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Created November 22, 2020 12:26
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// originally copied from
export type LineData = {
name: string;
y: number[];
x: number[];
export type GraphPointInput = {
annotate: (t: string) => unknown;
addtoLine: (n: string, v: number) => unknown;
export function limitPercision(num: number) {
return Math.round(num * 1e2) / 1e2;
export class LinesDataCollector {
public readonly lines: Record<string, LineData | undefined> = {};
public readonly annotations = Array.of<[string, number]>();
private lastAnnotation = '';
constructor(private metrics: Record<string, () => number> = {}) {}
private getLine(name: string) {
return this.lines[name] || (this.lines[name] = { name, y: Array.of<number>(), x: Array.of<number>() });
* build a [plotly]( graph configuration
* works well with [vscode Debug Visualizer](
public graph() {
return {
kind: { plotly: true },
data: Object.values(this.lines),
layout: {
showlegend: true,
legend: { orientation: 'h' },
annotations:[text, x], i) => {
const y = (i % 2) * 2 - 1;
return { x, y, xref: 'x', yref: 'y', text };
public snapshot(){
const res : Record<string, number> = {};
for (const line of Object.values(this.lines)){
for (const idx in line.x){
const yValue = line.y[idx];
if (yValue){
res[ + '@' + line.x[idx]] = line.y[idx];
return res;
newPoint(time: number): GraphPointInput {
const addtoLine = (name: string, value: number) => {
const lineData = this.getLine(name);
const annotate = (text: string) => {
if (this.lastAnnotation !== text) {
this.lastAnnotation = text;
this.annotations.push([text, time]);
for (const [name, getVal] of Object.entries(this.metrics)) {
addtoLine(name, getVal());
return {
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