗ read_state_local c rid p [] rd.(r_final) pred.
iIntros "Hfull Hreadupd [#>Hcd [>HM Hrsis]] Hp".
rewrite /ReadOps_full.
iMod (saved_pred_alloc pred DfracDiscarded) as (γpred) "#Hpred"; first done.
iMod (read_seq_init []) as (γreads) "[Hrdfl Hrdsfr]".
iMod (make_read_uppers_maintained cnts) as (γuppers) "Hrum".
set (rd := RData (list_sum cnts) p
(list_sum (prophecy_to_nats ((take cd.(c_len)) pvs))) γuppers γreads γpred).
iMod (ReadOps_alloc with "HM") as (rid ?) "[HM #Hrid]".
iAssert (|={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=> Counter_full c (list_sum cnts) ∗
linearization_point c rd cnts pred)%I with "[Hfull Hreadupd]" as ">[Hfull Hlp]".
{ rewrite /linearization_point.
destruct (decide (list_sum cnts ≤ rd.(r_final))); last by iFrame;
iModIntro; iIntros "%".
destruct (decide (list_sum cnts < rd.(r_final))).
- iModIntro. iFrame. iIntros "_". rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; done.
- assert (rd.(r_final) = list_sum cnts) as -> by lia.
iMod ("Hreadupd" with "Hfull") as "[Hfull HQ]".
iModIntro. iFrame. iIntros "_".
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; [eauto|lia]. }
iExists rid, rd.
iFrame "Hfull".
iSplit; first done.
iSplitR "Hrdsfr"; last first.
{ iExists rd, cd. iFrame "#"; iFrame; done. }
iFrame "#"; iFrame.
rewrite dom_union_L dom_singleton_L.
rewrite big_sepS_insert; last done.
iFrame "Hrsis".
iExists rd, cd, pred, [], pvs; iFrame "Hcd Hpred Hrid Hp Hrdfl Hrum Hlp".
iSplit; first done.
rewrite /lists_sum_is /=.
repeat f_equal; lia.
Lemma progress_read c cd M n cnts rid p (reads : list nat) final pred :
length cnts = cd.(c_len) →
cnts !! length reads = Some n →
▷ (∃ γ : gname, ⌜cd.(c_lowers) !! (length reads) = Some γ⌝ ∗ own γ (◯ MaxNat n)) -∗
▷ all_read_ops c cd M cnts -∗
▷ read_state_local c rid p reads final pred -∗
▷ ∃ pvs, proph p pvs ∗
(∀ w pvs', ⌜pvs = (#n,w) :: pvs'⌝ -∗ proph p pvs' ==∗
all_read_ops c cd M cnts ∗ read_state_local c rid p (reads ++ [n]) final pred).
iIntros (Hlen Hlu) "Hn [#Hcd [HM Hrsis]] Hls".
iDestruct "Hls" as (rd cd' <- <-) "(#Hcd' & Hrid & #Hspred & Hreads)".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %<-.
iDestruct (ReadOps_lookup with "HM Hrid") as %?.
iDestruct (big_sepS_elem_of_acc _ _ rid with "Hrsis") as "[Hrsi Hrest]"; first by apply elem_of_dom.
iClear "Hcd'".
iDestruct "Hrsi" as (rd' cd' pred' reads' pvs)
"(#Hcd' & Hrid' & #Hspred' & Hreads' & Hlowers & Hrum & Hp & %Hsums & Hlp)".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %<-.
iDestruct (ReadOps_agree with "Hrid Hrid'") as %<-.
iExists _; iFrame "Hp".
iIntros (w pvs' Hpvs) "Hp".
iDestruct (read_seq_agree with "Hreads' Hreads") as %->.
iMod (read_seq_update _ _ (reads ++ [n]) with "Hreads' Hreads") as "[Hreads' Hreads]".
iDestruct (read_uppers_maintained_progress with "Hrum") as "Hrum"; first done.
iDestruct ("Hrest" with "[Hrum Hrid Hreads' Hlp Hp Hlowers Hn]") as "Hrsis".
{ iExists rd, cd, _, (_ ++ [_]), _; iFrame "#"; iFrame.
iDestruct "Hn" as (? ?) "#Hn".
- simpl; iSplit; last done; iExists _; iFrame "#".
replace (length reads + 0) with (length reads) by lia; done.
- iPureIntro.
revert Hsums.
rewrite /lists_sum_is list_sum_app app_length /=.
assert (cd.(c_len) > 0).
{ destruct cnts; first done; simpl in *; lia. }
pose proof Hlu as ?%lookup_lt_Some%Nat.sub_gt.
rewrite -Hlen.
replace (cd.(c_len)) with (S (cd.(c_len) - 1)) by lia.
replace (length cnts - (length reads + 1)) with
((length cnts - length reads) - 1) by lia.
destruct (length cnts - length reads) as [|diff] eqn:?; first done.
replace (S diff - 1) with diff by lia.
rewrite Hpvs /=; lia. }
iSplitL "HM Hrsis"; first by iFrame.
iExists _, _; iFrame "#"; iFrame; done.
Lemma reads_less_than_current cnts lowers reads :
length cnts = length reads →
([∗ list] k;γlwr ∈ cnts; lowers, own γlwr (● MaxNat k)) -∗
([∗ list] i↦k ∈ reads, ∃ γ : gname, ⌜lowers !! i = Some γ⌝ ∗
own γ (◯ MaxNat k)) -∗
⌜list_sum reads ≤ list_sum cnts⌝.
iIntros (Hlens) "Hfl Hfr".
iAssert (⌜∀ i, option_Forall2 (≤) (reads !! i) (cnts !! i)⌝)%I as %?;
last first.
{ iPureIntro; apply list_sum_le, Forall2_lookup; done. }
iIntros (i).
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hfl") as %?.
destruct (reads !! i) eqn:Hreadsi.
- iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup with "Hfr") as (γ Hγ) "Hfr"; first done.
pose proof Hγ as ?%lookup_lt_Some.
destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 cnts i) as [s Hs]; first lia.
rewrite Hs.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_lookup with "Hfl") as "Hfl"; [done|done|].
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hfl Hfr")
as %[Hincl _]%auth_both_valid_discrete.
destruct Hincl as [[] Hincl%leibniz_equiv].
rewrite max_nat_op in Hincl.
iPureIntro; constructor; lia.
- pose proof Hreadsi as ?%lookup_ge_None_1.
rewrite (lookup_ge_None_2 cnts i); [done|lia].
Lemma read_done c cd M cnts rid p (reads : list nat) final pred :
length cnts = cd.(c_len) →
length cnts = length reads →
([∗ list] k; γlwr ∈ cnts; cd.(c_lowers), own γlwr (● (MaxNat k))) -∗
all_read_ops c cd M cnts -∗
read_state_local c rid p reads final pred -∗
([∗ list] k; γlwr ∈ cnts; cd.(c_lowers), own γlwr (● (MaxNat k))) ∗
all_read_ops c cd M cnts ∗
⌜list_sum reads = final⌝ ∗
∃ pred', ▷ (∀ n, pred' n ≡ pred n) ∗ pred' (list_sum reads).
iIntros (Hlen Hlen') "Hmaxs [#Hcd [HM Hrsis]] Hls".
iDestruct "Hls" as (rd cd' <- <-) "(#Hcd' & Hrid & #Hspred & Hreads)".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %<-.
iDestruct (ReadOps_lookup with "HM Hrid") as %?.
iDestruct (big_sepS_elem_of_acc _ _ rid with "Hrsis") as "[Hrsi Hrest]";
first by apply elem_of_dom.
iClear "Hcd'".
iDestruct "Hrsi" as (rd' cd' pred' reads' pvs)
"(#Hcd' & Hrid' & #Hspred' & Hreads' & Hlowers & Hrum & Hp & %Hsums & Hlp)".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %<-.
iDestruct (ReadOps_agree with "Hrid Hrid'") as %<-.
iDestruct (read_seq_agree with "Hreads' Hreads") as %->.
replace (c_len cd - length reads) with 0 in Hsums by lia.
rewrite /lists_sum_is /= in Hsums.
rewrite /linearization_point.
iDestruct (read_uppers_maintained_done with "Hrum") as %?; first done.
iSpecialize ("Hlp" with "[]"); first by eauto with lia.
iDestruct (reads_less_than_current with "Hmaxs Hlowers") as %?; first done.
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last lia.
iDestruct "Hlp" as "[Hlp|Hlp]"; last first.
{ iDestruct "Hlp" as (?) "Hreads2".
iDestruct (read_seq_frag_unique with "Hreads Hreads2") as %?; done. }
iFrame "Hmaxs".
iSplitR "Hlp"; last first.
{ replace rd.(r_final) with (list_sum reads) by lia.
iSplit; first done.
iExists pred'; iFrame "Hlp".
iIntros (?);
iApply (saved_pred_agree with "Hspred' Hspred"). }
iDestruct ("Hrest" with "[Hrum Hrid Hreads' Hlowers Hp Hreads]") as "Hrsis".
{ iExists rd, cd, _, _, _; iFrame "#"; iFrame.
- replace (c_len cd - length reads) with 0 by lia; done.
- iIntros "_".
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last lia.
iRight; iExists _; iFrame. }
iFrame; iFrame "#".
Lemma wp_new_counter (n : nat) :
{{{ ⌜0 < n⌝ }}}
new_counter #n
{{{c cd, RET c; Counter_frag c 0 ∗ cdata c cd ∗ ⌜cd.(c_len) = n⌝ ∗ is_counter c}}}.
iIntros (Φ) "%Hnp HΦ".
rewrite /new_counter; wp_pures.
iApply wp_fupd.
wp_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
iIntros (c) "[Hc Hm]".
iAssert (meta_token c ⊤) with "[Hm]" as "Hm".
{ destruct n; first lia.
replace (Z.to_nat (S n)) with (S n) by lia.
iDestruct "Hm" as "[Hm _]".
rewrite Loc.add_0. done. }
iMod (own_alloc (● Excl' 0 ⋅ ◯ Excl' 0)) as (γ) "[HFl HFr]";
first by apply auth_both_valid.
iAssert (|==> ∃ lowers, ⌜length lowers = n⌝ ∧ [∗ list] γlwr ∈ lowers, own γlwr (● (MaxNat 0)))%I as "Hlwrs".
{ iInduction n as [|n] "IH"; first lia.
destruct (decide (n = 0)) as [->|]; simpl.
- iMod (own_alloc (● MaxNat 0)) as (γlwr) "Hmn"; first by apply auth_auth_valid.
iModIntro; iExists [_]; simpl; iFrame; done.
- iMod ("IH" with "[]") as (lowers) "[% Hlowers]"; first by eauto with lia.
iMod (own_alloc (● MaxNat 0)) as (γlwr) "Hmn"; first by apply auth_auth_valid.
iModIntro; iExists (lowers ++ [γlwr]).
iSplit; first by rewrite app_length /=; auto with lia.
rewrite big_sepL_app /=; iFrame. }
iMod "Hlwrs" as (lowers) "[%Hlen Hlwrs]".
iMod (own_alloc (● ∅)) as (γrdops) "Hrdops"; first by apply auth_auth_valid.
set (cd := {|c_len := n; c_exact := γ; c_lowers := lowers; c_read_ops := γrdops |}).
iMod (meta_set _ _ cd nroot with "Hm") as "#Hm"; first done.
iAssert (cdata #c cd) as "Hcd"; first by iExists _; iFrame "#".
iMod (inv_alloc _ _ (counter_inv #c cd) with "[HFl Hc Hlwrs Hrdops]") as "#IH".
{ iNext; iExists c, (replicate n 0), ∅.
iSplit; first done.
iSplit; first by iExists _; iFrame "#".
iFrame "Hrdops"; rewrite dom_empty_L big_sepS_empty.
iSplitL "HFl".
{ rewrite list_sum_replicate.
replace (n * 0) with 0 by lia.
iExists _; iFrame "#"; iFrame. }
rewrite replicate_length; iSplit; first done.
rewrite big_sepL2_replicate_l; last done.
replace (Z.to_nat n) with n by lia.
rewrite fmap_replicate.
iSplit; last done.
iExists _; iSplit; done. }
rewrite /Counter_frag.
iApply ("HΦ" $! #c cd).
iSplit; last first.
{ by repeat iSplit; [by iExists _; eauto|done|by iExists _; eauto]. }
iExists _; iFrame "#"; done.
Lemma wp_incr (Q : nat → iProp Σ) c cd i :
{{{ ⌜i < cd.(c_len)⌝ ∗ cdata c cd ∗ is_counter c ∗
(∀ k, Counter_full c k ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗ Counter_full c (k + 1) ∗ (Q k)) }}}
incr c #i
{{{k, RET #(); Q k}}}.
iIntros (Φ) "(% & #Hcd & Hinv & Hupd) HΦ".
iPoseProof "Hcd" as (?) "[-> _]".
iDestruct "Hinv" as (cd') "#Hinv".
rewrite /incr; wp_pures.
wp_bind (FAA _ _).
iInv CName as (l' cnts M)
"(>%Heq & >#Hcd' & >Hfull & >%Hlen & >Hcnts & >Hmaxs & Hallrops)".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %<-.
simplify_eq Heq; intros <-.
destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 cnts i) as [cnt Hcnt]; first lia.
destruct (elem_of_list_split_length cnts i cnt) as (cnts1 & cnts2 & -> & ->);
first done.
rewrite app_length /= in Hlen.
rewrite fmap_app /= array_app array_cons !fmap_length.
iDestruct "Hcnts" as "[Hcnts1 [Hcnt Hcnts2]]".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_l with "Hmaxs") as
(lowers1 lwrlowers2 Hlowerseq) "[Hmaxs1 Hmaxmaxs2]".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_l with "Hmaxmaxs2") as
(γlwr lowers2 ->) "[Hmax Hmaxs2]".
iMod ("Hupd" with "Hfull") as "[Hfull HQ]".
iMod (own_update with "Hmax") as "[Hmax _]".
{ apply auth_update_alloc, (max_nat_local_update _ _ (MaxNat (cnt + 1)));
simpl; lia. }
replace (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt :: cnts2) + 1)
with (list_sum (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2))
by by rewrite !list_sum_app /=; lia.
iMod (all_read_ops_incr with "Hfull Hallrops") as "[Hfull Hallrops]".
iSplitR "HΦ HQ"; last first.
{ wp_pures; iModIntro. iApply "HΦ"; iFrame. }
iExists l, (cnts1 ++ cnt + 1 :: cnts2), M.
iSplit; first done.
iFrame "Hfull Hallrops".
iFrame "Hcd".
iSplit; first by rewrite app_length.
rewrite fmap_app array_app array_cons !fmap_length; iFrame.
replace ((cnt + 1)%nat : Z) with (cnt + 1)%Z; last lia.
rewrite Hlowerseq.
iApply (big_sepL2_app with "Hmaxs1").
rewrite big_sepL2_cons; iFrame.
Lemma wp_read_aux (Q : nat → iProp Σ) p (l : loc) cd rid reads final :
length reads ≤ cd.(c_len) →
{{{ cdata #l cd ∗ inv CName (counter_inv #l cd) ∗ read_state_local #l rid p (reads : list nat) final Q }}}
read_aux #p #(list_sum reads) #(l +ₗ (length reads)) #(cd.(c_len) - length reads)
{{{RET #final; Q final }}}.
iIntros (Hlens Φ) "(#Hcd & #Hic & Hls) HΦ".
iAssert (WP read_aux #p #(list_sum reads) #(l +ₗ (length reads)) #(cd.(c_len) - length reads)
{{ v, ⌜v = #final⌝ ∗ Q final}} -∗
WP read_aux #p #(list_sum reads) #(l +ₗ (length reads)) #(c_len cd - length reads) {{ v, Φ v }}
)%I with "[HΦ]" as "H".
{ iIntros "H".
iDestruct (wp_frame_step_r' with "[$H $HΦ]") as "H".
iApply (wp_wand with "H").
iIntros (?) "[H1 H2]". iDestruct "H1" as (->) "H1".
iApply "H2"; done. }
iApply "H".
iLöb as "IH" forall (reads Hlens).
rewrite {2}/read_aux.
destruct (cd.(c_len) - length reads) as [|n] eqn:Hn.
- do 7 wp_pure.
wp_bind (BinOp _ _ _).
iInv CName as (l' cnts M)
"(>%Heq & _ & >Hfull & >%Hlen & >Hcnts & >Hmaxs & Hallrops)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (read_done with "Hmaxs Hallrops Hls") as "(Hmaxs & Hallrops & %Hrdsfin & H)"; [done|lia|].
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hfull Hcnts Hmaxs Hallrops]") as "_".
{ iNext. iExists _, _, _; iFrame; eauto. }
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; last by eauto with f_equal lia.
iSplit; first by simplify_eq.
iDestruct "H" as (?) "[Heq H]".
iSpecialize ("Heq" $! final).
rewrite Hrdsfin.
iRewrite -"Heq"; done.
- wp_pures.
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last by intros ?; simplify_eq; lia.
wp_bind (Resolve _ _ _).
iInv CName as (l' cnts M)
"(>%Heq & _ & >Hfull & >%Hlen & >Hcnts & >Hmaxs & Hallrops)" "Hclose".
destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 cnts (length reads)) as [cnt Hcnt]; first lia.
edestruct (elem_of_list_split_length cnts (length reads)) as (cnts1 & cnts2 & Hcnts & Hreadscnts1);
first eassumption.
rewrite Hcnts.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_l with "Hmaxs") as (lowers1 lowers2 Hlowers) "[Hmaxs1 Hmaxs2]".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_l with "Hmaxs2") as (γlwr ? ->) "[Hmax Hmaxs2]".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hmaxs1") as %?.
iMod (own_update _ _ (● MaxNat cnt ⋅ ◯ MaxNat cnt) with "Hmax") as "[Hmax #Hmaxfr]".
{ apply auth_update_alloc, max_nat_local_update; done. }
iDestruct (progress_read with "[] [$] [$]") as (pvs) "[>Hp Hback]".
{ rewrite -Hcnts; done. }
{ rewrite lookup_app_r; last lia.
replace (length reads - length cnts1) with 0 by lia.
done. }
{ iNext; iExists _; iFrame "#".
rewrite Hlowers.
rewrite lookup_app_r; last lia.
replace (length reads - length lowers1) with 0 by lia.
done. }
wp_apply (wp_resolve with "[$]"); first done.
rewrite fmap_app /= array_app array_cons !fmap_length.
iDestruct "Hcnts" as "[Hcnts1 [Hcnt Hcnts2]]".
rewrite Hreadscnts1.
iIntros (pvs' ->) "Hp".
iMod ("Hback" with "[] Hp") as "(Hallrops & Hls)"; first done.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hfull Hcnts1 Hcnt Hcnts2 Hmaxs1 Hmax Hmaxs2 Hallrops]") as "_".
{ iNext. iExists _, _, _; iFrame "Hfull Hallrops Hcd".
iSplit; first done.
iSplit; first by rewrite -Hcnts.
rewrite fmap_app /= array_app array_cons !fmap_length; iFrame "Hcnts1 Hcnts2 Hcnt".
rewrite Hlowers.
iApply (big_sepL2_app with "Hmaxs1").
iApply big_sepL2_cons; iFrame. }
do 5 wp_pure.
replace (l' +ₗ length cnts1 +ₗ 1) with (l' +ₗ length (reads ++ [cnt])); last first.
{ rewrite Loc.add_assoc. rewrite app_length /=. f_equal; lia. }
replace #(c_len cd - length cnts1 - 1) with #(c_len cd - length (reads ++ [cnt])); last first.
{ rewrite app_length /=; do 2 f_equal; lia. }
replace #(list_sum reads + cnt) with #(list_sum (reads ++ [cnt])); last first.
{ repeat f_equal. rewrite list_sum_app /=; lia. }
iApply ("IH" $! (reads ++ [cnt]) with "[] [$]").
rewrite -Hlen Hcnts !app_length /=; eauto with lia.
Lemma wp_read (Q : nat → iProp Σ) c cd :
{{{ cdata c cd ∗ is_counter c ∗
(∀ k, Counter_full c k ={⊤ ∖ ↑CName}=∗ Counter_full c k ∗ (Q k)) }}}
read c #cd.(c_len)
{{{k, RET #k; Q k}}}.
iIntros (Φ) "(#Hcd & Hinv & Hupd) HΦ".
iPoseProof "Hcd" as (?) "[-> _]".
iDestruct "Hinv" as (cd') "#Hinv".
rewrite /read; wp_pures.
wp_apply wp_new_proph; first done.
iIntros (pvs p) "Hp".
iApply fupd_wp.
iInv CName as (l' cnts M)
"(>%Heq & >#Hcd' & >Hfull & >%Hlen & >Hcnts & >Hmaxs & Hallrops)" "Hclose".
iDestruct (cdata_agree with "Hcd Hcd'") as %<-.
iMod (make_read_state with "Hfull Hupd Hallrops Hp") as (rid rd ?) "(Hfull & Hallrops & Hls)".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hfull Hmaxs Hcnts Hallrops]") as "_".
{ iNext. iExists _, _, _; iFrame; eauto. }
replace #0 with #(list_sum []) by done.
replace #l' with #(l' +ₗ @length nat []) at 5 by rewrite /= Loc.add_0 //.
replace #cd.(c_len) with #(cd.(c_len) - @length nat []) by by simpl; repeat f_equal; lia.
wp_apply (wp_read_aux with "[Hls]"); [simpl; lia|by iFrame; iFrame "#"|].
iIntros "?"; iApply "HΦ"; done.
Lemma wp_incr_seq c cd i k :
{{{ ⌜i < cd.(c_len)⌝ ∗ cdata c cd ∗ is_counter c ∗ Counter_frag c k }}}
incr c #i
{{{ RET #(); Counter_frag c (k + 1) }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "(% & #Hcd & #Hinv & Hfrag) HΦ".
wp_apply (wp_incr (λ n, ⌜n = k⌝ ∗ Counter_frag c (n + 1))%I with "[Hfrag]").
{ iSplit; first done. iFrame "#".
iIntros (?) "Hfull".
iDestruct (Counter_agree with "Hfull Hfrag") as %->.
iMod (Counter_update with "Hfull Hfrag") as "[Hfull Hfrag]"; by iFrame. }
iIntros (?) "[-> ?]"; iApply "HΦ"; done.
Lemma wp_read_seq c cd k :
{{{ cdata c cd ∗ is_counter c ∗ Counter_frag c k }}}
read c #cd.(c_len)
{{{m, RET #m; ⌜m = k⌝ ∗ Counter_frag c k }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "(#Hcd & #Hinv & Hfrag) HΦ".
wp_apply (wp_read (λ n, ⌜n = k⌝ ∗ Counter_frag c n)%I with "[Hfrag]").
{ iSplit; first done. iFrame "#".
iIntros (?) "Hfull".
iDestruct (Counter_agree with "Hfull Hfrag") as %->.
by iFrame. }
iIntros (?) "[-> ?]"; iApply "HΦ"; iFrame; done.
Definition conc_counter_at_least c cd γ k : iProp Σ :=
cdata c cd ∗ is_counter c ∗
inv (nroot .@ "conc_counter") (∃ m, Counter_frag c m ∗ own γ (● MaxNat m)) ∗
own γ (◯ MaxNat k).
Lemma wp_new_conc (n : nat) :
{{{ ⌜0 < n⌝ }}}
new_counter #n
{{{c cd γ, RET c; ⌜cd.(c_len) = n⌝ ∗ conc_counter_at_least c cd γ 0 }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "%Hnp HΦ".
iApply wp_fupd.
wp_apply wp_new_counter; first done.
iIntros (c cd) "(Hfr & #Hcd & % & #Hinv)".
iMod (own_alloc (● MaxNat 0 ⋅ ◯ MaxNat 0)) as (γ) "[Hmfl Hmfr]".
{ apply auth_both_valid_discrete; done. }
iMod (inv_alloc (nroot .@ "conc_counter") _
(∃ m, Counter_frag c m ∗ own γ (● MaxNat m))
with "[Hfr Hmfl]") as "#Hccinv".
{ iNext; iExists _; iFrame. }
iModIntro; iApply "HΦ"; iSplit; first done.
iFrame; iFrame "#".
Lemma wp_incr_conc c cd i γ k :
{{{ ⌜i < cd.(c_len)⌝ ∗ conc_counter_at_least c cd γ k }}}
incr c #i
{{{ RET #(); conc_counter_at_least c cd γ (k + 1) }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "(% & #Hcd & #Hinv & #Hccinv & #Hal) HΦ".
wp_apply (wp_incr (λ _, conc_counter_at_least c cd γ (k + 1))%I).
{ iSplit; first done. iFrame "#".
iIntros (?) "Hfl".
iInv (nroot .@ "conc_counter") as (m) ">[Hfr Hmax]".
iDestruct (Counter_agree with "Hfl Hfr") as %->.
iMod (Counter_update _ _ (m + 1) with "Hfl Hfr") as "[Hfull Hfrag]".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hmax Hal") as %Hvl.
assert (k ≤ m).
{ apply auth_both_valid_discrete in Hvl as [[[] Hmxs%leibniz_equiv] _].
rewrite max_nat_op in Hmxs; simplify_eq; lia. }
iMod (own_update _ _ (● MaxNat (m + 1) ⋅ ◯ MaxNat (m + 1)) with "Hmax") as "[Hmax Hal']".
{ apply auth_update_alloc, max_nat_local_update; simpl; lia. }
replace (◯ MaxNat (m + 1)) with (◯ MaxNat (m + 1) ⋅ ◯ MaxNat (k + 1)); last first.
{ rewrite -auth_frag_op max_nat_op; repeat f_equal; lia. }
iDestruct "Hal'" as "[_ Hal']".
iSplitL "Hfrag Hmax"; first by iNext; iExists _; iFrame.
iModIntro; iFrame. }
iIntros (?) "?"; iApply "HΦ"; done.
Lemma wp_read_conc c cd γ m :
{{{ conc_counter_at_least c cd γ m }}}
read c #cd.(c_len)
{{{k, RET #k; ⌜m ≤ k⌝ }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "(#Hcd & #Hinv & #Hccinv & #Hal) HΦ".
wp_apply (wp_read (λ k, ⌜m ≤ k⌝)%I).
{ iSplit; first done. iFrame "#".
iIntros (?) "Hfl".
iInv (nroot .@ "conc_counter") as (mx) ">[Hfr Hmax]".
iDestruct (Counter_agree with "Hfl Hfr") as %->.
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hmax Hal") as %Hvl.
assert (m ≤ mx).
{ apply auth_both_valid_discrete in Hvl as [[[] Hmxs%leibniz_equiv] _].
rewrite max_nat_op in Hmxs; simplify_eq; lia. }
iSplitL "Hfr Hmax"; first by iNext; iExists _; iFrame.
iModIntro; iFrame; done. }
iIntros (?) "?"; iApply "HΦ"; done.
End proof.
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