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Created May 2, 2017 13:42
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Bi-term Topic Model implementation in pure Python
Bi-Term Topic Model (BTM) for very short texts.
Literature Reference:
Xiaohui Yan, Jiafeng Guo, Yanyan Lan, and Xueqi Cheng:
"A biterm topic model for short texts"
In Proceedings of WWW '13, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1445-1456.
This module requires pre-processing of textual data,
it only deals with integer term IDs, not strings.
BTModel is the plain topic model and can generate random data
according to its parametrization.
BTMGibbsSampler can infer a BTModel from data.
This module may run slow under CPython, consider execution with the
PyPy Python Interpreter to drastically speed up model inference.
import random
def normalize(v):
"""L1-Normalize to obtain a vector of probabilities"""
norm = sum(v)
return [float(i) / norm for i in v]
def multinomial(p):
"""Sample multinomial-distributed index from Mul(p)"""
r = random.random()
for i in range(len(p)):
r = r - p[i]
if r < 0:
return i
return len(p) - 1
class BTModel(object):
"""Parameters of the bi-term topic model (BTM)"""
def __init__(self, num_topics, num_words, topic_terms, topic_proportions):
self.num_words = num_words
self.num_topics = num_topics
self.topic_terms = topic_terms # topic_terms[z][w] = P( W=w | Z=z )
self.topic_proportions = topic_proportions
def sample_biterm(self):
"""Draw a single sample bi-term from this model"""
z = multinomial(self.topic_proportions)
w1 = multinomial(self.topic_terms[z])
w2 = multinomial(self.topic_terms[z])
return w1, w2
def sample(self, n):
"""Draw a number of sample bi-terms from this model"""
return [self.sample_biterm() for _ in range(n)]
class BTMGibbsSampler(object):
"""Inference of model parameters from bi-term samples.
biterms: List of observed bi-terms (pairs of integer term IDs)
num_topics: Number of desired topics to learn
num_words: Number of words such that every term ID t
is in 0 <= t < num_words.
alpha: Dirichlet prior for global topic proportions,
beta: Dirichlet prior for per-topic word distributions"""
def __init__(self, biterms, num_topics, num_words, alpha, beta):
self.biterms = biterms
self.num_topics = num_topics
self.num_words = num_words
self.num_biterms = len(biterms)
self.topic_terms = [[0] * num_words for _ in range(num_topics)]
self.topic_sums = [0] * num_topics
self.biterm_topics = [0] * len(biterms)
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
def fit(self, steps):
"""Infer the model, higher steps yield a less random model."""
for i in range(steps):
def as_model(self):
"""Obtain the model once fit() has been called"""
k_alpha = self.num_biterms + self.num_topics * self.alpha
m_beta = self.num_words * self.beta
n_topics = [self.topic_sums[z] * 2 for z in range(self.num_topics)]
topic_terms = [normalize([
(self.topic_terms[z][w] + self.beta) / (n_topics[z] + m_beta)
for w in range(self.num_words)])
for z in range(self.num_topics)]
topic_proportions = normalize([
(self.topic_sums[z] + self.alpha) / (self.num_biterms + k_alpha)
for z in range(self.num_topics)
return BTModel(self.num_topics, self.num_words,
topic_terms, topic_proportions)
def randomize(self):
"""Bootstrap a random model to be optimized by fit()"""
for i, bt in enumerate(self.biterms):
w1, w2 = bt
z = random.randint(0, self.num_topics - 1)
self.biterm_topics[i] = z
self.topic_terms[z][w1] += 1
self.topic_terms[z][w2] += 1
self.topic_sums[z] += 1
def update(self):
"""Single optimization step"""
for index, bt in enumerate(self.biterms):
w1, w2 = bt
old_topic = self.biterm_topics[index]
# remove current assignment from statistics
self.topic_terms[old_topic][w1] -= 1
self.topic_terms[old_topic][w2] -= 1
self.topic_sums[old_topic] -= 1
m_beta = self.num_words * self.beta
# estimate Gibbs sampling distribution for topic
posterior = normalize([
(self.topic_sums[z] + self.alpha)
* (self.topic_terms[z][w1] + self.beta)
/ (self.topic_sums[z] * 2 + m_beta)
* (self.topic_terms[z][w2] + self.beta)
/ (self.topic_sums[z] * 2 + m_beta)
for z in range(self.num_topics)])
# draw new topic
new_topic = multinomial(posterior)
# re-assign new topic and update statistics
self.biterm_topics[index] = new_topic
self.topic_terms[new_topic][w1] += 1
self.topic_terms[new_topic][w2] += 1
self.topic_sums[new_topic] += 1
def docs_to_biterms(docs):
"""Converts non-binary documents to bi-terms by producing all distinct pairs"""
biterms = []
for d in docs:
for i1, t1 in enumerate(d):
for i2, t2 in enumerate(d):
if i1 != i2 and t1 != t2:
biterms.append((t1, t2))
return biterms
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This testing routine first generates 10 topics (5 rows, 5 columns)
# and fixed topic proportions, then samples a number of bi-terms
# and feeds them to the Gibbs sampler to infer a model
# only from the data. Visual comparison is provided by
# printing original and inferred topics as prob. distributions.
# Example:
# This topic has been generated:
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 <- single row
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# And should re-appear in the inferred model with slight random noise:
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 20.0 19.9 20.8 20.1 19.3 <- inferred topic
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# note that topics are randomly permuted after inference.
def example_topics(n=5):
"""Generate 2*n topics of n*n words"""
topics = []
for i in xrange(n):
v = normalize([1.0 if j % n == i else 0.0 for j in xrange(n*n)])
h = normalize([1.0 if j / n == i else 0.0 for j in xrange(n*n)])
return topics
def print_topic(t):
n = int(len(t) ** 0.5)
assert n * n == len(t)
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(n):
print '%4.1f' % (100 * t[i * n + j]),
tops = example_topics(5)
props = normalize(range(1, 11))
print 'proportions:', [round(p, 2) for p in props]
for t in tops:
print '-' * 40
num_words = 25
num_pairs = 100000
model = BTModel(10, num_words, tops, props)
data = model.sample(num_pairs)
print ' Example bi-terms:', data[:20], data[-20:]
print 'Running BTM Gibbs sampler...'
sampler = BTMGibbsSampler(data, 10, num_words, .01, .01)
rmodel = sampler.as_model()
print '=' * 40
print 'proportions:', [round(p, 2) for p in rmodel.topic_proportions]
print 'sorted:', [round(p, 2) for p in sorted(rmodel.topic_proportions)]
for t in rmodel.topic_terms:
print '-' * 40
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sounds great thanks
do you have example pure textual data

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