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Created February 9, 2018 08:34
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WIP type descriptors for vorpal
// Type definitions for vorpal 1.12.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Jim Buck <>, Amir Arad <>
// Definitions:
/// <reference types="inquirer" />
/// <reference types="minimist" />
declare module "vorpal" {
import {ParsedArgs} from 'minimist';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import {Inquirer} from "inquirer";
class Vorpal extends EventEmitter {
// class Session{};
// chalk : Chalk;
// cmdHistory: {};
commands: Array<Vorpal.Command>;
session : Vorpal.Session;
ui: Vorpal.UiInstance;
* Parses the process's `process.argv` arguments and executes the matching command.
* @param {(string|string[])} argv
* @param {{use?: 'minimist'}} [options] When `use: 'minimist'` is passed in as an option, `.parse` will instead expose the `minimist` module's main method and return the results, executing no commands.
parse(argv: string | string[], options?: { use?: 'minimist' }): ParsedArgs;
* Sets version of your application's API.
* @param {String} version
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
version(version: string): this;
* Sets the permanent delimiter for this
* Vorpal server instance.
* @param {String} str
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
delimiter(str: string): this;
* Imports a library of Vorpal API commands
* from another Node module as an extension
* of Vorpal.
* @param {Function} commands
* @param options
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
use<T>(commands: (this: this, vorpal: this, options?: T) => any, options?: T): this;
use(commandsPath: string, options: any): this;
use(commands: Vorpal.CommandData | Array<Vorpal.CommandData>): this;
* Registers a new command in the vorpal API.
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} description
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Command}
* @api public
command(name: string, description?: string, options?: Vorpal.CommandOptions): Vorpal.Command;
* Registers a new 'mode' command in the vorpal API.
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} description
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Command}
* @api public
mode(name: string, description?: string, options?: Vorpal.CommandOptions): Vorpal.Command;
* Registers a 'catch' command in the vorpal API.
* This is executed when no command matches are found.
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} description
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Command}
* @api public
catch(name: string, description?: string, options?: Vorpal.CommandOptions): Vorpal.Command;
* An alias to the `catch` command.
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} description
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Command}
* @api public
default(name: string, description?: string, options?: Vorpal.CommandOptions): Vorpal.Command;
* Delegates to ui.log.
* @param {String} log
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): this;
* Intercepts all logging through `vorpal.log`
* and runs it through the function declared by
* `vorpal.pipe()`.
* @param {Function} pipeFn
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
pipe(pipeFn: (stdout: string) => string): this;
* If Vorpal is the local terminal,
* hook all stdout, through a fn.
* @return {this}
* @api private
hook(hookFn: (stdout: string) => any): this;
* Set id for command line history
* @param id
* @return {this}
* @api public
history(id: string): this;
* Set id for local storage
* @param id
* @return {this}
* @api public
localStorage(id: string): this;
* Set the path to where command line history is persisted.
* Must be called before vorpal.history
* @param path
* @return {this}
* @api public
historyStoragePath(path: string): this;
* Attaches the TTY's CLI prompt to that given instance of Vorpal.
* As a note, multiple instances of Vorpal can run in the same Node instance. However, only one can be 'attached' to your TTY. The last instance given the show() command will be attached, and the previously shown instances will detach.
* @returns {this}
* @api public
show(): this;
* Disables the vorpal prompt on the
* local terminal.
* @return {this}
* @api public
hide(): this;
* For use in vorpal API commands, sends
* a prompt command downstream to the local
* terminal. Executes a prompt and returns
* the response upstream to the API command.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} userCallback
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
prompt(): this;
* Executes a vorpal API command and
* returns the response either through a
* callback or Promise in the absence
* of a callback.
* A little black magic here - because
* we sometimes have to send commands 10
* miles upstream through 80 other instances
* of vorpal and we aren't going to send
* the callback / promise with us on that
* trip, we store the command, callback,
* resolve and reject objects (as they apply)
* in a local vorpal._command variable.
* When the command eventually comes back
* downstream, we dig up the callbacks and
* finally resolve or reject the promise, etc.
* Lastly, to add some more complexity, we throw
* command and callbacks into a queue that will
* be unearthed and sent in due time.
* @param {String} command
* @param {any} args
* @param {Function} cb
* @return {Promise or Vorpal}
* @api public
exec<T>(command: string, args: { [k: string]: any, sessionId?: string }, cb?: Vorpal.CallbackFunction<T>): PromiseLike<T>;
exec<T>(command: string, cb?: Vorpal.CallbackFunction<T>): PromiseLike<T>;
* Executes a Vorpal command in sync.
* @param {String} cmd
* @param {Object} args
* @return {*} stdout
* @api public
execSync<T>(command: string, options: { [k: string]: any, sessionId?: string }): T;
* Registers a custom handler for SIGINT.
* Vorpal exits with 0 by default
* on a sigint.
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
sigint(sigint: () => void): void;
* Returns a given command by its name. This is used instead of `vorpal.command()` as `.command` will overwrite a given command. If command is not found, `undefined` is returned.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Command}
find(name: string): Vorpal.Command;
* Registers custom help.
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {Vorpal}
* @api public
help(strBuilder: (cmd: string) => string): void;
* Returns session by id.
* @param {Integer} id
* @return {Session}
* @api public
getSessionById(id: string): Vorpal.Session;
/*~ If you want to expose types from your module as well, you can
*~ place them in this block.
namespace Vorpal {
type CallbackFunction<T> = (err?: string | Error, data?: T) => void;
interface TypesDefinition {
string?: string[];
number?: string[];
// TODO: Check other types.
interface CommandData {
command: string;
description: string;
options: Array<string> | Array<Array<string>>;
action: CommandActionFn<any>;
type CommandOptions = Partial<{ mode: boolean, "catch": boolean }>;
interface Session {
export interface UiInstance extends EventEmitter {
redraw: RedrawMethod;
delimiter(text?: string): this;
input(text?: string): this;
imprint(): this;
submit(text: string): this;
cancel(): this;
export function RedrawMethod(...texts: string[]): void;
export interface RedrawMethod {
clear(): void;
done(): void;
export interface Command {
description(description: string): this;
delimiter(str: string): this;
init(initFn: (args: any, callback: CallbackFunction<void>) => void): this;
alias(name: string): this;
alias(...names: string[]): this;
parse(parseFn: CommandParseFn): this;
option(flag: string, description: string, autocomplete: string[]): this; // TODO: Check autocomplete types.
types(types: TypesDefinition): this;
hidden(): this; // TODO: Check return type.
remove(): this; // TODO: Check return type.
* Adds a custom handling for the --help flag.
* @param {Function} helpFn
* @return {Command}
* @api public
help(helpFn: () => void): this; // TODO: Check args type.
validate(validateFn: CommandValidateFn): this;
autocomplete(choices: string[]): this;
autocomplete(choices: {}): this; // TODO: Revisit this.
autocomplete<T>(choicesFn: CommandAutocompleteFn<T>): this; // TODO: Revisit this.
action<T>(actionFn: CommandActionFn<T>): this;
export interface Args{
options: {
[name:string] : string;
[name:string] : string | object;
export interface CommandInstance {
log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]):void;
prompt: Inquirer['prompt'];
delimiter: Vorpal['delimiter'];
args: Args;
callback: any;
command: any;
commandObject: Command;
commandWrapper: {
callback: CallbackFunction<any>;
command : string;
commandObject: Command;
commandInstance: CommandInstance;
fn: CommandActionFn<any>;
type CommandParseFn = (command: string, args: Args) => string; // TODO: Check args type.
type CommandValidateFn = (this: CommandInstance, args: Args) => boolean | string; // TODO: Check args type.
type CommandAutocompleteFn<T> = (text: string, iteration: number, cb: CallbackFunction<T>) => void | PromiseLike<T>;
type CommandActionFn<T> = (this: CommandInstance, args: Args, cb: CallbackFunction<T>) => void | PromiseLike<T>
export = Vorpal;
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